</picking myself up and brushing myself off>
Hey! I’m here! And on time!!! As Mel Allen used to say “How about that!?!?!”
Hey Diane – stop shaking your head in disgust! I can see you back there! 😉
Anyway, it’s Humpday again, halfway through the work (or study) week as the case may be, and the FBC Cafe is up and open for business!
So I’ve got a ton of stories to tell, but only sporadic moments to share ’em between
classes, but comeon in and take a load off anyway…
Regardless, it’s Cafe time, and I gotta tell you all, it’s great to be somewhere familiar if only for a quick read of the headlines and barnstorm through the Cafe. This whole school thing ain’t like I remember it… sure, there’s still tons of beer, cute girls (and boys) and swarmy professors with plaid sportscoats with those neat leather patches on the elbows, but wow what a difference a the years make. My liver and my brain don’t feel up to the challenge quite yet, but every day brings something back, and the lights start
to flash on again in the cobweb-filled noggin…
I gotta say though, College is intimidating this time around. The wicked smaht kids are kicking ass and I’m frantically paddling against a neverending barrage of reading and problem sets and projects and clubs and godknows what…
and the best part is, it’s fantastic.
In other news, I discovered the magic of the Americano at a local cafe… the double shot of expresso diluted with boiling water sure ups the caffienated ante over my standard issue cupojoe… sit back and I’ll fire up the expresso machine for you all and
in the meantime, what’s up with all of you???
Today, I hope to pop in and chat a few times. I tried to clear up some space for this today, and we’ll
see how it goes…
Tonight is my seminar in Social Entreprenuership, which I think many of you would love to sit in on
and tear down and put it back together… the intertwining of politics and economics and society
are all on full display for 2 hours, and I gotta say, it chews at the brain to think about…
There are some incredibly bright folks out there looking to make a difference and a dollar (actually,
maybe raise a dollar would be more important as many of the issues seem to revolve around capital
sources…) all at the same time, and whether you believe it can be done well or not, it sure is
a compelling topic. Now Accounting, well, maybe that’s fun for some folks out there, but I
haven’t met them yet…
anyway, I miss you guys! Hope all is well with everyone!
I was not shaking my head, I am here in agony (all night) with a second attack of ‘shingles’, which will probably keep me from posting much at all today.
I am fine except for that.
Glad you got the diary up and posted though, but had faith that you would post. Thanks Abbott.
Oh…poor Diane! I know you don’t particularly like doctors, but maybe it’s time to go?
Oh, Diane, that’s terrible news. Take it easy and try to get comfortable. I know that’s next to impossible. Maybe it’s time to go to the doctor? Hmmm?
shingles is awful – I’ve had it once. Do take care of yourself, and make sure you allow enough time to recuperate. When I had it the painful part was over quite quickly but the tiredness and lack of motivation lasted much longer.
Thanks to you and nag and Laura and anyone else who has expressed concern. I have just located a shingles treatment that is homeopathic and I ordered it for overnight express mail so should have it tomorrow. So I will try that and……I don’t know, regular medicine/prescription is 143.00 and I just can’t afford to spend that much.
Color me poor, with no insurance.
This is maybe my 6th occurrence of it and each time it is different, but this is second outbreak in 30 days.
nice to see you on time this beautiful humpday morn!
The heat and humidity finally broke here in NC and the weather is beautiful. I think I actually saw leaves on the trees blowing gently in what felt like the beginnings of a breeze…after weeks of hanging limply in the oppressive southern air. My. God. I miss the north.
Mt. Erie on Fidalgo Island, WA.
There’s nothin’ hapn’in’ here, no-one needs to look what’s goin’ dow-own. I’ll be gluin’ and screwin’ in the morning, and then some packin’ and shippin’ in the afternoon.
Good luck with those shingles, Diane. Mrs. Gooserock had a bout with them across her back several years ago so we know they can be painful and disruptive.
I realize it is Wednesday but it feels more like Tuesday due to Monday being taken off however it feels like it is should be Thursday and I’m looking forward to a Friday so that I can sleep in Saturday.
