- Results are based on telephone interviews with
- 262 blacks and
- 848 Non Hispanic Whites,
- aged 18+, conducted Sept. 8-11, 2005.
WASHINGTON Sept. 12, 2005 — There is a lot that Americans agree about in the wake of Hurricane Katrina: that government agencies initially stumbled but are doing better now, for one, and that more money and attention should be paid to addressing the issue of poverty.
New Orleans evacuees Alicia Tillery, left, and Dwight Simmons wait to register for aid with the Red Cross in Marietta, Ga.
Yes, does No, does not No opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 21 72 7
Non-Hisp. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 67 26 7
More to follow below the fold »»
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Thursday through Sunday finds a stark racial divide on other issues, including attitudes toward the hurricane’s victims, the performance of President Bush and the reasons the government’s early response was so wanting.
CNN also released poll numbers on President’s Bush performance:
Job approval stayed steady — was 45% – now 46%
Leadership role got a hit — was 60% – now 52%
A. George W. Bush
Very good Good Poor Very poor No opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 5 10 30 54 1
Non-Hisp. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 12 37 22 27 2
A. George W. Bush
Very good Good Poor Very poor No opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 7 29 35 28 1
Non-Hisp. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 18 45 23 12 2
Mostly criminals M. desperate people No opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 16 77 7
Non-Hisp. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 50 44 6
Yes, was a reason No, was not No opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 63 35 2
Non-His. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 21 77 2
Yes, mistake No, not a mistake No opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 81 17 2
Non-Hisp. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 49 50 1
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Thursday through Sunday finds a stark racial divide on other issues, including attitudes toward the hurricane’s victims, the performance of President Bush and the reasons the government’s early response was so wanting.
For a country that prides itself on its resourcefulness and take-charge aplomb, these are unfamiliar accusations. Americans tend to see their country as compassionate and competent.
Yet Katrina’s devastation laid bare some uncomfortable facts: The nation that rescued Europe in World War II, helped Bosnians when they were under attack and repulsed Iraqi forces from Kuwait could not, at least initially, rescue New Orleans. The nation that claims many of the world’s wealthiest people also is home to staggering poverty. The nation that champions equal rights around the globe has not resolved its own racial tensions.
It’s only a matter of time before South Louisiana
takes a direct hit from a major hurricane.
Billions have been spent to protect us,
but we grow more vulnerable every day.
Five-Part Series published June 23-27, 2002
- Ds Nieuwenhuijzen :: “Where art Thou God, This Unbelievable Destruction, Why?”
- NOLA :: Who Floated >10k Deaths & 25k Body Bags?
Dutch Assistance ¶ Update - BUSH Think on Creation :: “Order out of Chaos”
Links To Skull & Bones Society! - Volunteers At Heart :: RESCUE MISSION KATRINA
- Chandeleur Islands Gone “Hazard Waste Areas ::
Everyone Needs to Get Out! “ - Breaking – NG | DHS Orders :: Red Cross Not Allowed In NOLA
- Disasters George Bush Wrought :: Analysis and Katrina Update
Skull and Bones from Yale University, probably the most powerful secret society in America. Sutton explains the Hegelian-Masonic motto “order out of chaos”, an act of creating wars to create a need for peace.
Read my recent diary —
BUSH Think Creation :: “Order out of Chaos”
Links To Skull & Bones Society!
Son just like mom … disconnected.
All Ye Faithful
Is George Bush the Christians’ Christian?
George Bush a TOOL of VP Cheney | Karl Rove and Corporate Power?
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It is just unbelievable how clueless are the people of my origin. Many of them mean well, too, but they are just too sheltered.
A very intelligent and liberal lifelong friend, in a recent conversation, was quite willing to acknowledge that Bush et al. were indifferent to the poor black folks who were left behind, and that was part of what kept them from responding in a timely way to this disaster. But when I mentioned the billions to be made in reconstruction contracts and real estate development as a result of this disaster, and that I thought this too may have played a role in their lack of preparation and response, he could not entertain that idea.
A few days later, the comment by the LA congressman about God cleaning out the NOLA housing projects hit the media.
Yep, all the really venal, ruthless exploitation and cruelty took place once upon a time, long ago in a land far away . . . it can’t happen here, now.
I feel so heartbroken over what has happened here, and jesus, it’s just a drop in the bucket to all the terrible things they do all over the world for the love of money and power. I wish I were a christian, at least I’d believe there would be ultimate justice.
