`My understanding,” said the local owner of a Tennessee ambulance service, “was that he [President Al Gore] made this happen, that he actually arranged for this aircraft.”

“An American Airlines plane arrived at McGhee Tyson Airport at 3:10 p.m. Saturday with about 130 people from New Orleans.

“Former Vice President Al Gore was on the plane, helping patients. He did not grant interviews to reporters Saturday.

“Ninety of the passengers were patients from Mercy Hospital in New Orleans, … A dozen patients were taken to Blount Memorial Hospital. Ten were treated and released. Two were admitted to the hospital. Those not admitted … will go to a shelter at Blount Christian Church in Maryville. …

“Several patients were diabetic, and some needed dialysis. Many patients had been without medication for ‘several days,” but were ‘relatively stable,” said Dr. Roger Brooksbank, an emergency physician with Team Health at Blount Memorial Hospital.

“The remaining 40 passengers were evacuees who needed no ‘acute medical care’,’ according to Van de Vate. Regardless, all were taken to hospitals in Knoxville, Blount County, Oak Ridge and Jefferson County for evaluation. They were divided among the hospitals to prevent overwhelming them.

“There were two children on board who were not ‘chaperoned’,’ said Van de Vate. The children were taken to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital for evaluation. They would likely be placed in foster homes by Tennessee Department of Children’s Services. …”

— From “Mission of Mercy: Gore brings storm victims to home state,” Maryville, Tenn. newspaper.

RANT: Meanwhile, Skeletor Fuckwad and Smirk Fuckwad are prancin’ all over every TV channel they can get themselves on. Vampire “Dick” Fuckwad is still MIA…. oh, he’s probably flying people out of NOLA without making a fuss in the press. Sure. That’s gotta be it.