No matter how one frames their vote on this list, it simply continues to boil down to one indisputable assertion that these people are Racist, Classist, Asshats. If the majority of those affected on the Gulf Coast had been similar in economic, social and racial status as those of the 9-11 disaster, not one of these asshats would have voted against the bill to provide aid to the American citizens in this disaster.
That these people are despicable non human beings, with not an ounce of compassion for those who have suffered this devastation, clearly is evident. That most profess to be Christian, spews forth such bile and contempt upon their so called spirituality that it reeks of putrid hatred and vile contempt for anyone who is not like themselves.
Each of these contemptible non human piles of vermin dung, I hope will soundly be defeated next year in the mid terms to be replaced with compassionate, giving and caring humans who understand that America can still become a nation that cares for all of its citizens.
Joe Barton (R- TX) White Male
Jeff Flake -(R- AZ) White Male
Virginia Foxx (R-NC) White Female
Scott Garrett(R- NJ) White Male
John Hostettler (R-IN) White Male
Steve King (R-IA) White Male
Butch Otter (R-ID) White Male
Ron Paul (R-TX) White Male
James Sensenbrenner (R- WI) White Male
Tom Tancredo (R-CO) White Male
Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) White Male
I nominate Sensebrenner for King of the Asshats, with Tom Tancedo as his Queen. These despicable false Christians who care only for money, power and ability to control the rights of other American citizens are the lowest form of life on the planet. These criminals against humanity are nothing more than fascist scum sucking shit for brains vermin that must be removed from any semblance of authority.
If it is not apparent from my rant, I hold nothing but contempt and disdain for each and everyone of these less than human pieces of wreckage that hold such sway upon our very lives.
For the record, this is my own rant and if you have issue with it, (any of the Asshats that I listed) bring it on, in the words of the Illustrious non leader of our nation. In my humble estimation the 11 of you combined still could not muster an ounce of empathy of anything other than the all mighty dollar. So go fuck yourselves and please stop procreating for you have polluted the Gene pool enough with your insidious, vile and contemptuous hatred of true FREEDOM loving Americans.
. . . of Tancredo for queen.
One would hope that the people of Littleton, who should be sensitized after Columbine to the need to quickly respond to an emergency, will finally get rid of this nasty racist fuckwit. But given that his district consists largely of overdeveloped exurbs built where there’s not enough water to green up their non-native bluegrass lawns, I suspect they drink nothing but the kool-aid.
I still favor the epithet ‘turdflake’.
I don’t have any quibble at all with what you wrote ghost..and most certainly agree. Did any of them give specific reasons/excuses for their no votes?
is often good for the body, it helps flush out the built up toxins from our daily life…..these days ; )
Not against giving aid, but against this bill.
Haven’y we learned what happens when you write blank checks to this Administration? It becomes a license to loot.
The Congress should have passed 2 or 3 weeks worth of emergency appropriations, and used the time to parse out exactly where monmey is needed in the longer term, following up with a detailed bill, with accountability, and directing that hiring for the long-term appropriations be preferenced towards those who lost their livelyhoods in the floods.