Getting fired up for the 24th.  Happened across this DVD at the corporate movie store:

Howard Zinn  —  You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train

It is basically a biography of the life and times of Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States.
This movie definitely primed me for the anti-war experience on the 24th.  Whatever that protest becomes, there is a message that Zinn sends about the importance of being a participant in history.  Us standing up, together, whether it results in the end of this illegal war, or the end of this lying administration, is an important act, in and of itself.

This will be the first major protest I have ever been involved in.  I can’t wait to be there.  To participate in calling on my government, and my country, to right the wrongs it has committed in the past four years.

I would definitely recommend the movie to those going to Washington, D.C., to help set your mood.  At one point, Zinn says (I paraphrase) words to this effect:

We may be breaking some small laws here, against disturbing the peace, and such.  But, we are standing up against an even bigger breach of the law.  The real violators of the law are those who have taken our country into this illegal war.  So let’s not be concerned about our own petty violations, in confronting this wrong.

And our breaches of the peace may make some in this country uncomfortable.  But, they should be uncomfortable.  That is the point.  Because people should not be comfortable with our government’s actions.

Again, as always, I take great liberty with his words, as I am quoting only from memory.  But, I think I had the spirit of his words.  And, I will be carrying the spirit of those words warmly in my heart on my flight to D.C.