Sunday. What about Sunday you ask?… Sunday is always Blues Festival here at the Casa Azul.
I woke up at 4:11 I think it was due to a nightmare (cue the Mel Brooks “naucktmare”!!) not sure as I just awoke in a panic. Had to go in and check on the kids and still couldn’t settle down.
Then the song of Bowies “I’m afraid of Americans” keeps going thru’ my mind.
The entire world hates the USA… as they should. I just hope they don’t start hating all Americans.
As the book and website says “I’m so so so sorry. I can’t begin to tell the world how ashamed I am of this country. I’m not supposed to feel this much shame because I grew up with love and hope for this land.”
World, I am so very sorry.
Thanks for putting this together Abbott…after 4 days with limited access to the internet…I thought I could cope with the news…I guess not…
It’s nice to sit down with a cup of coffee and read in the Cafe today.
Here’s a picture of my cat – as motivated as I was – watching the birds outside. The door was open – he chose to enjoy the sun and just watch.
What’s his name? What a purrrrrrrrrrdy kitty.
Our cat when looking outside, and there’s so much to see and witness, will make a strange chirp/squawk sound if the Blue Jays are on the deck.
Her favorite nighttime game, while the rest of us are eating or watching the tube, is to lie in wait for some unsuspecting moth to fly in from somewhere and start flitting around the living room lamp. It’s quite hysterical to watch… okay … not too much fun for the moth.. but she deems it her job to keep our home safe from terramoths.
Missed you ((((SallyCat))))))
What a pretty kitty!
AWWW what a BOOFUL kitty!
I decided to see if I like photobucket over my more limited earthlink storage. So I’ve joined up and am giving it a test run.
A sunrise panorama shot of Utah’s La Sal Mountains.
Oooo, it looks like a landscape for a scifi movie.
You get a lot of that in southern Utah — in fact, it’s been the setting for several scifi movies (Galaxy Quest being one of the better ones and Space Hunter being one of the worst).
Anyone who needs some peace and tranquility is welcome to have a seat right here and watch the sunrise over the Atlantic.
Or put your feet in the warm water. C’mon, you know you want to!
Ahhh, the surf feels so good on my bare feet. Now I think I’ll go lounge in that chair with a nice cold beer. When’s dinner ready?
I don’t know. I was going to ask you the same thing. I guess just beer and Oreos…the usual.
If you’re counting on me to cook. . .
Then there was my friend who, as soon as she was divorced, took all the food and dishes and utensils out of her kitchen cabinets and replaced them with books.
I’m toast…just hanging on to the knot at the end of the rope so I don’t fall completely off the vertical wall of reality…
No levity Here, a powerful slide show/video of NOLA…Warning: Graphic and a big file [17.9MB]…
Some levity Here, The Seal of the Radical Rightwing of the Republican Party…
and hopefully, some respite here
Remember to take some time and care for you and yours too.
Wow. Just wow.
Is that the light at the end of the tunnel?
Looks pretty upside-down, too 🙂
So prettiful, I could stick a straw in it and drink it up.
photo. Where was it taken?
Too bad for the sailors that it was a sunrise instead of a sunset.
a little brag time, and a way to garner more clicks for booman, maybe.
I am amazed to find that has my book: if you want to see, search ‘angela france’
the last of the post-vacation cold here in the Scribe household; spouse is almost over his, but I always get hit like a ton of bricks. 🙁
Spouse is a little closer to getting back to work; the doctor wants a week’s worth of blood pressure checks here at home before she gives the okay, so now I’m bugging him to check the BP. Actually kind of glad he’s still at home, so we can work on getting post-vacation stuff taken care of. I really need to get back to work on the Web Site from Hades, but I just can’t get myself motivated. 🙁 sigh
Got to get back to work on shopping list for next week; saw Alton Brown’s “Good Eats” on the Food Network yesterday, and now am inspired to try pouch cookery. First experiment: Margarita Tilapia, my own invention… 🙂
Send your froggies to bed.