Well not really, but it sure as hell seems like that’s what’s happening in this Orwellian world…

Are you embarrassed yet George?

If you’re not, you really should be.

I just saw Sean freakin’ Penn, yes, the actor, on the ground in New Orleans with a historian and they had been going house to house doing search & rescue with other civilians; and they were saving people from drowning a WEEK after the storm and 3 DAYS after you supposedly sent in the Cavalry.

Yup. Sean Penn.

And they are saving people still trapped in their houses.

Sean Penn, the actor, a civilian, is saving lives a week after the storm with the very few National Guard or medical personnel you deemed to allow into the city, there with him.

It’s him and other civilians caring enough about people to risk contaminating themselves in the water. The historian Sean was with (sorry, didn’t catch his name) said Sean even dove under the water to save a woman from drowning… Sean was humble and didn’t talk about himself. He talked about the other civilians risking their lives saving people not having access to medical personnel to help them decontaminate the toxins… and he pleaded for doctors and nurses from around the country to just come to NO to help.

Embarrassed shouldn’t even cut it as an emotion for you to feel.

Shame is a better one.

People are still trapped and dying and it takes an actor and news reporters on the ground to tell us about it.

Think about how that plays in the national psyche.

Sean Penn, lefty activist who has visited the “Axis of Evil” cares more about the American people’s tragedy than the president does… and he is putting his body and soul where his mouth is.

Shameful. Really really shameful George.

{Update ~ video}