this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters
cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, and My Left Wing.
image and poem below the fold
Local boys stand near Iraqi police during a military offensive in the northern town of Tal Afar September 13, 2005. The Iraqi army said it killed 14 insurgents and captured 35 on Tuesday as troops chased militants down the narrow streets of the rebel northern town of Tal Afar, on the fourth day of a major military assault.
REUTERS/Namir Noor-Eldeen
I am Very Bothered
by Simon Armitage
I am very bothered when I think
of the bad things I have done in my life.
Not least that time in the chemistry lab
when I held a pair of scissors by the blades
and played the handles
in the naked lilac flame of the Bunsen burner;
then called your name, and handed them over.
O the unrivalled stench of branded skin
as you slipped your thumb and middle finger in,
then couldn’t shake off the two burning rings. Marked,
the doctor said, for eternity.
Don’t believe me, please, if I say
that was just my butterfingered way, at thirteen,
of asking you if you would marry me.
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support SassyTexan’s humanitarian work by donating to the Houston Red Cross and being sure to indicate that it is in honor of MLW SassyTexan
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support the victims of torture
support the fallen
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support the troops and the Iraqi people
read This is what John Kerry did today, the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
read this soldier’s blog
witness every day
I wonder what the label on the butt of that one gun says(?)
Woody Guthrie had a guitar that had scrawled on it, “This machine kills faschists”
More guitars, less guns. Except for that ONE guitar with the frikken Seal of the US on it. Ahem.
I doubt that precious little boy in the forefront is thinking, “G-d Bless America for making my life so much more liberated.” …
:o(..thank you, again……

In Northern Baghdad, or North of Baghdad, 17 men were dragged from their homes and executed by unknown gunmen, some dressed in Iraqi Army uniforms.
More ugly violence as more than 40 were killed when a suicide car bomb exploded in central Baghdad as men were waiting for a day’s employment.
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Nearly 200 injured from scattered attacks
At least one suicide car bomb exploded near a gathering of laborers in Kadhimiya — a Shiite area of north-central Baghdad. A driver of a small van capable of carrying personnel, called out to a group of Iraqis waiting to be employed, that he was looking for workers. The terrorist – suicide bomber – blew himself up with the van filled with explosives …
Hospital officials told police that at least 80 people have been killed, and another 162 wounded. The bombing took place around 6:50 a.m. (10:50 p.m. ET Tuesday).
About three hours later, another suicide car bomb targeted shoppers in the busy Shiite neighborhood of Shu’la in northwestern Baghdad, killing four people and wounding 22 others.
In Taji, about 10 miles (16 kilometers) north of Baghdad, men wearing Iraqi army uniforms stormed homes and pulled 17 Shiite men from their homes, shooting them execution style, police said.
The men were killed around 4 a.m. Taji is a mixed Sunni-Shiite community.
Attacks were also staged on at least three military convoys.
A suicide car bomb targeted an Iraqi army convoy in the al-Adil intersection in western Baghdad around 9:40 a.m. (1:40 a.m. EDT). According to police, three Iraqi soldiers were killed and two of their vehicles were damaged.
About 40 minutes earlier, another suicide car bomber hit a U.S. military convoy in eastern Baghdad, wounding two soldiers and destroying their Humvee.
Wounded Iraqis are treated in hospital following a suicide car bomb attack in Baghdad. The blast killed mostly labourers who had gathered to look for work in the Shi'ite district of Kathimiya. Ceerwan Aziz/Reuters
Are these attacks and wave of violence in Central Iraq a reprisal for U.S. | Iraqi attacks on Tal Afar?
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