New York, NY (Rotters) – President Bush, today added more fuel to the fire in regards to a rumored illicit relationship between him and his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  Both were attending the International UN summit meeting along with newly appointed American ambassador John Bolton. Bush is currently reeling from numerous setbacks from the war in Iraq to the unprecedented devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

Bush was noted to become somewhat intoxicated in the luncheon earlier in the day after a number of toasts.

Bush, after a number of toasts at the UN luncheon, seen winking at his Secretary of State
Bush was later noted to be very restless as the meeting progressed throughout the afternoon. Mr. Bolton and Ms. Rice seemed to struggle to keep the President focused, as he seemed to incessantly play with his translation device and slouch in his chair. Finally Mr. Bush was noted to scribble a note which he attempted to pass to Ms. Rice. Much of the contents of the note were captured by a photographer. It stated: “I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible…” along with what appeared to be a crude and somewhat indecent drawing.

Contents of President’s note to Ms. Rice captured by photograph

After the note was passed, The President was seen heatedly conferring with Ms. Rice. Moments later the President was seen holding out a pink box to Ms. Rice for a brief instant. It was quickly hidden away by Ms Rice and Mr. Bolton and was not apparently noticed by anyone in the assembly.

President holding out mysterious pink box

The White House refused comment and completely denied that the incident had happened. They refused to speculate about the reasons behind the need for the bathroom break. The President’s performance was noted to be adequate by those in attendance.

Do you think the Manganos putrescent,
For the deaths of their patients, senescent?
If you’re into these stats,
A Presidential ass-hat,
About now, should be burning rubescent…

Said Judge Roberts, “I will be my own man.”
While he swept questions right in the dustpan.
Implies he’d never dissuade,
In regards Roe versus Wade,
But if the right case he hears, then he can…

Twelve explosions ripped through Baghdad, Iraq,
And Al-Qaeda is claiming the attacks,
`Tis really Hell, these “last throes”,
Now only God or Bush knows,
If we level Tal Afar as getback…

The Olsens are promoting the Sprouses,
For the guys, they’ll become clearinghouses.
Will they expand new frontiers?
`Tis not much difference, six years;
They’d make weird interchangeable spouses…

Priorities described as “watered down”,
The UN is a sea of fettered frowns.
No poverty solution,
No strong stance on pollution,
`Cause Bush must deal with his own fetid town…

Delta and Northwest endure dissensions,
Over who should be paying who’s pensions.
So will bankruptcies be filed,
Or is it crocodile smiles,
To silence all the Unions’contentions?

Breaking: A Topical Limericks Update:
Here’s some news that frequent fliers might hate:
Both the airlines, go figure,
They’ve both just pulled the trigger,
Ending the “Chapter Eleven” debate…

Russell Crowe’s charged with malicious phone throws,
In angry throes, hit concierge in the nose,
The event, it enlarges
Hit with felony charges,
Crowe’s hosed by the visa troubles imposed…