Catnip, a civilized Canadian who coexists with comity and comedy at BooTrib with us Americans, is live-blogging the Roberts confirmation hearing from her diary. Of note:
“In less than ten hours, I will be in Washington D.C., ready to help lead the blogger opposition to John Roberts. Before this fight begins in earnest, I just wanted everyone here to know that they shouldn’t believe the pipe about Roberts being a sure thing. As Bush’s support has collapsed, so has the support for everyone around him.”-from the post by Chris Bowers on MyDD, via Howie in Seattle.
to tell Chris that I never believe the pipe.
Could smoke some ’bout now though … damn, it’s been about 25 years?
Cannibis knows where you can score?
Nooooooo .. I’d just have the luck to try to score some, and it’d be from an undercover cop or an informant … I know from my days of working for a mentally disabled and dissolute defense attorney that there are lots of informants in town :):)
Now, if Sybil could just send me a canoe full of some B.C. bud!
(Those canoes get nabbed on our shore once in a while and it makes a big splash — so to speak — in the local rag. It always makes me sad :):)))
Shycat knows . (heh)
Jessica of Feministing, on the blog Bush v. Choice.
Thanks, Media Girl! Will check it out … may I confess that I’ve kind of been avoiding the hearings? I have Al Franken on and they’re talking about education, etc. Just is more palatable to me this morning.
“John Roberts, nominated to be chief justice of the United States, introduced 5-year-old Josie, in her baby blue party dress and white headband, and 4-year-old Jack, in his blue blazer, bow tie and short gray flannel pants, at the start of his confirmation hearing Monday.
“Senators couldn’t get enough of the two towheads, stooping to shake their hands, making game attempts at kid-friendly small talk, and posing for photos.
“That is as staged a photo op as you’ll have,” happily proclaimed Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., after posing with Roberts and wife Jane, committee chairman Arlen Specter and the kids, who occupied the center spots.”
I hate all politicians.
“At times it appeared to be a swearing-in ceremony. Before the hearing, Kennedy shook the hand of Jane Roberts and said to the nominee’s wife, “Congratulations.”
“Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) seemed to be taking confirmation for granted when he listed a range of issues likely to come before the court and telling Roberts, repeatedly, “You will rule on that.”
ahhhh .. not since the days of little John and Caroline and her pony Macaroni …
ohhh. tis sad that he must be chief justice. What a Camelot of a presidency his family would create.
Hmmm. “civilized Canadian”
Isn’t that a redundancy?
Except for National Hockey League players, of course.
Imagine the furor if some European were to refer to someone as a “civilized American.”
In parts of Louisiana these days, “Canadian” is a high compliment. During “Katrina time,” Canadians were “fustest with the mostest.” If I had a Canadian flag I’d be flying it, as I’ve read folks in St. Bernard parish already are.