I’ve just watched the WAFB footage of the singer Charmaine Neville taking to the the New Orleans Archbishop Alfred Hughes about her experiences in the 9th ward after Katrina and just felt compelled to transcribe it.
Maybe some of you don’t get access to video footage, maybe all this stuff needs writing down, I don’t know, it just struck me as something that might be worthwhile.
Having just transcribed this, I’ve searched DKos and it has been diaried earlier, there was a request for a transcription in the comments, so I hope this is of some use.
The video is at WAFB9
Later on we found a flat boat and we went around in the neighbourhood in the flat boat getting people out of their houses and bringing them to the school. We found all the food that we could and we cooked and we fed people, but then things started getting really bad. By the second day the people that were there, that we were feeding and everything, we had no, no more food, no water, we had nothing and other people were coming into our neighbourhood. We were watching the helicopters go across the bridge and airlift other people out, but they would hover over us and tell us “Hi” and that would be all, they wouldn’t drop us any food, any water, nothing.
Alligators were eating people, they had all kinds of stuff in the water, they had babies floating in the water, we had to walk over hundreds of bodies of dead people, people that we tried to save from the hospices, from the hospitals and from the old folks homes. I tried to get the police to help us but I realised, we rescued a lot of police officers in the flat boat from the 5th district police station, the boat, the guy who was driving the boat he rescued a lot them and brought them to different places where they could be saved. We understood that the police couldn’t help us but we couldn’t understand why the National Guard and them couldn’t help us because we kept seeing them, but they never would stop and help us.
Finally it got to be too much and I just took all of the people that I could, I had two old women in wheelchairs with no legs and I rowed them from down there in that 9th Ward to French Quarter and I went back and I got more people. There were groups of us, you know there was about 24 of us and we kept going back and forth and rescuing whoever we could get and bringing them to the French Quarter because we heard there was phones in the French Quarter and that there wasn’t any water and they were right, there was phones but we couldn’t get through.
I found some police officers. I told them that a lot of us women had been raped down there by guys who had come ( video goes silent, I think she is trying to distinguish between the guys who came and the men who were already there with them) …the neighbourhood where we were that were helping us to save people, but other men and they came and they started raping women and they started killing and I don’t know who these people were.
I’m not going to tell you that I knew who they were because I don’t, but what I want people to understand is that if we had not been left down there like the animals that they were treating us like, all of those things wouldn’t have happened. People are trying to say that we stayed in that city because we wanted to be rioting and we wanted to do this. We didn’t have resources to get out we had NO WAY TO LEAVE when they gave the evacuation order if we could have left we would have left.
There are still thousands and thousands of people trapped in their homes down in the downtown area….when we finally did get to (interviewer asks “downtown or in the ??”) in the 9th ward and not just in my neighbourhood but in other neighbourhoods in the 9th ward there are a lot of people who are still trapped down there-old people, young people, babies, pregnant women. I mean nobodies helping them and I want people to realise that we did not stay in that city so that we could steal and loot and commit crimes. A lot of those young men lost their minds because the helicopters would fly over us and they wouldn’t stop, we would do S.O.S. on the flashlights we would do everything and it came to a point it really did come to a point where these young men were so frustrated that they did start shooting. They weren’t trying to hit the helicopters they figured maybe they weren’t seeing, maybe if they hear this gunfire they would stop then, but that didn’t help us, nothing like that helped us.
Finally I got to Canal Street with all of my people that I had saved from back there, there was a whole group of us and I, I don’t want them arresting nobody else, I broke the window of an R.T.A. bus. I never learned how to drive a bus in my life, I got in that bus, I loaded all of those people who were in wheelchairs and then everything else into that bus and we drove and we drove and we drove and millions of people was trying to get me to help them to get on the bus ………
At this point she breaks down and if it wasn’t already, it’s heartbreaking to watch.
personal accounts needs to be recorded and put on disc. I don’t trust the MoFos at all. These are dispicable evil heartless people.
True – I had something to do with the disappearance yesterday of Wikipedia’s Law Against Miserliness Scary shit….
Wow. I heard Harry Connick Jr on Larry King Live last week mention that Ms Neville had use a city bus to leave the city with many residents, but being able to read the entire story is just jaw dropping. I understand now why some had fired at the helicopters. That makes perfect sense, considering the desparate curcumstances.
She is a true hero. If she doesn’t deserve a medal, I don’t know who does. And, thankfully, she has a famous enough name that she will be able to get the real story out there.
Thanks so much for posting this! It’s heartbreaking.
This seems to be one of those diaries a lot of people are reading and recommending but not commenting on because well it’s hard to make on comment. I know I keep coming back to it.
I agree we can’t afford to have all these stories get lost in the soon to come ‘feel good’ stories from the MSM about people getting on with their lives, etc etc and remember what really happened, is happening and keep that spark of outrage going to hopefully make changes either locally, state or with federal politicians.
It kind of speaks for itself. It makes an emotional impact but it leaves me without anything else to say. Rather than just go numb, though, I can summon up at least one thing out of the raw emotion: George Bush did this. The Republican Party and its Democratic enablers did this. Systematic domination and exploitation and the systematic dehumanization of our own brothers and sisters did this. May we never let it happen again.
i put it on kos at the same time yesterday, but it disappeared. thankfully the subject matter is now on the recommends on kos in bob johnsons diary and getting the attention it deserves.
I had heard something of her story. I’m glad you found it. If this disaster, this human disaster doesn’t finish this administration…we’re all in trouble.