I think it was Aristotle (or maybe De Niro in Casino), who asked:
Is this guy just another dumb fucking Whiteman?
The racial divide was placed explicitly in the world’s face after Katrina. It’s always been there under the surface.
The President, the administration, FEMA, and yes groups like Red Cross. I’ve stopped commenting in the rescue diaries because I have absolutely no use for FEMA and the American Red Cross. (Exception for Intl Red Cross stated here) I personally observed subtle and blatant racism by FEMA and the American Red Cross in SF in 1989. Whites got help…minorities got the run around.
As ethnically diverse as SF is – I’ve seen racism and bigotry against my Muslim friends since 2001….New Orleans depresses me and angers me…it doesn’t surprise me. So the poll results don’t surprise me at all.
and class warfare of a sorts is always going on undercover. But this administration clobbered everybody in LA. People from (St?) Bernard Parish were mostly white and yet got forgotten and are still trying to get help. It was ignoble, ignorant and injust what has happened. People cannot see the truth because the media is still whitewashing.
‘whitewashing’ is definitely the word in more ways than one.
I certainly agree that racism has always been a part and continues on it’s evil way in our society. If you are poor in this country you’re screwed not matter what color you are although being non-white only adds to the misery expotentially. Living at poverty levels or even slightly above is a dead end street with no way out.
No matter what middle class America thinks about people pulling themselves up by their boot straps(with no help)as some sort of viable plan is delusional. A collective delusion so as to not fund comprehensive social programs to help lift people out of poverty. People trapped in a cycle of despair and no hope can never even begin to dream of better things.
Although I don’t doubt that Bush, Inc is a rascist farked up group… I think the color they care about is green and black gold.
There are reports that white people were shot at as they tried to escape over a bridge.
People stand to make a pantload of cash on the “rebuilding” contracts.
Tinfoil theory of mine: They KNEW it would be bad… but figured when you’ve got lemons – make no bid contracts for Halliburton.
Remember what Bushwipe said to us?? The first fucking thing he explained to us?
the pipeline….
It’s all about money, folks.
They don’t care about blacks, whites, you, me, us or them.
The core Republican constituency — the part that isn’t explicitly racist or Fundie — are the suburban whites who fled the cities int he 1950s and 1960s, and their descendants. They don’t see themselves as particularly racist, but they have made residential decisions that are implicitly so. That part of our nation — and it is a large part — doesn’t see how the other half (more than half) lives. And they don’t want to see, because it is too disturbing.
It was part of Martin Luther King’s genius to see that the way to get to people like that is making them face up to the reality of racism. If they see it and don’t like it, half the battle is won. What happened since his death is that there were some gains — and believe me, they are real, because I remember what it was like before 1964 — but the reality of life in the city for the poor is lost on your average suburbanite. That’s why the vote is as it is. The truth is simply too painful to contemplate.
Gallup Poll taken Thursday through Sunday finds a stark racial divide on other issues, including attitudes toward the hurricane’s victims, the performance of President Bush and the reasons the government’s early response was so wanting.
Why does this not surprise me at all?
Another great diary Oui.
Only about a fifth — 22 percent — said they thought the president was doing a good job handling gasoline prices, which soared after Katrina damaged Gulf Coast oil facilities.
Nearly three-quarters — 71 percent — said they disapproved of his handling of the issue.
Average prices for regular unleaded spiked above $3 a gallon after the storm but have since retreated.
GALLUP POLL :: Leadership And Bush?
His strongest political asset – the perception that he is a strong and decisive leader – has eroded to the lowest rating of his presidency, 52%. That’s 8 points lower than in the previous poll, and 23 points lower than immediately after 9/11 – when his response reshaped Americans’ views of Bush.
A majority of Americans say the president doesn’t display good judgment in a crisis, doesn’t inspire confidence and doesn’t “care about the needs of people like you.”
The rebuilding efforts ahead will take place in the White House as well as along the Gulf Coast, says Bruce Buchanan, a political scientist at the University of Texas. “This goes right to the core of his strength and right to the core of the thing that has enabled him to stay plausible despite the political partisan divide in the country,” Buchanan says of Bush. “Now he’s in damage control big time.”
Neglecting Bureaucratic No
domestic needs inefficiency opinion
2005 Sep 8-11 56 38 6
Non-Hisp. Whites
2005 Sep 8-11 37 51 12
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They could have bought a Hummer. Or a whole bunch of Josh Groban CDs.