Cross-posted at dailyKos (where it will most likely vanish soon)
canberra boy‘s EARLIER Booman diary here.
A brief blurb was said once on my morning radio and then not again in any headlines I can find. The United Nations Development Programme issued its 2005 report on human development. It included this quote:
This is the “Culture of Life”. Since Bush was elected a key measure of human development in the United States has reversed. In most countries that would be scandalous. Here it goes in the memory hole. FOX News will be sure to cover the missing white girl story and miss this one.
A more complete of quotes from the UNDP about the United States’ failing health care system and inequality (from chapter 2):
… A baby boy from a family in the top 5% of the US income distribution will enjoy a life span 25% longer than a boy born in the bottom 5%.
… While more than half the population have health insurance coverage through their employers and almost all the elderly are covered through Medicare, more than one in six non-elderly Americans (45 million) lacked health insurance in 2003. Over a third (36%) of families living below the poverty line are uninsured. Hispanic Americans (34%) are more than twice as likely to be uninsured as white Americans (13%), and 21% of African Americans have no health insurance.
… The Institute of Medicine estimates that at least 18,000 Americans die prematurely each year solely because they lack health insurance. Being born into an uninsured household increases the probability of death before age 1 by about 50%. Unequal access to healthcare has a powerful effect on health inequalities linked to race, which are only partly explained by insurance and income inequalities. One study finds that eliminating the gap in healthcare between African Americans and white Americans would save nearly 85,000 lives a year. To put this figure in context, technological improvements in medicine save about 20,000 lives a year.
The entire report can be found here:
The CIA (you know, those socialist commies) has an estimate of infant mortality rates for 2005 that can be found here:
Rank Order – Infant mortality rate
Astonishingly the CIA estimates that the United States has a higher infant mortality rate than does CUBA. Try telling that to your Republican friends when they bring up “the culture of life”. You leave out where you got the data until the end.
Leave some $$$ with campaigns for health care for ALL
see my signature BELOW
This story is shocking, thank you for diarying it. I wonder where Cuba stands?
It has everything to do with NOLA. It’s about contempt for the poor. And sadly, lots of kids died in that fiasco. I’m disgusted by the cold-hearted comments I’ve seen by wingholes, who are happy to blame the victims but outraged that anybody would presume to blame their President.
What gets me is all the apologists for Bush, Inc neglect to see this info. IMR as well as education and such.
We are falling to the bottom on so many levels and issues yet they chant “We’re number one”
Thank you for such a wonderful diary!
I feel like we are watching a train wreck.
But even on dailyKos my diary vanished. In the mainstream media this story will disappear faster than a line of college republicans when the Army recruiter shows up.