I had heard this rumor a couple of days ago and thought, no, this cannot be! They haven’t even rescued the victims of this catastrophe and KBR is already profiteering? Someone help me here please before I go through the roof.

Read the details WaPo story

“Jan Davis, a spokeswoman for the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, said yesterday that KBR would receive $12 million for work at the Naval Air Station at Pascagoula, Miss., the Naval Station at Gulfport, Miss., and Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. KBR will receive $4.6 million for work at two smaller Navy facilities in New Orleans and others in the South.”

Another no bid contract for Cheney? No wonder we haven’t heard anything from him. He has been too busy counting the money he has been making. There needs to be a huge outrage. There needs to be bids for to repair the damage. KBR is still raping our government funds over in Iraq. Will we allow them to continue this raping here?