Some exerpts from Bush’s Homeland Security Plan taken from the White site that has proven to be a joke, bullshit and obviouly not working.
The Bush Administration developed a comprehensive National Strategy for Homeland Security, focused on six key areas: intelligence and warning; border and transportation security; domestic counterterrorism; protecting critical infrastructure; defending against catastrophic threats; and emergency preparedness and response.
What happened to all the money that was put into this Homeland Security scam-program?
President Bush has nearly tripled homeland security discretionary funding.
More than $18 billion has been awarded to state and local governments to protect the homeland.
The President authorized the establishment of the United States Northern Command, to provide for integrated homeland defense and coordinated Pentagon support to Federal, state, and local governments.
What do the 180,000 employees (I’m assuming paid employees- hmm? how much does each get? 18 billion divided between 180,000..?) do and where are they?
With strong bipartisan support President Bush created the Department of Homeland Security – the most comprehensive reorganization of the Federal government in a half-century. The Department of Homeland Security consolidates 22 agencies and 180,000 employees, unifying once-fragmented Federal functions in a single agency dedicated to protecting America from terrorism.
And the Homeland Security is suppose to have fantastic communications ability.
The Administration developed national strategies to help secure cyberspace and the infrastructures and assets vital to our public health, safety, political institutions, and economy.
Then Bush has the First Responder program of 500,000 people. Where are they located?
The President’s 2005 budget reflects a 780 percent increase in funding for first responders since September 11th.
Since September 11th, more than a half-million first responders across America have been trained.
The Bush Administration has proposed doubling the level of first responder preparedness grants targeted to high-threat urban areas. The Urban Area Security Initiative enhances the ability of large urban areas to prepare for and respond to threats or acts of terrorism.
Aren’t natural disaters threats?
And what about all the RFID technology that they’ve implemented to “Track material and people”- guess they didn’t keep track of it..
The Homeland Security was suppose to eliminate all the bureaucracy of poor communications, or was it the Republican Party that is against too much government bureaucracy? I’m so confused..heh.
The Homeland Security is a failed program of the highest scale, another money-wasted dump program and should be exposed and dismantled.
Homeland Security is nothing more than a variation of Grover’s drown the government in the bathtub paradigm… ironic that the administration may be tried for murder in NOLA for actually doing it…