Did the Dems learn nothing from 2004? Bush won because he had a double-digit lead on the question of who was going to keep us safer.
So how come the Democrats are not making the “We will protect you better” case?
The debacle in New Orleans contains all the elements necessary to show how Bush’s misguided priorities — especially his obsession with Iraq — have left us far more vulnerable, unsafe, and insecure. It’s the perfect opportunity to redefine national security in a way that would ironically — by putting America first — most appeal to the red states.
The GOP won the 2004 presidency and the swept the Congress on the fact that they were “trigger-happy”… because 9/11 scared the shit out of them and they wanted a “Bad Motherfucker” in charge who wasn’t bashful about going “Mid-evil” on some terrorists ass…
Where the hell are all of our “Security Dems” and left-wing “Military Hawks”?
Thousands of people have died this past week (some estimate say 10 time the amount of 9/11), 1.5 million were made homeless and a landmass the size of Great Britain (or the size of a nuclear attack) lay in ruins and the “Security Alert” never moved up from YELLOW… so what does that tell you. This adminstration has no clue on how to keep Americans safe…
Geez, I think she really did. Good thing you have a generous attitude about it. At least your wisdom will get a bigger audience.
I found myself thinking about your diary this morning and totally agreeing with it. I’m not sure I got around to saying so at the time you wrote it, so please consider this a belated “4.” 🙂
So where the hell are all of those so-called “Security Dems”???? This is was the one reason he was re-elected… he told the country that he could keep the US safer than the Democrats…that is not true.
The only Real “Security Dem” I have seen in the past three years… has been Dean. He warned in the primaries that Iraq was no place for the National Guard. Dean warned that we were dangerously low on first responders… He warned that great photo ops like Saddam being captured did not make America safe… but our Democratic “Military Hawks” poo poo’d him… no place for dirty hippy talk.
All those Military-Hawks-Security-Dems are strangely silent….
You just have to listen to Russert and Brooks to hear that they are shaken to their very core… it’s like coming home from a long vacation and realizing that you left the backdoor wide open the entire time…
That is what is in the minds of all the people who voted Republican:
Hell, I’m not a Republican, and the realization that we’re all potentially the next drowning victims of this administration has me shaken…even though I’m not really surprised.
I fit the Cafe perfectly today; my voice is quite froggy. [ribbit ribbit]
Boo’s got me totally fired up today. His piece from last night, and the one this morning, were dead on the money. Enough worrying about “sounding like whiny liberals” and “lost causes” — we have to show some cojones and take a stand, no matter how unlikely it may be.
My new meme for the 24th — if the US was a business, this incompetent Chairman and his entire board of directors would be thrown out in a shareholders revolt. We are the shareholders — it’s time to take our country back…
In other news, the spouse and I need to tackle post-vacation laundry today, if I can ever get him moving… 🙁
Hi, Cali Scribe. Did you see the news that the president of the Ukraine fired his government? Oh, that we could do that, too. I’d toss a whole lot of Democrats out on their big fat asses, too. Not that there’s anything wrong with having a big fat ass. 🙂
Man, is that ever a good point. Imagine Bill Gates walking onto the job and saying, “I’m going to shrink Microsoft until it’s small enough to drain down the bathtub.”
Actually, I don’t think a lot of modern CEO’s care a hoot about the companies they run, or they wouldn’t so greedily run them into the ground. In that sense, they mirror this administration to the core.
Hello everyone, today I am happy to give a personal report that I finally acquired and began to take a resonably priced prescription medication for ‘shingles’ last night and am now feeling much better. I never again will try to make it through an attack without medication and I must say I feel a little stupid for my previous attitude. Just proves you are never too old to learn!
Thanks for the ‘Chicory coffee & beignets’ Kansas, I like the beignets’ but not too fond of the Chicory coffee.
I noticed that too. I guess traffic is way up (anybody able to check on that and report back?), especially with all the big-name columnists coming here to get the material for their columns tomorrow! LOL
To the Big-Name Columnists: Don’t worry, we won’t tell! “Imitation is the highest form of praise” and all that… we’re just happy to get the ideas out there for the public to digest. ;-D
Another glitch – twice today, I ran spellcheck and the page came back empty; my draft entry looked as if it disappeared. However, when I used “back” it was still there. Just a warning in case this happens to anyone else, so you don’t panic and push different keys and lose your entry altogether.
I think traffic is running at least twice what it did pre-Katrina. Also, I know that both Boo and Susan have been trying to get the site to speed up, with mixed success.
If you click the site meter box at the lower right corner of the page, you can check out daily and weekly visits and page views (and they are waaaay up in the last week).
