I once had a cat, Brian by name, that always had to sit on something, no matter how thin (like a piece of paper), in a seeming effort to make himself just that much taller.
Albert, the mini-lop likes to get off the floor as well – maybe he’s hoping for a view.
Hi keres, what happens when you turn the vacuum-cleaner on? My cats always run and hide…
Vacuuming doesn’t seem to bother any of our current pets, but I doubt Albert would have been so perched, if the vacuum was on.
Yesterday, Luna actually spent most of the day with me while I was using the circular saw to cut tile – which was very loud and dusty, but she didn’t seem put-off by either. Although, there were times when I wished she was, as dogs and powertools really don’t mix.
Obviously, her supervising my use of powertools was very exhausting, as she was well and truly crashed by the evening.
And no, it’s not because she got into the bottle of Laphroaig (single islay malt scotch whisky).
If you look at the ultrasound and see future pets to abandon in the next hurricane you probably vote Republican.
If you look at the ultrasound and see future ads and donations for spaying and neutering pets along with repairing and updating levees you probably vote Democrat.
If you look at the ultrasound and see Clint Curtis’ puppy waving at you…….you are a TIN FOILER AND YOU HAVE LOST YOUR FRICKING MIND!
What if I see the missing WMD’s?
PUPPIES. The second shot is of an embryo confirming that it is an embryo. Will all embryos have the same rights though before long? I mean it is kind of hard when mammals are in the embryo stage to tell is all apart.