by Larry C. Johnson
Getting a grip on the crisis response operation in Louisiana and Mississippi is analogous to trying to manage three women who are told to share the same kitchen to cook for their respective families.
As someone who lived through the experience of trying to keep peace when women from two different families had to share a kitchen in one house, believe me, it ain’t easy. The key to success is a clear chain of command and precise definitions of who can do what and when they can do it. Those lessons learned on the small scale of managing conflict in the kitchen would serve us well in the massive effort required to recover from Katrina.
Before I get lambasted as a sexist pig or as someone trivializing the horror underway along the Gulf Coast, let me reassure you that I am only trying to put the management challenge of Katrina in terms the average person can understand.
When you throw Federal, State, local, and private authorities together to manage the rescue and recovery operation along the Gulf Coast you are putting people with competing interests, who are each trying to do what they think is best, on a path of conflict unless there are clear and precise chains of command. The failure to clarify who is in charge leads to conflict, duplication of effort, and wasted resources.
Take what happened yesterday, for example. The 82nd Airborne is providing security in one sector of New Orleans. They are recently returned from Iraq and are no nonsense when it comes to security. They were stopping Louisiana State Police, who were in uniform and clearly marked vehicles, and prohibiting them from transiting the sector the Army was guarding. Needless to say this did not create warm fuzzy feelings between the Police and the Army. In fact, senior Police and Military officials had to spend time yesterday sorting out this issue rather than dealing with rescue and recovery.
It is both frightening and ironic that the rescue and recovery operation in New Orleans in particular and Louisiana in general has been so ragged. With the exception of New York City, Louisiana had more experience dealing with multiple jurisdiction crisis incidents, particularly chemical spills and industrial fires, than any other region in the country. The plethora of petroleum and chemical facilities in the area, coupled with railroad, port, and highway transportation hubs, routinely confronted State and local authorities with the duty of cooperating to put out a fire, control the leak from an over turned chlorine tank, or evacuate an area threatened by a toxic cloud.
Admittedly the scale and scope of the destruction the Federal, State, and local authorities now confront is without precedent. At least 50 oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico have disappeared completely. There are over 100 boats sunk in the Mississippi River that are obstructing river traffic. Chemical storage tanks have been breached and there is a growing risk of spontaneous explosions in undamaged pipelines and storage tanks as hindering agents degrade with the passage of time.
Once the process of clean up and restoration is well underway there needs to be a serious “hotwash” aka after action review. Friends of mine on scene are scratching their heads about a variety of issues. For example, one experienced hand called the Operations Center the day after the hurricane and recommended that helicopters capable of dropping water to put out fires be prepositioned. His recommendation was rejected initially. Once the fires broke out, however, the urgent request for helicopters was issued.
Other hotwash issues (in no order of importance):
1. Pet Rescue–Many people still in New Orleans refused to leave their homes because they would not abandon their pets. FEMA prohibited evacuees from bringing out their pets. Once the media is on scene showing images of shivering dogs stranded on car roofs pet lovers around the world demand action. Accordingly, many of the rescue forces are currently going after starving and thirsty animals. Next go round, ensure that there is a system in place to evacuate pets as well. It could be a logistics nightmare but I doubt it could be any worse than having to track down folks hiding in flooded neighborhoods 8 days after the hurricane.
2. The Debacle at the Dome and Convention Center–the failure of Federal, State, and local authorities to provide basic services to those who sought refuge have friends of mine in Louisiana scratching their heads. No one seized the initiative in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane to provide food, water, sanitation, and security. Leaving thousands of Americans to stew in their waste is inexcusable. Two key questions need to be answered: 1) why did the State and Local evacutation plan fail to move these residents to a site where their needs could be met? and 2) why did Federal planners on scene at the Louisiana Crisis Operations Center fail to intervene or call upon expedient resources?
There is a slight silver lining in the black cloud hanging over the Gulf. The people currently involved in the operation are learning things that can’t learn through books or exercises. If we capture the lessons learned then we will be better prepared to deal with future tragedies. If not, we will repeat the past and more Americans will die.