DinK, go to the “Site Meter” at the very bottom, right-hand side of this page and click on it. Then find “Visit and Page Views” and you’ll see what’s been happening with traffic here. I also noticed yesterday that the Trib has, I’m pretty sure, moved way up in the liberal blogsphere. You can check that by clicking on the “Advertise Liberally” box on the left-hand side.
Cabin girl it’s not your fault that my doctor actually gave me what I requested, not a small feat in itself, nor your fault that I didn’t use my noggin and think there might be cheaper alternatives, besides I was reluctant to take any medicine. So chalk it up to one lady’s stubborn insistance she didn’t need medication from a “gasp” doctor.
Well anyway, the worst is over and I do thank you all for your caring and loving words.
I wrote a diary today, the first in a long time, other than the cafe, so I hope everyone will read it, called ‘Reflection of the week that was’.
This got to me: a 1998 state Supreme Court decision that struck down a similar law prohibiting false statements in initiative and ballot-measure campaigns.
Now and then, albeit rarely, I’d like to shake the ACLU. although I do think that if they’re going to err, better to err on the side of over-defending the First Amendment than on the side of under-defending it.
The article said that the law prevented candidates from lying about opponents, but allowed them to lie about themselves. That seems to be a serious flaw.
I’m sorry but I don’t see any value in permitting lying stark enough to be provable in court. Slander essentially doesn’t apply to politicians, so the most extreme damage can be done to the candidate and society itself with fraudulent campaigning.
Your comment yesterday made me realize just how many ‘alien’ landscapes I’ve got of the Colorado plateau and it made a very good distraction from real life to pick a couple for you.
Wow. There’s a diary on Kos that says that during a live press conference a resident walked up to Dick Cheney and said, “Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself!”
Hey, just made Boo some money; decided to click on the Powell’s link and not only did they have a book I’ve been looking for, another book I’ve been waiting for ages to come out in paperback is finally being released next month, and I pre-ordered it! I am so psyched!
Everyone, visit the Powell’s link — you’ll be supporting an awesome independent bookstore, and who knows what you might find? 🙂
And everybody remember that we’re starting a bookclub and the first book we’ll read together is Bayou Farewell by Mike Tidwell. It’s a way of raising money for this site while enjoying ourselves and learning a few things. We’ll concentrate on political, historical, etc. books that are pertinent to the topics we discuss here. BF may still be on back-order at Powell’s, so I’m waiting to set the official date for the bookclub until they start delivering books again.
When figuring out the date, keep in mind that people who order the books with free shipping (which you can get if your order is at least $50) get their books sent by book rate (which is as far as I can tell means that the delivery date is based on the time it would take to send the package via the Panama isthmus overland route, carried by a three year-old who is hacking her way through dense jungle with child-safe scissors).
I was going to have an “off stress” day and already I am having to run down to my son’s school.. same old bullshit… CRIPES!!
Was going to post something funny and possibly witty… but will have to get moving so here’s something else: A post of mine this morning in a hockey forum. Sorry but it IS reused, recycled so it’s green, baby? 🙂 Hope all are okay and feeling better. Love!
[b]Good News:[/b] Buses line up today outside the Astrodome to take kids to school.
[b]Bad News:[/b] Texas ranks 50th in the nation in education
Our news is censored and modified for the lemmings. But other countries CAN report the news. Here’s some photos from Deutchland.
URL=Alligators in New Orleans (caution)[/URL] URL=Policeman holding infant[/URL] –
Oddly you also aren’t also seeing all the “heroic” shots like the one of the firefighter holding the small child after the Oklahoma City bombing. Why is that? The one of the above police man holding the baby isn’t being aired all over the place..
“Everything is OKAY!!!! we’ll just pretend nothing is going on”
Hey Bush, if a baby drowns in e-coli infested sludge and your reporters are told not to cover it – does it mean it didn’t happen?
OIs anyone watching cspan right now, it is facinating to watch Reps. slamming the admin, and a whole lot else, I am watch rep. R TexasRon Paul just ripping the whole admin. neocons.
Quite interesting in the Senate as well.
Wow what a speech and I forgot to say it was about the war and our foreign policy, try to catch it on repeat if you missed it. You would have thought a dem wrote the speech. He said everything any one of us would have said and a whole lot more.
We may have a special guest later today.
Arianna steals my diary
yes I am flattered…
Will the Dems Ever Learn? “It’s The National Security, Stupid”
It is the SECURITY…Stupid
Geez, I think she really did. Good thing you have a generous attitude about it. At least your wisdom will get a bigger audience.
