I’m sure you’ve heard the same refrain from a chorus of politicians – “Now is not the time for blame.” I could care less about blame, blame is a children’s game, it’s high time for some adult accountability. They’ve had four years to get it right, four long years and billions of dollars to prevent exactly this – massive loss of life because our government failed us. And once again, when our government fails us, our so-called leaders dodge their primary responsibility, offering the lame and tiresome “nobody knew…” excuse.
Bullshit. They justify their use and abuse of our military telling us, “We’re capable of handling more than one mission at a time.” Then damn it, they’re capable of handling the mission of disaster and the mission of accountability at the same time. After four years, we’re still asked patience? No American should be asked to wait, to sit patiently by while our government sacrifices even one more life.
I want accountability and I want it NOW.
Questions for each and every one of our elected officials:
- How many American lives are acceptable collateral damage?
- If our own government is not responsible and accountable for protecting American lives on American soil, then who is?
- Are you willing to gamble with more American lives, ask for patience, or are you going to demand the accountability that your oath of office demands?
Are you really willing to ask one more mother to be patient as she watches her child die of thirst in the richest nation in the world? We all owe that mother accountability. It is the very least she deserves.
That’s it! Heads must roll immediately lets get competent people to run the relief effort.
Any idiot can do the job, if all that is expected is:
I’m sorry, but these are jobs for grown-ups who know what they’re doing, not wanna-be’s who’s best qualification is how much campaign cash they can raise.
Running the country is more than cutting taxes and photo-ops. That’s a child’s game.
Here’s a clue — if you think your job is “hard work”, maybe you aren’t really cut out for it.
Competent adults describe their work as ‘challenging’ or ‘fulfilling’. Competent adults don’t complain about the work, they concentrate on their ability to master the work and overcome it.
Children complain something is “hard work” when they really don’t want to do it.
If running the country is such a chore, perhaps its time to let an adult take over.
I really don’t get it, at all. The republicans won’t fight in Iraq, they won’t volunteer for disasters, when are these people going to start earning their keep?
that Americans who actually pay the taxes they owe are too stupid to exploit the loopholes.
And these are the people who have our children’s future in their hands? Screw them, screw Rick “it takes a family” Santorum, and screw the culture of George Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld Ken Lay and Bernie Ebbers and the entire lot who believe it’s their right to steal and lie and cheat and blame others when they get caught.