Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Join us here for a refuge from the
plight of our nation.
plight of our nation.
The world is upside-down, use this thread as a place of comfort and companionship.
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
I’m serving breakfast burritos, enjoy.
I was 7 yrs old, living just a few kilometers inland behind safe dunes along the North Sea coast. The Northwestern storm had been hammering our house with gusty blasts for many hours. During the night, everyone was awakenend and collected in a safer and large room on the first floor. We spend the rest of the night telling stories, keeping the spirits high and prayed and hoped we’ll all be safe.
My dad had inspected the house earlier, and from the noise had already suspected most of the clay tiles were blown off the roof. It was too dangerous to be outside. Sunday morning, my dad and my older brothers crossed the dunes to reach the beach and watched in amazement the damage along the coastline. Sand dunes stretching for kilometers in length, had lost massive parts of their protection and were recovered by the North Sea during the storm at high tide. The waves had pounded the beaches for more than a day.
Later during the day, emergency tidings on national radio brought news of dike breaches all over the province of Zeeland, Zuid-Holland and Brabant. The polders were flooded and men, women, elderly and children were fighting their battle to survive.
The flood disaster wich unfolded would be known in Dutch history as the “Watersnoodramp 1953”.
<click on photo to enlarge>

▼ ▼ ▼ Full story in my diary ▼ ▼ ▼
Flood Surge Disaster – Watersnoodramp 1953
Photos & Video
▼ ▼ ▼
and there I was imagining you as 25 year old in a Lenin cap and a ‘Life is a Beach’ T-shirt, tapping out your prolific blogs while coding some JME2 mobile game to support your keyboard habits.
How wrong you can you be.
Welcome to the club. Let us enjoy a senior moment together…what did I just say?
fair enough :: young at heart and filled with ideals.
I was poor in history, so experience in years is a necessity to compensate – or what else could I write – poetry or just fiction?
BTW – thanks for the compliment Sven!
No such thing as age.
I don’t care what age Oui is… I can still fantasize can’t I? LOL
This is what I did Sunday morning instead of attending church. Those times that I have felt closest to believing in God have never happened in a church anyway. Life goes on. The sun rises. The ocean keeps reaching for the sand.
Peace to everyone and happy Tuesday.
OH, how I needed this sunrise today. Thank y ou so very much. You have done me a great service, Dear One.
A moment of calm, the touch of a friend, a place of refuge… Froggy Bottom. Good morning, friends. The emotions of the past week have us all weary. My biggest problem is that I feel guilty seeking momentary relief while the victims and evacuees have little or no respite from their suffering.
To top it off, today is the day I commit the last act of kindness for an old friend. My mare will be put down sometime today. She’s resting comfortably, but has a condition that has finally brought her down for the last time. I will no doubt cry, but I bid her farewell knowing that her joyous life has been full of kindness and love. Plus I truely believe that I will someday, sometime, somewhere see her again. I will miss her.
Such a hard thing to do, but it really is an act of kindness and compassion. I think you’ll see her again too.
I held my 8 year old cat as they euthanized her and the last thing she saw was my face. It was hard to see her spirit leave her body, but she looked so peaceful after weeks of suffering from liver failure. I definitely cried but left there knowing I had done the right thing.
Peace to you and your mare.
Thank you, Second Nature. I’m so sorry about your kiity… 8 yrs old is so young. Those of us who love animals and make them a part of our lives are truely blessed. The sorrow at their passing is tempered by the joy and love they can bring. I’ve always had a houseful and a barnful and a yardful of animals and have surely gone through this before… it’s never easy. But yes, at the end of the day, I will know that her spirit will be running free with her companions who went before her… and I’d like to think they’ll all be waiting for me.
Nag,I’m taking in my elder dog today, too. Blessings on both of them, your beloved horse and my “Duckie.”
Kansas, I’m so sorry. My big girl’s name is Tessie. God speed Tessie and Duckie. Hugs to you… know that I will be thinking of you and Duckie today.
I’m so sorry.
Thanks so much for your kindness. I’m back now and it’s done. I went to the Humane Society and they lived up to their name.
Her name was Duckie–she was named after one of the little dinosaurs in a movie long ago–and she was 15 plus years old and she was a sweetie pie. But bark! That girl could bark,let me tell you. Nobody EVER walked up to our house unannounced. Now I’m holding our other mini long haired Dachshund. on my lap, wondering how this will be for her.