I found myself thinking about your diary this morning and totally agreeing with it. I’m not sure I got around to saying so at the time you wrote it, so please consider this a belated “4.” 🙂
I wrote another diary on MyDD
You just have to listen to Russert and Brooks to hear that they are shaken to their very core… it’s like coming home from a long vacation and realizing that you left the backdoor wide open the entire time…
That is what is in the minds of all the people who voted Republican:
What if this was a terrorist attack…
Hell, I’m not a Republican, and the realization that we’re all potentially the next drowning victims of this administration has me shaken…even though I’m not really surprised.
How flattering (?) that Arianna stole your diary…
It’s enough to make a person wonder if the “security Dems” were also depending on Daddy Republican to save them.
I fit the Cafe perfectly today; my voice is quite froggy. [ribbit ribbit]
Boo’s got me totally fired up today. His piece from last night, and the one this morning, were dead on the money. Enough worrying about “sounding like whiny liberals” and “lost causes” — we have to show some cojones and take a stand, no matter how unlikely it may be.
My new meme for the 24th — if the US was a business, this incompetent Chairman and his entire board of directors would be thrown out in a shareholders revolt. We are the shareholders — it’s time to take our country back…
In other news, the spouse and I need to tackle post-vacation laundry today, if I can ever get him moving… 🙁
Have a great day, everyone… 🙂
Hi, Cali Scribe. Did you see the news that the president of the Ukraine fired his government? Oh, that we could do that, too. I’d toss a whole lot of Democrats out on their big fat asses, too. Not that there’s anything wrong with having a big fat ass. 🙂
but that only works here if the President fires himself…
Or we do. If only.
–nobody would dream of hiring management who were opposed to the company!
Man, is that ever a good point. Imagine Bill Gates walking onto the job and saying, “I’m going to shrink Microsoft until it’s small enough to drain down the bathtub.”
Actually, I don’t think a lot of modern CEO’s care a hoot about the companies they run, or they wouldn’t so greedily run them into the ground. In that sense, they mirror this administration to the core.
But I think they had to wink to each other about it during the interviews.
Hello everyone, today I am happy to give a personal report that I finally acquired and began to take a resonably priced prescription medication for ‘shingles’ last night and am now feeling much better. I never again will try to make it through an attack without medication and I must say I feel a little stupid for my previous attitude. Just proves you are never too old to learn!
Thanks for the ‘Chicory coffee & beignets’ Kansas, I like the beignets’ but not too fond of the Chicory coffee.
What a relief, Diane. I can’t even imagine.
As for coffee, sweetie pie, you can have any kind your little heart desires. We have an amazing selection. 🙂
The site is molasses right now, isn’t it? Don’t answer that. It will take too long!
I noticed that too. I guess traffic is way up (anybody able to check on that and report back?), especially with all the big-name columnists coming here to get the material for their columns tomorrow! LOL
To the Big-Name Columnists: Don’t worry, we won’t tell! “Imitation is the highest form of praise” and all that… we’re just happy to get the ideas out there for the public to digest. ;-D
Another glitch – twice today, I ran spellcheck and the page came back empty; my draft entry looked as if it disappeared. However, when I used “back” it was still there. Just a warning in case this happens to anyone else, so you don’t panic and push different keys and lose your entry altogether.
I think traffic is running at least twice what it did pre-Katrina. Also, I know that both Boo and Susan have been trying to get the site to speed up, with mixed success.
If you click the site meter box at the lower right corner of the page, you can check out daily and weekly visits and page views (and they are waaaay up in the last week).
Who gets the Coke? 🙂
We both do! I’ll take rum and a lime in mine, though…
DinK, go to the “Site Meter” at the very bottom, right-hand side of this page and click on it. Then find “Visit and Page Views” and you’ll see what’s been happening with traffic here. I also noticed yesterday that the Trib has, I’m pretty sure, moved way up in the liberal blogsphere. You can check that by clicking on the “Advertise Liberally” box on the left-hand side.
Great minds and all that…
I’m glad you’re feeling better (and I’m sorry for recommending Valtrex before, which costs an arm and 2 legs…)
Cabin girl it’s not your fault that my doctor actually gave me what I requested, not a small feat in itself, nor your fault that I didn’t use my noggin and think there might be cheaper alternatives, besides I was reluctant to take any medicine. So chalk it up to one lady’s stubborn insistance she didn’t need medication from a “gasp” doctor.
Well anyway, the worst is over and I do thank you all for your caring and loving words.
I wrote a diary today, the first in a long time, other than the cafe, so I hope everyone will read it, called ‘Reflection of the week that was’.
What did he give you in the end? Regular acyclovir?
Yes exactly, right….
