New Orleans, LA (APE) – President Bush yesterday became enraged over a practical joke played upon him by a staffer aboard Air Force One. White House spokespersons are remaining closed mouthed about the incident. Bush reportedly has stated that he will be conducting an investigation himself and will get to the bottom of it. The incident occurred as he was in route from Washington, DC to the flood ravaged city of New Orleans.

APE obtained a digital photograph of the incident smuggled out by an un-named inside source at great professional and personal risk.

President Bush asleep aboard Air Force One with a rescue/damage assessment on his forehead

In the picture, apparently one of the President’s aides has used a neon orange highlighter pen to scribble a rescue/damage assessment upon his forehead. The terminology would indicate that Bush had been assessed on 09-12-05 by a K.R., who found that no one was home, and the structure was condemned.

Bush, apparently unaware of practical joke played upon him assesses damages with Blanco and Nagin

Bush apparently became very enraged after staffers failed to inform him of the joke, and he was seen in public on a damage assessment tour with Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, with the scribbling on his forehead. It was quickly washed off with bottled water after the governor and mayor pointed it out.

Bush shown rescuing appliances and stereo equipment in New Orleans

Bush later toured the flooded city on a military style flatbed truck with the mayor and governor. He was seen having members of his contingent rescuing expensive electronics from stores, shops, and homes along the way. White House spokesperson Scott McClellan stated,” The White House is proud to be doing its part in the restoration of order to New Orleans, and protecting homes and businesses from the scourge of looters.”

Bush attempts to rip critics asunder,
He says he’s responsible for blunders.
This apology’s absurd,
A mere parsing of words,
To allow him to plow it all under…

“Playing a game of dodgeball”
Spot on, this Ralph Neas call!
Judge Roberts just bobs,
Takes old Specter’s lobs,
So he can umpire this fall.

I can’t believe it, I did it again!
I repeated their dumb old sporting spin!
As the Rethugs did before,
We must now frame this as war,
`Twill be death if we let sportsmanship in…

They’ve found all these children in cages,
Apparently kept there as wages.
But stomachs should turn,
As more people learn,
Systems don’t prevent these outrages.

Mayor Nagin says New Orleans is broke,
Blanco enraged o’er the dead, took a poke,
In response FEMA just said,
We don’t go picking up dead.
While the survivors contend with sunstroke.