Or – how to build a fortune on a national tragedy.
The Bush-administration has by many been considered a total failure in dealing with the consequences of the hurricane. How wrong they are!
The two last weeks have been exceedingly successful in terms of continuing the implementation of preferred policy. Let’s see;
– Already on 1 September it was reported that Halliburton had received its first contracts in connection with the Katrina fall-out.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 HalliburtonWatch The US Navy asked Halliburton to repair naval facilities damaged by Hurricane Katrina, the Houston Chronicle reported today. The work was assigned to Halliburton’s KBR subsidiary under the Navy’s $500 million CONCAP contract awarded to KBR in 2001 and renewed in 2004. The repairs will take place in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Difficult to argue, though, since the work is under a pre-existing contract award.
– Pollution standards reduced; more emissions of greenhouse gases is just what we need to reduce the likelihood off future hurricanes – or, higher profits for the polluters?
The United States announced yesterday that it would relax fuel pollution standards and release strategic oil reserves as it scrambles to head off shortages after Katrina hobbled the country’s capacity to produce, refine and import crude.
– But now, its official;
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration’s first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
One is Shaw Group Inc. and the other is Halliburton Co. subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.
Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel’s CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
– And let’s not forget that profits can be increased even further – for example by suspending the prevailing wage rule:
President Bush issued an executive order Thursday allowing federal contractors rebuilding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to pay below the prevailing wage.
– How it works – the buddy system in its prime. Let’s not forget the neo-FEMA set-up:
Five of eight top Federal Emergency Management Agency officials came to their posts with virtually no experience in handling disasters and now lead an agency whose ranks of seasoned crisis managers have thinned dramatically since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. (my emphasis)
At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President George W. Bush’s former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.
Corruption and cronyism is rampant and exercised with impunity. The corporate media is obviously complicit in the scheme, otherwise all the dots would have been connected in an MSM-outlet. What does it take – are such blatant corrupt practices simply the expectation, no one cares?
There’s already $60 billion to go around. How much will actually reach the destitute and the displaced?
The reality of it will probably be in the 60/40% ratio, of course the lower number actually received by the victims.
Also, the corps are charging the government full price for the work, while only paying the reduced rate, pretty sweet huh?
They are also selecting only the ones who will play along, to be allowed into the area, FACT
I should probably put a Bush sticker on my truck when I go to the meeting this week, that’ll work….except my truck will use more gas, pollute more, and will probably open it’s own door, and toss me in the ditch….it’s a pretty independent truck…; )
G’morning, IP. Thanks for reading my messy rant from last night.
Have not seen you around much lately.
Were you affected by the hurricane – meeting with FEMA?
Hope you are well.
I have been working out of town on another project, and then this disaster hit.
I was on the beach when it hit, but way off on the eastern side of the storm. The only thing that effected the area was beach erosion, and some strong winds, with little rain.
I have been working for a week now on getting crews and equipment together for the relief effort, and have met a heavy gauntlet of paperwork unlike any I have ever seen for such a task.
I have been on the phone constantly for days with my partners, engineering firms, and major contractors that are in charge of operations, and direct government reps.
There is a lot of information being blocked from the NO area, the other area’s are acessible, and mostly open, unlike the New Orleans situation. Very hush hush, but I will be going there this week to meet with the government reps, and will let you know more as the week goes on.
great rant by the way ; ) and needed, as I’m sure there will be more in the future.
I am hearing a great rumbling sound everywhere I go this past week, and beleive me, it is not in the administration’s favor….Yeeeeee Haaaawwww
This may be the straw that breaks the camels back, only if WE keep the Wind of Change at Hurricane force ; )
Peace be with you and yours always
Gotcha. Looking very much forward to your update.
Checked back and found your diary entry from last Sunday. Fantastic piece.