“Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld toured a medical facility at New Orleans’ international airport. He spoke and shook hands with military and rescue officials but walked right by a dozen refugees lying on stretchers just feet away from him, most of them extremely sick or handicapped.”
— Astonishing report, eh? And from a Reuters Business Channel report today.
Meanwhile! My very own state of Washington — thousands of miles from the Gulf — “is expected to start welcoming at least 2,000 evacuees from the hurricane-devastated Gulf within three days, likely placing them at military facilities or other temporary housing.” Washington joins “Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Utah, West Virginia, Tennessee and Colorado” in offering to take in evacuees.
“Gov. Christine Gregoire announced yesterday the state is prepared to accept the evacuees, after ordering the Washington Emergency Management Division on Saturday to coordinate with local jurisdictions and agencies to determine the state’s capacity.
“Along with immediate medical aid and temporary housing, the state also will provide counseling, help in sorting out finances and obtaining official identification, longer-term medical care, schooling and unemployment assistance.
“‘Most of these people have lost everything and will need extensive help and services to begin to rebuild their lives,’ Gregoire said in a statement.” (Seattle Times)
Susan’s RANT: Busy, productive people like Democratic governor Christine Gregoire issue off-camera statements and get the work done. B.S. do-NOTHING fuckwads like Bush, Rumsfeld, Chertoff, and “Shit For Brains” Brownie hold endless piss conferences.
“US actor Sean Penn bales water out of a boat with a plastic cup as he and members of his entourage make an attempt to rescue stranded people in New Orleans.
Efforts by Penn to aid New Orleans victims stranded by Hurricane Katrina foundered badly Sunday, when the boat he was piloting to launch a rescue attempt sprang a leak.
Penn had planned to rescue children waylaid by Katrina’s flood waters, but apparently forgot to plug a hole in the bottom of the vessel, which began taking water within seconds of its launch.
Probably better DumbRum walked by–the evacuees are especially allergic to bullshit.
And god knows he never washes his hands.
And bush once again proves what fuckwad he is. He just gave a teary speech in Mississippi in front of business leaders, etc and received a huge round of applause…why isn’t the fucker out talking to regular people in shelters and giving them comfort?..yeah I know stupid question but somehow seeing him get this big round of applause seemed so goddamn wrong…that and his crocodile tears. Also him talking about in two years how things are going to be better, blah blah blah…people don’t want to hear how their towns are going to look in two years but what is happening right now in getting help for them…
And there’s nothing much to be said about Rummy -I’m thinking this administration is like a sociopathic circle-jerk…and Cheney just bestirred himself to come back to D.C. ..who cares anyway…not like he’s going to get out and do anything constructive.
The people in the shelters don’t want Bush there.
To quote this CNN.com article:
The rest of the article is ok and not a glowing fluff piece of Bush.
None of the major players in the Bush regime understand that in a democracy, the government’s only purpose is to improve and protect the lives of the people. They think the govt. exists to serve itself and to take advantage of the citizenry.
Your Governor Gregoire, along with thousands of other state and local political figures, understands that government is the servant of the people, not the other way around. There is no other reason for government to exist.
Rant On Susan! WOOHOOO!
Is he gonna shit or is he gonna kill us?(from Fast Times At Ridgemont High) HAHAHA
Democratic Party official.
Like Washington State, Michigan’s Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm has committed our state to take in at least 2,000 folks who have escaped Katrina. Local politicians look for and provide solutions; Bush co. looks past the problem and is concerned about maximizing profits from the “privatized” reconstruction that is sure to come. Can you say Haliburton?
You can send an e-mail note to Gov. Gregoire to thank her, if you’d like.
Granholm too! Figures … two great women. What a combo those two would make as our president and vice president. I know that Granholm can’t … let’s see. Maybe President Gregoire could make Granholm her Secretary of State or something similar.
The first 200 survivors (out of up to 500) arrived in West Virginia very late Saturday night. Our Democratic governor, Joe Manchin, called Texas governor Rick Perry, and we got one of the first batches of folks. According to the Charleston Gazette, they’re already settled into a National Guard training center in northern West Virginia, and the kids are getting enrolled in local schools.
I don’t always agree with Gov. Manchin — he’s a fairly conservative Dem — but he stood up and took action when action was needed. I wish the President had done as much.
Sweet! So very few states, really, have volunteered. Are most of them led by Democrratic governors? (Hoping so.)