Many tears, but also relief for a sweet old lady dog.
I’ve been thinking about you all day.
I’m glad you’re not alone.
Of course, with the Froggy Bottom, you’re never really alone — are you? This place is the best for finding comfort.
I appreciate that, Katiebird. This place is great for comfort. I am really feeling for Nag.
Hi Kansas, All over here too. I thought about you and Duckie a lot today. It was a very difficult day. I also had to deal with the burial process and find that part very tough also. I had a rough day. You are right when you say that this place is great for comfort. I came straight here instead of blurring my mind with television. We committed a last loving act of kindness today. ((((HUGS))) to you my friend.
((((HUGS)))) for you, too, Nag. Whew. The hours afterward were bad, but I do feel better now. I actually did finally turn on the tv and it was nice to be distracted. For a while I was looking at my remaining dog and two cats and thinking, I can’t take this when it happens to you guys. But of course we can and do, cause life is so much barer without them. But didn’t you find yourself thinking of the survivors of the storm and wondering how they can go on?
Yes, I thought about the storm survivors all day knowing that their emotions had to be raw and aching. How do you get through something like that when nothing is normal, you can’t relax. I hope mental services are provided and followed up on, because those people will need help for a long time.
As for our lives being barren without our animals, you are soooo on the mark. Unconditional love, a quiet nicker or purr, warm fuzziness, loving glances. Today they’re all getting hugs… I have 8 cats, 2 birds, 1 horse, koi fish and 2 mallard ducks. Well, Kansas… we did a good thing today. Sleep well and may you be at peace and have wonderful dreams of your little Duckie.
Oh Nag, you have to know that you are doing the right thing. This is hard. I have had to do this to my daughters dog. After she died, my daughter, I took over caring for her dog and cat. Her dog was just like a human. She was so good and for a dog she did her duty as a memeber of the family. I had to have her put down last Nov. It was like loosing my daughter all over again.
I want to tell you while my Chris lie in her casket and Susie, the dog was just so dispondent, not eating and not drinking water, I gathered her up and took her to see Chris early the morning of her funeral. Susie, smelled Chris and looked her over and I could feel the release of her emotion in her little dog mind. He body just went into a relaxed mode, as I held her. I know it sounded silly to many that day, but for Susie, it was what needed to be done. She came out of her grieving that day. I feel if I did not do that for the dog, she would have died on her own from grieving.
My heart is with you today….hugs…
That is one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. I don’t know how you ever get past losing a child.
Do you think Susie knew by her sense of smell that your daughters spirit was no longer there?
Oh Brenda, I’m so sorry. Your beautiful story of loss and love has me sobbing uncontrollably. I’m so sorry for your loss… and I’m babbeling. Hugs and love to you. In fact, I send my deep gratitude and love to you all who by relating your own stories are also reliving the pain.
Yes, I know it is the right thing and is done out of love and compassion.
I went through this with my soulmate dog after 12 years, and he was a breed that often lives to 17.
There was a touching Twilight Zone episode about a deceased mountain man refusing enter the gates of heaven when they turned his dog away. After strolling down the road they came to a gate where they were both welcomed, only to be told that it was the real heaven, and the first place was really The Other Place.
The episode was written by Earl Hamner
The Twilight Zone was a brilliant piece of television. Sadly, many of the things that were social issues of the day 30 years ago haven’t gotten any better and in some cases gotten much worse.
This is one of my very favorite episodes, and the cruelty of a system that requires people to leave their pets behind at a time like this is just beyond comprehension.
I saw a man on MSNBC yesterday, swimming through the water on an old tire with a bottle of water (or maybe it was alcohol, I don’t know — clear liquid), the rescue workers were tyring to convince him to come with them, to leave the area.
He said something along the lines of, I was abandoned here, with no help, no rescue for a week, the only thing I could trust ws my dog, and you come along and ask me to leave him? I ain’t going nowhere, I’m not leaving my dog.
It was one of the saddest things, yet the most inspiring, that I have ever seen — what the fuck is the problem people? These animals may be the only thing these people have left in the wrold and you blithley demand that they leave them to die? In effect, do the same thing that the system has done to them?
What is wrong with this picture? Ok, what ISN’T wrong with this picture?!
