The latest Time poll on John Roberts shows that the American people want to know where he stands on abortion.

“Do you think that it is important for the Senate to know his position on abortion and other controversial issues before voting on his nomination, or not?”

Is Important- Is Not Important- Unsure

ALL 63- 33- 4

Republicans 50- 48- 2

Democrats 75- 19- 5

Independents 63- 32- 5

There seems to be some strategic thinking going on in this poll. There is no way that 48% of Republicans want to confirm a nominee that they have no confidence is anti-abortion. What they are saying is that they are perfectly happy to have Roberts hide the fact that he is anti-abortion in order to better his chances for confirmation. The only other explanation for this poll is that the GOP rank-and-file are indifferent about Roe v. Wade. And I don’t believe that is true.

But rather than thinking too hard about the motivations of Republican poll respondents, we should focus on the 63% of the public that thinks Roberts should answer the fucking questions about abortion and other controversial issues.

Failing to answer questions fits into a pattern with this administration. It fits into their utter lack of accountability. And the American people are getting sick of seeing one catastrophe after another with no consequences for the people responsible.

If I were on the Judiciary Committee I would tell Roberts that I will vote against him unless he answers the questions that the American people want answers to. The strategy is put him in a box where he either stonewalls, or he admits he will rule in ways that are wildly unpopular.

The latest Newsweek poll shows that only 44% of the people currently think Roberts should be confirmed, while 32% are unsure. Our job is to lower that 44% number and make the vast majority of undecideds fall our way. If Roberts is confirmed, we want it to hurt the President and give moderates momentum in the negotiations over the second nominee.