After tuning into CNN’s Paula Zahn Show this evening, I zipped off an e-mail because she, almost joyously, announced that she would soon have reports about “the blame game” going on over Hurricane Katrina. The “blame game”? I don’t think so.
I informed Ms Zahn, whom I didn’t like much to begin with, that what is going on is a demand for accountability and that trivializing the suffering and deaths of hundreds, perhaps thousands of victims by referring to this demand as a “game” was aboslutely horrific. I let Zahn know that her spewage of Republican talking points was a very low blow.
Straight from the arse’s mouth:
Solve problems? Save lives? You wouldn’t have had these “problems”, Bush, if you had appointed people who knew what the hell they were supposed to do in the first place and if you had, you wouldn’t have been in the position where you are still looking for victims in order to “save lives”. You think this is a game? Think again and start thinking right now, because this is no game and you and your cohorts are going down.
Do you want to see who’s really playing games with this catastrophe?
Here you go:
Hillary Clinton has called for an independent commission to investigate the failures of this administration. The WH has refused. Sound familiar? 9/11, 9/11, 9/11. They’re not the only ones who can repeat 9/11 endlessly to make a point. The WH continually refused to form an independent commission to investigate 9/11 and they eventually caved. They need pressure again? Let’s give them all we have.
Via CNN, it was reported that Trent Lott took a swipe at Democrats, saying that those who voted to make FEMA a part of the Homeland Security department are to blame as well. On the other hand, Lott is running around saying this:
Yes, Lott, they’ll rebuild your house so you and Bush can sit on your front porch and laugh at the lowly peons who suffered and died. Don’t you worry your pretty head about this accountability stuff – unless it involves blaming the Democrats.
Here’s another wonderful quote from Mr Lott:
Let me translate that for you: We don’t know how to walk and chew gum at the same time. Don’t you worry, people. Who the hell cares if there’s another catastrophe in the country next week? We just want to put off these investigations as long as we can because, really, we don’t give a damn about any of you – except maybe you rich folk. Now, vote Republican and we’ll keep you safe – sometime in the future – just don’t ask us when. We’re busy blaming Democrats right now.
And how about that master of compassion, Tom DeLay, you ask? Well, let’s see what he’s up to:
“It’s fair to say that the overall response to this emergency could have and should have been better,” he said.
In other words, DeLay isn’t going to blame anyone – except the local governments. Good thing he isn’t going to lay blame or anything…
And Frist? Well, he’s always on the ball, isn’t he? Or is he?
Yes, that’s right. All of those congresspeople, especially those Republican types, are so busy helping out on the ground and at the shelters that they just don’t have time to hold hearings right now. “Once relief and recovery is done”? When the hell will that be? I don’t think he cares all that much. This isn’t an administration. It’s a procrastination.
Maybe this will make you feel better:
Cheney – about as useless as tits on a boar right now. But hey, he wouldn’t want to miss out on those important photo ops.
So, that didn’t make you feel better? Okay, how about this from Bush?
Over time? Yeah, that didn’t make me feel better either.
Make no mistake here – lots of your Democratic congresspeople are calling (loudly) for immediate hearings – Republicans too, but did I just hear a report on CNN that DeLay is going to block those hearings requested by that anonymous Republican? He wouldn’t do that, would he? Damn right he would. (I’ll post the url when I get it.)
If this wasn’t enough for you, wait until you hear about the memo AP is reporting on this evening about from FEMA’s Brownie to Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff (better known as Skeletor) asking for volunteers after the hurricane had already hit (oops). That’s a big, fucking OOPS.
Michael Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, sought the approval from Homeland Security Secretary Mike Chertoff roughly five hours after Katrina made landfall on Aug. 29. Brown said that among duties of these employees was to “convey a positive image” about the government’s response for victims.
Before then, FEMA had positioned smaller rescue and communications teams across the Gulf Coast. But officials acknowledged Tuesday the first department-wide appeal for help came only as the storm raged.
Brown’s memo to Chertoff described Katrina as “this near catastrophic event” but otherwise lacked any urgent language. The memo politely ended, “Thank you for your consideration in helping us to meet our responsibilities.”
Yup. You saw it. There it is. Total, complete, unequivocal, undeniable incompetence. You’re history, Brown. Either that or you are the next recipient of the Medal of Freedom. Only Bush knows…
Oh. And to add insult to horrendous injury, Brown was busy worrying about PR at that point too:
There’s more. Be sure to read the linked article.
I’m left speechless at this point.
I’m posting a tip jar for this one. It’s been a long and very full day of finally getting some yard work done (I needed to let out my frustration) and helping the folks at Wiki by working on the PeopleFinder Project. I didn’t think I had anything left in me, but when I caught the news tonite, I just had to write this. Pure insanity – once again. It never ends.
