Specialist Boudreau Fauxmon posing beside the  mobile video lab some blocks from the Superdome in New Orleans, LA

New Orleans, LA (APE, Filed by An Geredone ) – Earlier today  a massive six-wheeled truck was found abandoned, blocks away from the Superdome in New Orleans. It was found by Louisiana National Guard Specialist Boudreau Fauxmon, a member of the contingent of Army reinforcements recently authorized and dispatched to the area by President Bush. Although the vehicle had been stripped and looted nearly clean, it appeared to be a mobile video and multimedia lab.

“We saw these same trucks, over in Iraq, after we invaded a couple years ago,” stated Specialist Fauxmon. “They were always stripped, there, too. We were always told that they were mobile germ laboratories from Saddam’s WMD program and told to be really careful around them. You could hardly ever get close to one of them, because the intelligence guys were always swarming all over them.”

(Continued… plus Today’s Topical Limericks and a teaser… all crammed into one!)
“It appears this thing’s been abandoned for about 3 days,” Fauxmon continued. “It looks like the crew put up one hell of a fight, but it’s been stripped clean on the inside.”

View of what part of the interior of the mobile lab may have looked like

Specialist Fauxmon was later taken into custody by his unit, and seen being reprimanded by his commanding officer. The officer offered no further comments, and reporters were quickly escorted from the area due to safety concerns.

Markings on the exterior of the truck suggest that it was meant to “blend in” with local urban surroundings. It appeared to be a delivery truck for a restaurant and seafood chain.  The restaurant was later found to not actually exist, but was indeed a registered and copyrighted name for a company based in the Cayman Islands.

Logo found on the exterior of the Mobile Lab

A retired CIA consultant who wished to keep his name off the record stated. “Looks like one of the typical fronts we might use. Follow the money. You may have yourselves an answer to the question over why the President’s initial response and visit to the Katrina disaster area had been so delayed, and there has been such readily available media access after the storm.”

White House spokesperson Scott McClellan refused comment on this story.

On the heels of disasterous fudges,
The Shrub now gets to pick us TWO judges,
With William Rehnquist now dead,
American’s cower in dread,
As Dub trudges along with the Drudges…

The US, it “Will move heaven and earth.”
This idiom should be spoken with mirth.
Post 9/11, `twas the first,
Perhaps Gonzales was the worst,
Now the irony of levees rebirth…

Does he believe what they’re having him say?
Who does Chertoff really think that he’ll sway?
`Twas a disastrous hurricane,
AND lots of flooding from the rain.
A hurricane without floods, Bud?!? No way.

“Nicole Kidman is a CIA spook,”
This according to Mugabe, that kook!
Calling western sanctions a plot,
This flick a cultural garrote,
`Tis a counter-intelligent rebuke…

Displaying both alacrity and grace,
Al Gore came for Tennesseans displaced.
The Texas Air National Guard,
Has also been working hard,
Dub could re-up… nope… not that pantywaist.

“Ain’t no one’s fault, the dam caved in,
Ain’t no one’s fault, it’s all just spin.”
Please, Lord, don’t raise the numbers,
Of American slumbers,
Just when the Ain’ts come marching in…

And now finally a bit of a teaser,
If you find that my photos are pleasers.
I’ll be posting an opus,
A musical CHIMPOTUS,
Where Dorothy’s denuded by tweezers…