Will America eventually connect the dots and see the similarities between Katrina and 9/11, and understand that Bush has always been out to lunch? Will we awaken from the photo-op haze to see the real George W. Bush — lazy, indifferent, out-of-touch, incompetent? Who knows, but let’s compare:

.  Katrina                                 9/11
On vacation when he shouldn't be        Likewise
Ignores a chorus of warnings            Likewise
Slow to muster a defense                Likewise
Quick to photo-op the disaster          Likewise
Plays guitar instead of paying
attention to a serious threat           No guitar

I personally harbor doubts about the standard ‘incompetence’ take on 9/11, which Harper’s calls the “Nobody Told Me Scam”. But even if we assume the official view — that BushCo/NORAD/FBI/CIA just kinda ‘spaced’ approaching and on 9/11 — Katrina must at least evoke a certain deja vu.

Somehow, they let the WTC get blown up on 9/11 and got a medal for it. Let’s hope that Katrina opens a few more eyes to how they are consistently not smart, not strong, and not prepared — 8/29/05, or 9/11/01. Not ‘strong on terror’ — inept on terror — manmade or natural.