Thank you for your continued vigilance on all of this.
Anything for you, duranta. You’re very welcome. hugs
That’s the problem with Republicans. Excuse my language, but their “plan” seems to be an unending series of fuck-ups.
If we’re to wait until they all stop, we’ll die of old age.
How about a new thought — when the administration can’t help but -screw- up everything they touch, perhaps its time to investigate why?
Yes that means investigating during a screw-up, but sheesh, we’ve tried waiting for 5 years now…
Leave it to Bush to ask us to stick with a failed policy rather than get down to the dirty business of finding real solutions.
I think the why is simple. The conservative philosophy – “leave everyone to fend for themselves, reward the most fit, and punish the least fit” – calls for them to do exactly what they did. The administration didn’t “screw up”, they did exactly what their ideology demanded they do.
One quibble… “fitness” isn’t really the question.
The GOP is ONLY about who has the most power, using a very specific definition of power. What it seems to come down to, to me, is a large writing of the classic corporate policy of “Kiss Up, Kick Down,” without regard to the identities, qualities, or qualifications of those above or below. I don’t think it should get even the thin cover of a “Survival of the fittest” framing, fitness for survival having nothing to do with it.
It’s all about feeding the personal interests of the policymakers and finding and fostering those who can and will be most useful for that at the expense of those who cannot or who will be opposed… and I’m not sure whether this is deliberate or accidental. I think it’s largely simply a byproduct, the poor or powerless seen as collateral damage. I don’t think they regard the poor as worth the time and trouble of destroying, but I’m not prepared to argue for that position against the thought that it’s malicious. It might well be; I’ve seen both at times, and I’m just making a snap judgement about which position is dominant right now. Theoretically I could be wrong, though that’s never actually HAPPENED before.
…bipartisan coverup, just like the 9/11 Commission.
“Why, children, is Lake George such a mess”?
“Because the New Orleans police are no good, sir”!
“And why are they no good”?
“Because of affirmative action and political correctness, sir”!
“So who’s to blame for all this”?
“The lib’ruls, sir”
“How do we know this? By reading Gary Newmayr in the American Spectator“.
Address correction
Not one word of sympathy for the victims – not one.
was right after the storm hit, before the levees collapsed, when things looked not so bad.
I’d never heard of him, knew nothing about him, but I remember thinking that he was a self-serving ass. He was going on about how much foresight he’d had in making preparations, saying “let me tell you what I’ve done.”
Oh, how I wish I had that clip available now!
Will it take before the lid really does blow off this place?
The term blame game must be stopped right in its tracks. The only word that should be used from here on out is ACCOUNTABILITY!!!! For the lies, for the dsm, for Iraq, for dead troops, for dead civilians in the wake of Katrina! Repeat after me ACCOUNTABILITY!
is to ask the ones that are throwing it around: “How old are you?”
it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
“The United States are “united” explicitly on the principle that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed …and… whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends [i.e., protecting life, liberty, and property], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government …and… when a long train of abuses and usurpations…evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security”
web source
Now who’s going to lead the charge? That’s all I want to know. Your country’s systems have become so dysfunctional that the best anyone can do is to suggest that people cross their fingers and hope things will change in 2006 or 2008. Whatever happened to the people’s democracy? It’s become a slow, tedious and destructive process that no longer protects the population.
Tits on a boar LOL
Total agreement!!! It’s not blame game – it’s demanding accountability. Thanks for the ‘frame’ so I can again again again again call these mofos. 🙂
Tits on a boar… Loved that! 🙂
Now, more than ever, we have to hammer away with letters to the editor. Here is mine for today:
Listen to how the Republicans are talking, no really listen. It’s corporate speak. This quarter is all that they care about. No thinking or planning for the future. I see this at work. It’s all about getting through the day unscathed. They are so busy taking care of today’s business and screw-ups from the past that they have no plans for the future – well, except their own. Offshore the money that you loot and when everything goes to hell at least I got mine!
Conservatives have been blaming people since the dawn of time. Read Hesiod’s Works and Days. All human suffering is our fault, since we’re lowly beings, far, far below the exalted level of the Age of Gold.
Today, we still hear that poor people because it’s their own fault. Somehow, if they just applied themselves (and watched more violence on TV instead of sex), all those tens of millions of low-wage jobs would just magically disappear, to be replaced by high-paying jobs, whose salaries would not decline one iota because of the law of supply and demand.
Sorry, dude! But the only way to stop the blame game now is to sue folks for copyright and patent violations, and get yourself a temporary restraining order.
Unfortunately, patents and copyrights run out after a couple of thousand years.
But that’s where John Roberts comes in, now isn’t it? I’m sure he’ll have some wounderfully brilliant non-activist activist way to re-write centuries and centuries of English common law.