this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters

special thanks to ksh01 at dKos who said ” My frustration tells me your title should still have Iraq in the title, as I feel that if the people and equipment and money that’s currently in Iraq were here in the US, the federal government would have responded in a more effective way.”

cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, and My Left Wing.

image and poem below the fold

Two photos taken on the same day last week — one of a grieving New Orleans survivor, the other of President Bush in flagrante photo opp in San Diego. Photoshopped together, they reveal what the horrific scene at the Superdome might have looked like had the president actually shown up there… (Thanks T. bias, via Wayne Correia’s list)

photoshopped image via boing boing

I Want You To Hurt Like I Do
by Randy Newman
from Land Of Dreams

I ran out on my children
And I ran out on my wife
Gonna run out on you too baby
I done it all my life

Everybody cried the night I left
Well almost everybody did
My little boy just hung his head
And I put my arm  – I put my arm around his little shoulder
And this is what I said:

“Sonny I just want you to hurt like I do
I just want you to hurt like I do
I just want you to hurt like I do
Honest I do, honest I do, honest I do”

If I had one wish
One dream I knew would come true
I’d want to speak to all the people of the world
I’d get up there, I’d get up there on that platform
(First I’d sing a song or two you know I would)
Then I’ll tell you what I’d do
I’d talk to the people and I’d say:

“It’s a rough rough world, it’s a tough tough world
Well, you know
And things don’t always, things don’t always go the way we plan
But there’s one thing, one thing we all have in common
And it’s something everyone can understand
All over the world sing along –

I just want you to hurt like I do
I just want you to hurt like I do
I just want you to hurt like I do
Honest I do, honest I do, honest I do”

– – –

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support the victims of torture
support the fallen
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support the troops and the Iraqi people
read This is what John Kerry did today, the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
read this soldier’s blog
witness every day