I told you so….. ; )
glad your feel’n better kiddo….
He is especially fond of tender newborns, seved in a bernaise sauce.
Yeah, I heard that Dick Cheney is his source.
This got to me: a 1998 state Supreme Court decision that struck down a similar law prohibiting false statements in initiative and ballot-measure campaigns.
Now and then, albeit rarely, I’d like to shake the ACLU. although I do think that if they’re going to err, better to err on the side of over-defending the First Amendment than on the side of under-defending it.
The article said that the law prevented candidates from lying about opponents, but allowed them to lie about themselves. That seems to be a serious flaw.
I’m sorry but I don’t see any value in permitting lying stark enough to be provable in court. Slander essentially doesn’t apply to politicians, so the most extreme damage can be done to the candidate and society itself with fraudulent campaigning.
Your comment yesterday made me realize just how many ‘alien’ landscapes I’ve got of the Colorado plateau and it made a very good distraction from real life to pick a couple for you.
Big news day here in the mountains, what w/ Katrina and a dysfunctional governmet…lets see what The Daily Camera thinks is important:
1st., from the column Outdoor Business:
Wheeee!…or perhaps Pee! is a better choice of words;
OK…how about Cool Gear?
Shit!…oh no…I meant DoggieDooTube!
Ah, the irrelevancy of the local ‘waste of trees’…
Is it me, or are things running reeeeaaaallllll sloooooow today?
It’s you. Tee hee. No, we’re s l o w .
Wow. There’s a diary on Kos that says that during a live press conference a resident walked up to Dick Cheney and said, “Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself!”
I hadn’t switched to ESPN…
Hey, just made Boo some money; decided to click on the Powell’s link and not only did they have a book I’ve been looking for, another book I’ve been waiting for ages to come out in paperback is finally being released next month, and I pre-ordered it! I am so psyched!
Everyone, visit the Powell’s link — you’ll be supporting an awesome independent bookstore, and who knows what you might find? 🙂
And everybody remember that we’re starting a bookclub and the first book we’ll read together is Bayou Farewell by Mike Tidwell. It’s a way of raising money for this site while enjoying ourselves and learning a few things. We’ll concentrate on political, historical, etc. books that are pertinent to the topics we discuss here. BF may still be on back-order at Powell’s, so I’m waiting to set the official date for the bookclub until they start delivering books again.
When figuring out the date, keep in mind that people who order the books with free shipping (which you can get if your order is at least $50) get their books sent by book rate (which is as far as I can tell means that the delivery date is based on the time it would take to send the package via the Panama isthmus overland route, carried by a three year-old who is hacking her way through dense jungle with child-safe scissors).
In other words, FEMA delivery.
I was going to have an “off stress” day and already I am having to run down to my son’s school.. same old bullshit… CRIPES!!
Was going to post something funny and possibly witty… but will have to get moving so here’s something else: A post of mine this morning in a hockey forum. Sorry but it IS reused, recycled so it’s green, baby? 🙂 Hope all are okay and feeling better. Love!
[b]Good News:[/b] Buses line up today outside the Astrodome to take kids to school.
[b]Bad News:[/b] Texas ranks 50th in the nation in education
Our news is censored and modified for the lemmings. But other countries CAN report the news. Here’s some photos from Deutchland.
URL=Alligators in New Orleans (caution)[/URL]
URL=Policeman holding infant[/URL] –
Oddly you also aren’t also seeing all the “heroic” shots like the one of the firefighter holding the small child after the Oklahoma City bombing. Why is that? The one of the above police man holding the baby isn’t being aired all over the place..
“Everything is OKAY!!!! we’ll just pretend nothing is going on”
Hey Bush, if a baby drowns in e-coli infested sludge and your reporters are told not to cover it – does it mean it didn’t happen?
A previously shared view but just like this morning. It seems to suit the leisurely speed of the site today.
OIs anyone watching cspan right now, it is facinating to watch Reps. slamming the admin, and a whole lot else, I am watch rep. R TexasRon Paul just ripping the whole admin. neocons.
Quite interesting in the Senate as well.
Wow what a speech and I forgot to say it was about the war and our foreign policy, try to catch it on repeat if you missed it. You would have thought a dem wrote the speech. He said everything any one of us would have said and a whole lot more.
Mark Fiore has a great new cartoon
I’m late, but work is crazy….and try’n to get the crew ready to get on the road…
Hope all is going well for all here, and peace be with you and yours always…..; )
Till next time ……
Hi IP! Glad you dropped by!
Have a safe trip….
Hey, CG, you know about the possibility of our guest tomorrow instead of today?
Yep…just waiting on word from ‘da man…