To force people to abandon their pets is inhumane…it is vile and evil beyond comprehension. Add to that the withholding of food, water and medical assistance to those who choose to remain, and I can understand that man’s feelings very well…I would NEVER leave my dog behind, we’d survive together or we’d die together. You are so right about the cruelty of it all.
As someone has commented earlier today: I am ashamed of my country, we’re supposed to be better than this. Alas, it is worse than I could have ever imagined and it is beginning to take a toll on even old cynics, like myself…you couldn’t make this shit up, you’d be ridiculed as a paranoid, delusional fool and probably locked away for your own protection.
Only been a few times on a horse myself, but I can understand your feelings.
Thanks, Sven. They’re such large strong animals and yet they are so responsive to the slightest human touch. I couldn’t imagine my life without animals around. When you have animals, you will have to say goodbye from time to time… it goes with the territory. Never gets easier, but at least you know it’s coming.
And for those of us who are single, I offer the advice of my 83-year-old former neighbor:
“It’s better to be an old maid than to wish you were one.”
Until you divorce and clean out the memories…
Starting with the fact that we don’t allow some people to marry who want to, while we drive others to marry who don’t.
The pillow is a necessary but not sufficient rule of the social universe!
needs a cushion
dealing with the loss of companion animals…they’re more than just “pets” at times.
Maybe while you’re grieving, you can click the banner ad and send a donation to HSUS to help them rescue companion animals in the Hurricane Katrina affected areas? (Sent in $50 yesterday, with a “thumbs up” from the spouse.)
As for me, still dealing with this damned cold, and need to tackle the unpacking/post vacation laundry sometime today. Supposed to get bloodwork done (followup from about a month ago) but feeling too shitty to get dressed and go to the clinic with the spouse. Trying to avoid too much Katrina coverage, as I tend to get too emotionally involved, but really appreciated Keith Olbermann’s coverage last night.
Well, time for another glass of orange juice…check back with you all later…
Spent some time with some dear friends, much needed for all of our souls. Every time we had the news on – we’d start to cry…
Was great to see Jesee Jackson and the LA Senator say that the term “refugees” was insulting and just a frame up job. Now I awake to hearing them called “evacuees”. Bout damn time.
I’m still angry and pissed. I won’t, or can’t, relinquish my anger for the Red Regime. They MUST be held accountable.
Totally stoked more are coming to the march. Seems the Bush Family and their supporters are going to get a public criticizing like none other.
ShyCat, I tried calling you yesterday to thank you – couldn’t get through so sending you an email today. Again, thank you so much.
Good morning everyone. Amidst the bad news, I just found out that Snowball, the dog that susanhu profiled in a frontpage story last week, has gotten alot of attention. There are efforts to reunite the young boy and his companion. CNN story here
Not that I haven’t been upset all along — weeping at news reports, exploding with mis-directed anger at other people — but now it’s getting bad. I never have problems sleeping, but two nights recently I’ve woken around 3 a.m. and just lain awake feeling dread, anxiety, and worry, chasing images of floating corpses and dehydrated babies through my mind.
This morning there’s been a palpable feeling of heaviness over my heart — like it’s emotionally hard to remember to breathe. A long walk on a gorgeous cool morning did little change that.
I’ve done what I can to find items to donate, to organize others to do likewise, to spend time volunteering at our local collection point. It’s not enough. I could give money we don’t have and it wouldn’t be enough.
I’ve realized that, as angry and disillusioned as I’ve been in recent years, as radicalized as I’ve become — I have never, in my whole life, until this past week, been ashamed to be an American.
This morning I got an invitation from a colleague, to perform in a little benefit concert they’re staging. I’ve hardly touched my flute since my son was born 3.5 years ago. But I pulled it out, started running through a piece I worked up pretty well half a lifetime ago (Bolling’s “Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano” — it’s as close to Nawlins jazz as this classically-trained flutist gets), and the anxiety started to ease, the tight feeling in my chest lifted, a small section of the universe came back into alignment for me. Good therapy, music. Good healing there.
It is so hard not to throw up one’s hands and say, “If this doesn’t turn the tide, if this doesn’t wake people from their gas-guzzling war-mongering consumeristic narcolepsy, then fine — I’m done — it’s hopeless.” The truth is — as long as we’re breathing, there’s hope and there’s a life to live well, and it’s probably right in front of us where it’s always been.
