Breaking via CNN (thanks, Diane101!). Jeff Greenfield just speculated that liberals — within 72 hours — will be selling t-shirts that say, “You’re doing a great job, Brownie.” Oh he’s got us pegged, that Jeff.
That gives us until the end of time to pint out how “republicans like bush aren’t man enough to fire a complete incompetent!”
That really rubs them the wrong way when you point out that republican cowboys ride side saddle… Especially when they know you are 100% right on calling them out on Brown.
Chertoff said that he did such a crackerjack job with Katrina that he needed him back in D.C. in case another crisis came up in the country? Who can you believe nowadays…Sheesh….
Mike Brown is clearly a victim. A victim of Katrina and the liberal left media I tell you. You should all apologize to him and to make up for your abuse of the poor man you should not ask any more questions of the administration.
Well see, Hurricane Ophelia was out there making up its mind whether to come on-shore or not, and they panicked and demanded Brownie’s resignation. They were Ophelia would hit closer to D.C.
Did you all know that you can make one -off t-shirts on your own?
Nab an image off the net and print it on an iron-on with your own words or create your own?
Hub and I did that with an image I got – t-shirts that said- TELL ME AGAIN HOW IT’S NOT ABOUT OIL
Wore them to the opening of Fahrenheit 911- made a large hit with the waitress!”OK ,where did you guys get those t-shirts?”
I offered her mine. 🙂 I also had a sweater to cover my shameless nakedness.:P
This points out the quality of Bush’s nominations and the willingness of the Senate to rubber stamp them. Democrats and Republicans with principles should stand up and filibuster John Roberts as another of a long string of unqualified nominees.
george bush has a clear a track record of nominating unqualified and incompetent people for positions of great power and authority. It is clear that for the good of the American people no deferane should be given to any more of his nominee’s and in fact the Senate ought to seek out their own nominee’s and advise the unqualified and incompetent person curently occupying the White House to consent to the Senate’s superior wisdom and vision.
I get this crap in letters from my Senators all the time. Yea, right we should give the president of the United States “great deference” in the nominees that he chooses. Team Bush doesn’t vet them, the Senate rubber stamps them and thousands die. Look at this from a real Republican point of view – where is the return on my investment? I pay my taxes are we get worse than nothing in return.
Fair enough. But privatization will cost more with less return! There is both the profit and the lack of accountability to take into account as well. No, we need a government with qualified people running it. Too many things only a government can do. Yea, now it does sound like I’m smoking something. Grrr…
Ya just have to make sure to set the table for that argument with the “Fema wasn’t broken until bush messed with it… Appointing unqualified people, puting another layer of bureaucracy into “the saving lives process” by putting FEMA under the Homeland Security umbrella… FEMA used to work great.”
Then go for the better return on the dollar.
“Well we used to get a great return on the dollar from FEMA. BUT bush broke it. We need strong leadership to fix it, and that won’t come from this admin. …”
etc. yadda yadda
Just have to make sure that the intention is to “fix it for everyones’ benefit”, that bush can’t do it, and not let them have that opening for another GOP corporate welfare program.
Bush is in Miss pretending to be Mr Compassion – still too scared to walk the streets of New Orleans.
They’re showing a clip of Bush denying that he knows about Brownie’s resignation – even though the reporters are telling him it happened. “As you know, I’ve been working”, he says. Yeah right – hardly working is more like it or working hard to find juicy photo ops.
Bush has an overwhelming urge to lie first in any situation. Even if the truth would suit him better he just has to lie. Its him. Its what he’s all about. Why change now I guess.
. A bungled initial response to Katrina exposed
the perils of a rigid, insular White House.
Inside Bush's plan to show he isn't isolated.
Living Too Much in the Bubble?
TIME Sept. 11, 2005 — And as if the West Wing were suddenly snakebit, his franchise player, senior adviser and deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove, was on the disabled list for part of last week, working from home after being briefly hospitalized with painful kidney stones.
FEMA director resigned during opening statements of Roberts hearing
Brownie is gone.
We have to worry about the roberts now.
Rovian timing on the announcement, eh?
The roberts hearings are probably the only thing that kept this resignation from being announced on the “friday night dump”… Gotta distract America from roberts, ya know?
Claims he hasn’t talked to anyone about Brownie’s resignation either – that he learned about it through news reports. Geez…don’t those guys communicate with each other??
Yeah, just had lunch and watched Roberts oh so “correct” speech. If that wasn’t enough to make me throw up my burger then Bush comes on. “I don’t know about Brown resignation”. Doesn’t he know that is why Brownie is resigning(under much pressure I am sure)? Brownie, “didn’t know about those folks at the convention center until today”.
Excuse me? Who the hell is in charge of WH communications? Do they really think they have “dumbed” us down that much? Think again Georgie!
I missed your breaking news on Mike Brown’s resignation –>
because I’d switched to CNN after Norah O’Donnell came on for one of her obsequious WH reports.
I regret this because I prefer MSNBC in most respects. And I do recognize that Ms. O’Donnell does her homework on most topics — i.e., she sounds knowledgeable and speaks well.
