I just knew there was a reason the maple leaf is RED! Have you ever seen a RED MAPLE LEAF in real life? Of course not. Here’s proof why the maple leaf is red:

Nationalize oil firms, almost half of Canadians say

Montreal — Almost half of Canadians wanted to see their petroleum resources and their gas companies nationalized as fuel prices hit record levels, a new poll suggests. (Globe & Mail)

The V.P. of O.I.L. (below) will not like this one bit. He’s probably on the phone with Rummie and the Pentagon to polish the plans for the invasion of Canada. (John Candy, our nation turns its greedy eyes to you!) They have oil, and we want it for ourselves! As we know, there’s only ONE WAY to get the oil, and that’s to TAKE IT!

Say, did you hear that that that Castro puppet Chavez seized the Heinz plant in Venezuela? Watch it, Hugo. We bleed red, white and blue for our ketchup! …
In truth, the Heinz plant has been closed for years. “‘The governor decided to seize the plant so it can be protected from looters and later be put to use,’ Rivero said.”