Mornin, Everyone, or good day to you who are approaching noon or evening. Hi Manee I was glad/happy to see the cafe going this morning.
Just trying to gather up all that has gone on during the night.
I dreamed about being an evacuee last night and I am still trying to shake that off, it’s pretty fuzzy right now, but I was with thousands and it was very frenzied..
I emphatize with all the pet owners who have posted here today about last days of pets or our animal friends. We all must have those stories, our family does as well. We always have a ceremony for our pets when then pass on.
I would say something and then all the children would say what they could, if they could as we gathered around the grave, mostly our remberances of happy stories with them. Then we would place flowers on on the box holding the pets and cover it with dirt. Helped my kids to deal with the death.
Some that we had buried on our property, some otherwise taken care of.
I still want to remind everyone to begin, work on or complete your own disaster plan, prepare you packs and be ready. I am going to make this a mantra, ‘if you haven’t started yet, start now, today and don’t put it off. I have much info on Village Blue.
Peace to you all, may this day be good to all.
was a rough mix of emotions for me. My family threw a b-day party for me on Saturday, but I had little to no desire to celebrate. I enjoyed myself but underneath it all I was aching for the Gulf Coast Americans. Now I’m back to work and the grind.
To all of you who have lost pets/companions, know that my heart pours out for each of you. I have always had dogs in my life, and as an only child, each was like a sibling to me. I know what it’s like to lose them, and I hope you know that there are people here who will listen to you pour out your hearts and love that you had for your pals. Paz
This is the meme the Bush Admin is pushing. But to paraphrase Zell Miller, what were the locals supposed to use to reinforce the levees, spit balls?
I love coming here… it helps rejuvenate me. Reminds me that I’m not alone.
Like all of you, I’ve been having some severe BTSD (Bush Traumatic Stress Disroder) type things going on in my life. I cry at the drop of a hat, I scream just as easily, too. I am so filled with anger… yet very hopefull.
I had been ranting about why the victims were called “refugees”. It really had me upset. Some told me “whatever!” but this weekend I saw Rev Jackson and a LA Senator ask the same damn thing. Now I see they are being called what they should be – evacuees.
I wake up with panic attacks. I have nightmares. I am on the ‘noided side of life as far as not trusting this Red Regime. We all in this family have busied ourselves by making damn sure we live, eat, buy, breathe BLUE.
Yes, I’m marching. Not for just one thing but because I’m so angry about it all. I want this regime … I want them OUSTED. I want to shout them out of the damn white house. I want them on the streets so we can throw rotting vegetation.
They might as well told every American to “eat cake”… Let’s get these Bushtoinettes out.
And if that means I’m a pansy ass loony tune bleeding heart liberal… that is fine by me. ๐ At least I care enough to be outraged.
Now… to go feed by good wolf … ๐
I had to share a “SLICE” of that with my pals elsewhere. Perfecto!!! Bravo!!!! ๐
Gaah! I need one of those eye-baths they have in science classrooms. Then I need one of those memory-eraser doohickies from MiB. Then I need to scroll quickly down to the bottom of the thread.
corruption and influence scandals, many must have thought “Now the Americans know what many of us have suffered. Maybe this will help them become an example for better behavior in the world.”
When the world saw us attacked by terrorists, many must said publicly “Now the Americans have experienced what many of us have suffered. Maybe this will help them become better leaders in the world.”
When the world saw us devasted by a storm and negligent recovery, many are beginning to say, “Now the Americans are letting their own people suffer as badly as the poorest nations do. Will they never learn?”
Bob Denver has passed away.
It’s all over folks. Life as we know it is over. We have no librarian, no new books … those have been gone for years…
but we’ve got the Red Regime in full riot gear… First day of school and Danni and her classmates (two of which are Buddhist) were made to PRAY! Heads bowed, eyes closed and AMEN…
I am so fucking livid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m tired of this shit.
Don’t you live in California?
Yup I’m in KKKalifornia it seems ๐
Tonight’s crescent moon settling over the Olympic Mountains with Venus above left and Jupiter faintly above right.
absolutely breathtaking!
left-coasters still lurking around the pond?
right coaster lurking… but probably should be sleeping with the fishies at this point!
(sweeeet talking about mixing your metaphors, kow)