Terrorist Map Revealed as Parking Map
Truck driver Ahmad El Maati was suspected of ties to Al Qaeda, and detained and allegedly tortured in Syria and Egypt, in part because of the presence of a map of government installations in his truck when he crossed the border in August 2001. The Globe and Mail reports (registration may be required) that the so-called, oft-cited “terrorist map” was, in fact, an outdated parking map for the Tunney’s Pasture government complex in Ottawa. (I worked in Tunney’s Pasture in 1999; it’s not exactly a strategic installation.) Via Cartography. — From The Map Room Blog, which also has many resources on New Orleans Flood Maps
O P E N T H R E A D :
via the NY Daily News – Lloyd Grove’s Lowdown:
You know what susan I’m starting to think that this a plan by these pricks to purposely seen as uncaring with their fly fishing, house hunting, shoe shopping, guitar playing, cake eating, theater going and Rummy apparently in San Diego monday night(monday night storm hit) at a baseball game…that all of us will have become so worn out by our continual outrage that we all end up so demoralized and depressed we can’t fight them and then they win and take over completely.
And torturing someone over a goddamn parking lot map seems more suited to reading about Mad Magazine..we have 3 years left and as of today my mood is quite suited to revolution and overthrowing the madmen running this country.
I think our revolutionary slogan should come from the Big Lebowski..didn’t the Dude say ‘this will not stand?’
I guess I’m not in the most upbeat of moods today and I’m still trying to find out if the military is really recruiting at the Dome in Houston..I’m assuming of course that they are..as that sounds just obscenely fucken sick enough to be true.
19, songs, 19 artists, such as Aretha F, RLBurnside, CCR, Buckwheat Zydeco, Queen Ida…
Printed on the CD: "Oh My God... What can one say? Devastation. Misery. Our fellow Americans need our help. Now. Enjoy the music, but please give to"
[then the following websites are listed]
Red Cross
Salv Army
Feed the Childern
I don’t know who produces these, but it’s likely the same people who did one after 9-11. Or so the gal at Red Cross stand on the way in the supermarket said. Bags of the CDs just appear around the city. Nobody seems to know anything else about them. I’m curious if this is a nationwide phenomenon?
I donated $ 20 for the CD as that was what they were asking. “Did I want a Mardi Gras necklace?” “No,” I just couldn’t handle it. (I guess that subconsciously and now consciously I’ve decided to get myself one at the next NO Mardi Gras.)Did I want to be interviewed by the local radio station? No, couldn’t have handled that either.
Then later at the checkout counter, the conversation of two baggers;
First bagger says to the 2nd, “Where’d you get the necklace?”
Second bagger (who’s a mentally challenged midtwenties male (I have great respect for this supermarket as they hire several of these folks on a daily basis.)says, “Oh, I donated to the Red Cross. I’ve got 6.50 left for lunch, but I’m going to skip lunch… and give that too.”
… couldn’t deal with it… good thing the auto was not far from the door…
What is Fuckwad Bernard Kerik doing on my television set?
And, what’s more, what is he doing on Chris Matthews show?
unfortunately even Olberman had him on his show last night…he’s been all over the news as an expert …and your right fuckward he was and still is.. couldn’t these people find anyone else as an expert on police disaster procedures..jesus.
He’s doing a Jon Stewart tonight..a timeline of what government officials said/what they were doing interpersed with what was really happening in NO at the same time each day…now that’s reporting.
Great show tonight and making up for Bernie being on yesterday..
Folks in California’s Black city know that the feds would let them die, like NOLA. Pictures from rally yesterday here.
A couple of days have passed since we saw the massed inhumanity of the Superdome and Convention Center, but I am still pissed.
Are there archives for Ed Schulz’s show? Larry Johnson was on today.
Hey guys… I was looking at the ‘most interesting’ flickr photos for the last 24 hours. Take a look at this one by adampsyche: Bush Disaster.
That is a damn fine pic. It put a smile on my face.
Thanks for sharing!
It is a good one, isn’t it. Glad that it made you smile.
thanks for that..picture and headline is absolutely perfect.
Smiles are hard to come by, so we’ll take ’em when we can, right?