If Ms. O’Donnell were merely deferential to President Bush, I think I could accept that attitude. That she promotes him as a “crisis manager” and calls the people who support Cindy Sheehan “extremists” bothers me tremendously. Her allegiance to the Bush administration, unfortunately, comes across far too much, and I prefer more objective, challenging WH reporters.
An hour later, my television is still tuned in to CNN. I’ll try MSNBC again now.
on MSNBC, Susan…and didn’t notice Norah at all. (Then again, I was multitasking — aka reading BooTrib, watching TV, and telling the spouse for the umpteenth time to get his rear in gear…)
She came on BEFORE the breaking news story appeared, and I can’t bear to listen to her. I switched to CNN and wasn’t watching but fortunately Diane101 alerted me to Brown’s resignation.
Rummy reportedly tried to resign 2 or 3 times over Iraq, but was rejected. Hmmm…kill 1800+ US soldiers in Iraq and who knows how many thousands of Iraqis and keep your job. Kill fewer Americans at home and you get to resign.
The only question left is:
Which corporation will he resign to?
Ummm… Halliburton?
Jus’ guessin’
…none of these fuckers will ever face an ounce of consequence for their complete screw-ups….
If Bush had any guts, he would have fired the bastard. But, nooooo…force him to resign instead.
I prefer that Brown resigns…
That gives us until the end of time to pint out how “republicans like bush aren’t man enough to fire a complete incompetent!”
That really rubs them the wrong way when you point out that republican cowboys ride side saddle… Especially when they know you are 100% right on calling them out on Brown.
Yep! Be happy that Brown resigned…
That gives us until the end of time to point out …
My spelling isn’t that great… BUT it isn’t that bad either… lol
Scotty must be thrilled that he won’t have to duck any more questions about Brownie.
Next Question?
Will the President be asking Michael Chertoff to resign from DHS?
out why it wasn’t the first one….
Scotty: We don’t want to get in to the plame game… er… I mean… blame game.
Q: Why does the head of Homeland Security get his intelligence from the newspapers?
Scotty: You’re doing a heckuva job Brownie… umm… You folks in the media are doing a heckuva job.
Q: Why wasn’t Chertoff watching The Weather Channel and getting accurate information like the rest of cable ready America?
If Mr. Chertoff can’t afford cable like you wealthy media types and relies on rabbit ears, that’s his own business…
He does have pretty big ears… almost as big as his nose… which by the way seems to be growing at just about the same rate as bushie-boyz.
I don’t have cable…
I still managed to find out Katrina was a major disaster before they did.
Mind you… I do read an awful lot on the net.
you read!
you read!
I keep forgetting that…
so I deleted my diary.
Looks like Raw Story may have had the earliest heads up…

Chertoff said that he did such a crackerjack job with Katrina that he needed him back in D.C. in case another crisis came up in the country? Who can you believe nowadays…Sheesh….
Mike Brown is clearly a victim. A victim of Katrina and the liberal left media I tell you. You should all apologize to him and to make up for your abuse of the poor man you should not ask any more questions of the administration.
Maybe he should get one of those debit cards too.
Not to worry… I believe Halliburton has a nice corner office waiting for him.
But…ooops! He cancelled that program. What will poor Brownie do now??
Well see, Hurricane Ophelia was out there making up its mind whether to come on-shore or not, and they panicked and demanded Brownie’s resignation. They were Ophelia would hit closer to D.C.
Did you all know that you can make one -off t-shirts on your own?
Nab an image off the net and print it on an iron-on with your own words or create your own?
Hub and I did that with an image I got – t-shirts that said- TELL ME AGAIN HOW IT’S NOT ABOUT OIL
Wore them to the opening of Fahrenheit 911- made a large hit with the waitress!”OK ,where did you guys get those t-shirts?”
I offered her mine. 🙂 I also had a sweater to cover my shameless nakedness.:P
This points out the quality of Bush’s nominations and the willingness of the Senate to rubber stamp them. Democrats and Republicans with principles should stand up and filibuster John Roberts as another of a long string of unqualified nominees.
you’ve been smokin’ yourself!
Darn, now where will I find papers that big…
george bush has a clear a track record of nominating unqualified and incompetent people for positions of great power and authority. It is clear that for the good of the American people no deferane should be given to any more of his nominee’s and in fact the Senate ought to seek out their own nominee’s and advise the unqualified and incompetent person curently occupying the White House to consent to the Senate’s superior wisdom and vision.
I get this crap in letters from my Senators all the time. Yea, right we should give the president of the United States “great deference” in the nominees that he chooses. Team Bush doesn’t vet them, the Senate rubber stamps them and thousands die. Look at this from a real Republican point of view – where is the return on my investment? I pay my taxes are we get worse than nothing in return.
Look at this from a real Republican point of view – where is the return on my investment? I pay my taxes are we get worse than nothing in return.
Careful how you frame that… The GOP talking point for that is that they should “Privatize it”… Just imagine “FEMAburton, Brown & Root”!
(Doesn’t matter what “it” is, they want to PRIVATIZE “IT” ALL!)
