Comedy Central posted Kurt Vonnegut’s list of:
Give us this day our daily bread. Oh sure.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Nobody better trespass against me. I’ll tell you that.
Blessed are the meek.
Blessed are the merciful. You mean we can’t use torture?
Blessed are the peacemakers. Jane Fonda?
Love your enemies – Arabs?
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. The hell I can’t! Look at the Reverand Pat Robertson. And He is as happy as a pig in s**t.
Vonnegut ran out of time last night when he tried to read this list on the Daily Show. Tonight you can see Ed Helms take an “Evolution Heritage Tour” at a Creationist gift shop. Should be amusing.
I’m sorry I missed him. Is Comedy Central still showing the past day’s Daily Shows immediately following the current show? I loved that set-up.
May I ask what Vonnegut means by these two?
Blessed are the peacemakers. Jane Fonda?
Love your enemies – Arabs?
They’ve got some Jimmy Kimmel show on afterwards now. 🙁
I mean Adam Carolla.
I think they’re really the same person anyway though.
Oh right. I immediately switch channels, hoping the last half hour of Charlie Rose is decent. Or that there’s something somewhere else to listen to.
Jimmy Kimmel. Sad. Do any of you remember — you must — that show that used to be on right after Nightline that was also produced by some Nightline people? It was a wonderful show. They tried to find another home for it, but apparently didn’t succeed. I wish I could remember the name of that show.
it’s pure snark 🙂
The Daily Show has started to post full videos of the show for Windows Media Player the day afterwards. The one with Vonnegut should still be up for a few hours.
Did you see Vonnegut on Bill Maher? Quite good. Oh, and I love George Carlin … too bad that asshat conservative ate up so much time. Darcy was very impressed with the Atlanta Journal Constitution editor / woman.
He was very big on the Sermon on the Mount, and not just the idle beatitudes at the beginning. All the stuff conservative Christians are sworn to eradicate.