Larry C. Johnson
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i have to take just a bit of issue with your ‘slight silver lining’. I agree with you that people have the oppotunity to learn things in unique contexts. However, I don’t think it’s the “people on the ground” who don’t know their jobs or the best ways to do them, if they had not been obstructed at every turn, and provided with adequate equiptment in the first place (say, communication systems that work cross-agency and such) I think they would have done just fine.
It is upper management in these agencies and the people at the top of the org. charts (including the politicians) who needed to be paying attention. as you pointed out, the NRP was right there — someone wrote that, someone approved that, right?
I think right here and now we need to scrape off the top-level, where most of the accountability lies and most of the incompetence is stored, and keep on scraping until we get down to the level where people make sense, have the experience and professionalism to get the job done.
Jack Cafferty highlighted the careers of the top people in FEMA. Numbers one two there and four all were cronies of Bush’s and worked on his campaigns at some point. Mike Brown raised Arabian horses.
Cafferty called them political hacks. And now these hacks are running the relief effort.
I agree with you. Scrape the top. Leave the ones with experience and hopefully, a degree of common sense.
should get some logistics officers that have been running supplies into Iraq. Or go back and find old pros like Milt Bearden, Mike Vickers and others that have done massive logistical projects.
Actually, Vickers is probably the best they could get.
Animals are essential. HSUS.
I must take exception to your characterization of those left in NO as “..hiding in flooded neighborhoods…” With all do respect, that is, IMO, a categorically false, accusation. These people have suffered unfathomable hardship and depredation for the past ten days, many are without food, potable water, or medical assistance; they have no means of receiving nor sending any form of communications; they have been subjected to threats and violence, not just from within their own communities, but from the very people purportedly sent to help them; and you call their reactions “hiding”? Please sir, put yourself in their place, if you can, and then make that claim. They are afraid for themselves, their friends, their families, including their pets…shame on you.
There is not, and will not be, a silver lining in this absolute, catastrophic, unforgivable failure of the current government. Unless this is finally the catalyst that opens the eyes and minds of the country. They have opened their hearts and wallets already in hopes of accomplishing what their government could not or would not do. The failure and the “learning experience” here is for the highest levels of this administration. The people on the ground know what they’re doing, and know full well how to do it…given the support.
This is the result of 30 + years of the cultivation and weaponization of fear, hatred and vengeance that has been the rosetta stone of the hard-right. This is the result of one party control of all three arms of government. This is the result of rampant cronyism, lies, lack of conscience…ad infinitum. It’s not the government that’s “being drowned in the bathtub…Grover Nordquist’s wet dream…it’s the poor, predominantly black, marginalized people of New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama.
I have been involved in political activism and social, economic and civil rights issues for over 40 years, and I have never felt more powerless than I do today.
Furthermore, I think your choice of metaphor is inappropriate. Three women in a kitchen would have done a hell of a lot better job than what we have just witnessed and will continue to witness for some time to come. Good day.
If you drink, go pour yourself a scotch, take a big deep breath, and relax. I’m not trying to disparage anyone who stayed behind. It’s just a statement of fact. Many still in their homes don’t want to leave and are hiding from those trying to remove them. If we get to the point that we can’t even describe reality for what it is then we become as delusional as Bush. You don’t want to go down that road do you?
We disagree, I accept that your viewpoints are different than mine and I have attempted to be respectful. If you feel that I failed in that regard, it was not intentional. I would appreciate the same consideration.
So you won’t think this is a hit and run, I have to leave and will return tomorrow. Good night.
Dada, you are in immense pain because you care so much. You’re probably also experiencing a lot of anger.
I have been alternately enraged and sickened. I’m so testy sometimes, I’ve been snippy with my loved ones … it’s a reflection of the tension I feel.
I don’t think Larry was being in any way critical of the people who are still there. His focus in this piece was on the extreme difficulties in organization and communication, even in a region that has dealt with crises before. And as he pointed out in earlier pieces, the feds deserve a lot of blame. (However, imho, the local and state governments don’t get off the hook. They blew it too.)
AMEN! I’m only trying to pick a fight with the Bush officials who failed these people.