Fair enough. But privatization will cost more with less return! There is both the profit and the lack of accountability to take into account as well. No, we need a government with qualified people running it. Too many things only a government can do. Yea, now it does sound like I’m smoking something. Grrr…
Ya just have to make sure to set the table for that argument with the “Fema wasn’t broken until bush messed with it… Appointing unqualified people, puting another layer of bureaucracy into “the saving lives process” by putting FEMA under the Homeland Security umbrella… FEMA used to work great.”
Then go for the better return on the dollar.
“Well we used to get a great return on the dollar from FEMA. BUT bush broke it. We need strong leadership to fix it, and that won’t come from this admin. …”
etc. yadda yadda
Just have to make sure that the intention is to “fix it for everyones’ benefit”, that bush can’t do it, and not let them have that opening for another GOP corporate welfare program.
but you see andrew, Bush has to surround himself with incompetants so that way he looks smarter….brahahahahah.
know more about than I do
–Bush on my TV right now
Bush is in Miss pretending to be Mr Compassion – still too scared to walk the streets of New Orleans.
They’re showing a clip of Bush denying that he knows about Brownie’s resignation – even though the reporters are telling him it happened. “As you know, I’ve been working”, he says. Yeah right – hardly working is more like it or working hard to find juicy photo ops.
I don’t like him. Can you tell?
had a better communications system than this president…
Oh yeah…I was just going to jump all over that! lol
my cat likes your name…gives him a “kitty buzz”…
Bush has an overwhelming urge to lie first in any situation. Even if the truth would suit him better he just has to lie. Its him. Its what he’s all about. Why change now I guess.
My take … see comment re: VP Cheney.
<click on pic for article>
– how is SP Patrick Fitzgerald coming along – any news soon?
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Karl has kidney stones? I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone – except extremely nasty Republicans like him.
A bungled initial response to Katrina exposed
the perils of a rigid, insular White House.
Inside Bush's plan to show he isn't isolated.
TIME Sept. 11, 2005 — And as if the West Wing were suddenly snakebit, his franchise player, senior adviser and deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove, was on the disabled list for part of last week, working from home after being briefly hospitalized with painful kidney stones.
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I hope they’re still stuck in there somewhere.
FEMA director resigned during opening statements of Roberts hearing
Brownie is gone.
We have to worry about the roberts now.
Rovian timing on the announcement, eh?
The roberts hearings are probably the only thing that kept this resignation from being announced on the “friday night dump”… Gotta distract America from roberts, ya know?
Get a big whopping laser and spell it out on the friggin’ moon!
Claims he hasn’t talked to anyone about Brownie’s resignation either – that he learned about it through news reports. Geez…don’t those guys communicate with each other??
I love the last sentence of the AP story:
“They said that even before Katrina, Brown had been planning on leaving the administration late this fall to go into the private sector.”
As one e-mailer to CNN wrote last week:
Arabian horses everywhere are now living in fear that Brown will be managing them again.
Yeah, just had lunch and watched Roberts oh so “correct” speech. If that wasn’t enough to make me throw up my burger then Bush comes on. “I don’t know about Brown resignation”. Doesn’t he know that is why Brownie is resigning(under much pressure I am sure)? Brownie, “didn’t know about those folks at the convention center until today”.
Excuse me? Who the hell is in charge of WH communications? Do they really think they have “dumbed” us down that much? Think again Georgie!
Don’t force Geroge to think. It’s hard work and it hurts.
I missed your breaking news on Mike Brown’s resignation –>
because I’d switched to CNN after Norah O’Donnell came on for one of her obsequious WH reports.
I regret this because I prefer MSNBC in most respects. And I do recognize that Ms. O’Donnell does her homework on most topics — i.e., she sounds knowledgeable and speaks well.
If Ms. O’Donnell were merely deferential to President Bush, I think I could accept that attitude. That she promotes him as a “crisis manager” and calls the people who support Cindy Sheehan “extremists” bothers me tremendously. Her allegiance to the Bush administration, unfortunately, comes across far too much, and I prefer more objective, challenging WH reporters.
An hour later, my television is still tuned in to CNN. I’ll try MSNBC again now.
In a White House press corps filled with ass-kissers, O’Donnell somehow manages to outdo them all.
on MSNBC, Susan…and didn’t notice Norah at all. (Then again, I was multitasking — aka reading BooTrib, watching TV, and telling the spouse for the umpteenth time to get his rear in gear…)
She came on BEFORE the breaking news story appeared, and I can’t bear to listen to her. I switched to CNN and wasn’t watching but fortunately Diane101 alerted me to Brown’s resignation.
Rummy reportedly tried to resign 2 or 3 times over Iraq, but was rejected. Hmmm…kill 1800+ US soldiers in Iraq and who knows how many thousands of Iraqis and keep your job. Kill fewer Americans at home and you get to resign.
I don’t get it.
Easier in Iraq ::
We are killing them over there …
Bites Bush in the ass.
Journalists weren’t embedded and turned around.
From Deference to Outrage: Katrina and the Press
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