
</picking myself up and brushing myself off&gt

Hey!  I’m here!  And on time!!!  As Mel Allen used to say “How about that!?!?!”

Hey Diane – stop shaking your head in disgust!  I can see you back there!  😉

Anyway, it’s Humpday again, halfway through the work (or study) week as the case may be, and the FBC Cafe is up and open for business!
So I’ve got a ton of stories to tell, but only sporadic moments to share ’em between
classes, but comeon in and take a load off anyway…

Regardless, it’s Cafe time, and I gotta tell you all, it’s great to be somewhere familiar if only for a quick read of the headlines and barnstorm through the Cafe.  This whole school thing ain’t like I remember it…  sure, there’s still tons of beer, cute girls (and boys) and swarmy professors with plaid sportscoats with those neat leather patches on the elbows, but wow what a difference a the years make.  My liver and my brain don’t feel up to the challenge quite yet, but every day brings something back, and the lights start
to flash on again in the cobweb-filled noggin…  

I gotta say though, College is intimidating this time around.  The wicked smaht kids are kicking ass and I’m frantically paddling against a neverending barrage of reading and problem sets and projects and clubs and godknows what…

and the best part is, it’s fantastic.

In other news, I discovered the magic of the Americano at a local cafe…  the double shot of expresso diluted with boiling water sure ups the caffienated ante over my standard issue cupojoe…  sit back and I’ll fire up the expresso machine for you all and
in the meantime, what’s up with all of you???