
You have shown in the past that you are a leader willing to take the hard positions, often alone, while this country’s political leaders make decision after decision that work counter to the real needs of our people. You have lead the way on opposing the USA Patriot Act and more recently calling for an end to the criminal war in Iraq. You have shown yourself to be a man of principle, and a true representative of the voices you hear from voters who speak to you at your listening sessions.  
We need you now. No, I’m not calling on you to save us, or to bring to bear some magic bullet that will help undo the damage of the Republican ideology to drown the government like a baby in a bathtub. We can all see now where that ideology has lead us.

No, what we need is a voice. A voice that can be heard on a national level. On blogs, at listening sessions, in letters to the editor and in magazines across this land, people are crying out for an alternative to Republican or Republican-lite. You can help us to get our voice heard again in the halls of government.

Now, in this time of national trial, national tragedy and national shame, we need a Democratc leader to stand up and loudly say “ENOUGH.” This isn’t about fixing blame, or pointing fingers, but about the government being held accountable to the citizenry it has failed. Many of us understand that you are a cautious, careful, deliberative man. You stake out principles, then check those principles against the reality on the ground. You have demonstrated that you are willing to listen, to learn and to adapt. This has served your state and your country well, and the voice of reason you’ve offered has often been shown in the long run to have been correct.

Today, however, while American citizens die in their homes, suffer in their streets, when fundamental civil rights are under assault by rightwing judicial nominees, this is not the time for caution, but rather the time for strong words.

The Democratic Party is supposed to be the party of the people. Sadly, this has been little in evidence over tha past many years. This week, Senator, please step up on the floor of the Senate, and in the Judiciary Committee, and say loudly for us: ENOUGH. Stand up Senator, and we will have your back. Stand up Senator, and we can help you to take our country back. Stand up Senator, and be a louder voice for change.

Offer your support for Senator Feingold to be our voice here

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