This is a perfect way for me to end a day I spent spitting mad:

With the confirmation hearings expected to focus extensively on Roberts’s views on abortion, affirmative action and other social issues, a number of Democrats say it would be unwise politically for Conrad and the five other red-state senators to side with liberal groups such as People for the American Way and NARAL Pro-Choice America.This calculation is a chief reason both sides expect Roberts to be confirmed by the Senate — with the only real debate among head counters from both parties being how many Democrats will join Republicans in voting yes.

“You are going to be arguing about issues that we all saw Democrats paid a heavy price for in the last election,” said Leon Panetta, a former Democratic House member who served as Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff. “Democrats have a tremendous opportunity right now to hit Bush where he’s weak, which is on oil prices and the war. Don’t hit him where he’s strong, which is these values issues.”

If I try to write about this I will give myself a coronary. So, I’ll let y’all provide the invective. I’m getting some rest.