Update [2005-9-15 23:8:24 by BooMan]: Sometime very soon we will be switching over to the new server. We anticipate being down for 10-15 minutes. We hope that no one will be logged out. If you do get logged out and cannot remember your password, send me an email at admin@boomantribune.com and I will reset your password and let you know what it is.
Update [2005-9-15 23:39:30 by BooMan]: We’re back on the new server. Take it for a joy ride. It should be faster. You also may notice the address is www2.boomantribune.com for a few days. Don’t worry about it.
God helps drunks and crazy people?
Probably some secret religous code for “Meet me at the bake sale.” Who the Hell knows with this guy.
That’s so funny.
or it could be “see ya at the rapture!” — which always reminds me of the Six Feet Under episode when the fundamentalist woman saw all those inflatable human-like sex toys floating up after getting loosened from their ties to a truck … and ran out to join them in the rapture, and got run over.
That’s such an incredible episode.
My wife (professor of nursing) and I watched that on DVD, and talked about using it in class as an example of professional boundaries – specifically when Nate goes ballistic on the fundy hubbie, telling him to grieve!
The hubbie had no problem (the young son, well…) with figuring out how or why she died. Nate was all about projecting his grief onto the guy – quite a lesson for student caregivers on the basic question “Whose needs are being met here?”
How about that – using scenes from SFU to support nursing education?
Some day I’ll ramble on here about my plans to build a series of lectures for the same group based on the dramatic arc of the Reverend Smith in the first season of Deadwood…
Can’t wait for that ramble, Rub!! Your wife sounds like an incredible person — is she at all interested in joining us?
Jeanne describes herself as technologically-challenged, so I doubt it.
Sweet… If we’re going to get baked count me in…
He is speaking of heaven, life after death. Specifically, in the New Testament:
II Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if the earthly house of our tent is dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens.
Some have interpreted to refer to our bodies as the “earthly house”, others interpret it more literally as our dwelling place on earth. In any case, I’m sure Bush’s speech writers used this biblical reference to speak to his Bible-aware followers who might put either meaning to his words – their homes washed away, and for some, their corporeal death. Heaven will improve their lot even if they died as a result of the hurricane.
As my spouse just said, some of us have a bit of trouble taking this later meaning without cynicism.
Of course, this is also one of the passages that used to be said to slaves, to help “keep them in their place”, waiting for a better life after death.
Hardly appropriate under the circumstances of Bush’s speech, I think.
But clearly what the hell they think.
How many times do we have to shout that these fuckers rather live in the 19th century than the 21st???
And stupid ass “Christians” then as it is now. There’s a huge heap of difference b/w followers of Christ and Christians.
Those who were on top in the 19th century got there by keeping their lessers in the 13th century.
I hate to disagree with you, but I don’t think they want us to live in the 19th century. They have something more in mind like this. (note particularly second sentence, third graph).
I stand corrected.n :<)
That’s ownership society for you…
Very appropriate and intentional I think. “I’ve just screwed you big time but hey! You’ve still got hope in life eternal!”
It’s heavenly urban renewal!
The dead get heaven, while Halliburton and Richard Baker get a “new” New Orleans.
If “hope” is a central focus in your life, you are in desperate sraits.
Being reminded “…of a hope beyond all pain and death” is no fun either, and certainly not somethng to look forward to.
But not if you are an evangelical. Hope is a wonderous thing… and a place, a house, beyond all pain and death… is a wonderous place. It is code speak all right and he ain’t talkin’ to us. He was projecting big daddy and the prophet all at the same time.
It’s kinda like his “I am responsible…” bit can be translated to his saying “I am the brave and strong leader with broad shoulders. I am so big that I can accept responsibility of all of their screw ups!“
Broad shoulders, eh? They should have made him wear a suit — he looked pathetic up there, listing to the right, zooming back and forth into the camera, no neck, fading into the background of the stagelit backdrop — how’d they get the electricity on so fast??
The whole thing made me ill, but I just had to watch it — opportunity zone in the Gulf? Giving away federal land for people to build on? what land? National parkland? Wetlands? $5000 to cover education training and childcare?? What PLANET is this man from? Congress should tell him to take his assbackwards inititatives and shove them up his ass — I swear to god, the democrats have this one cahnce, ONE, to stand up to this and they’d better make it good.
Apparently the Potemkin President brought his own generators in and turned the power on a half hour before the speech and shut it off again an hour afterwards.
I thought the backdrop looked like they were at Disneyland.
“If you’re not all with me, you’re going to hell…”
Yeah, you lost everything, but if you redistribute your wealth to the rich, let Halliburton run the government, and toil at WalMart w/o complaint, you’ll get your heavenly reward.
The sorry fucker…
My way or the highway.
What if you are required lawfully to “act” like you are with him and you are still alive and you are in hell right now? Will they stamp my passport so it’s still good when I’m dead and need to be in hell some more?
You’ll NEED your passport to get to Hell!

(it’s somewhere in the Caymans, I think!)
He said:
“Luke… I am your father.”
Or was it…
“I’m still yer daddy (even if i need a potty break now and again).
My question: Does he understand what he said?
This server is very zingy! I love it! Hey, Boo Daddy-o, we’re cruisin’ now.
a boy howdie?
you settle for a Howdy Doody?
can’t get that damn tune out of my head. what’d you put in this thing? Very Nice.
He just took 22 minutes to say it.
Why do you always sum it up so well? Yup. Very pithy.
Genghis used to make that same speech every time he razed a city.
Do You Wish You Understood What He Said?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Fuck no.
Translated from the Bush:
“I screwed up, but you guys got through anyway, because you worked together and God helped those who were worthy.”
Remember, grace is always “grace of God”. “Trial” are sent by God, and “strength” is an inner gift given by God, while “one another” is an outer gift.
“Hey, lots of people died, but that’s okay. They’re all in heaven now! Except for the ones that are burning in hell. Remember, kids, say your prayers and worship the Lord Jesus Cheney!”
This half is so bloody obvious that I don’t see how anyone can’t get it.
If the rest of his speech was like that, it was 100% meat for the religious right. The Republicans are, as usual, trying to fire up the base, and you can bet good money that the Democrats won’t do a thing to try and stop them. Next up’s going to be a renewed push for their agenda, using the “coming together” meme, and maybe “understanding God’s lessons”. Not sure whether another war is on the horizon, but it seems likely.
I don’t give a flying fuck what he said, how he said it, what he meant, or what someone else thinks he meant.
Sorry, but he’s a coke-addled braindead psychopathic motherfucker, and it hurts to no end to see him posed up in Jackson Square.
That site has a very strong sense of place for me as just another yankee tourist in the deep south, and FratBoy has fouled it beyond measure.
Cafe du Monde is/was right across the street – there’s nothing finer than a big cup of cafe au lait and a couple of hot beignets at 1 in the morning. I paid a guy 50 cents there to look through his telescope – he showed me Jupiter and Venus, and they were real and it was remarkable.
Just off to the right, as you looked at the Cathedral with the river behind you, was Cafe Toujagues – a restaurant for locals that only served a modest 5-course prix fixe dinner: soup/gumbo, salad, boiled brisket with remoulade, entree, and dessert (get the bread pudding).
The trick was to show up at Toujagues with a couple of nips – those little 1.5 ounce bottles of liquor – and give them to the waiter for Mr. Latter’s (the owner) collection. He had nips displayed in cases on all of the walls alongside the celebrity photos, and adding to his collection usually generated a nice little something extra a table, or later at the bar.
That’s gone now, and whether or not it comes back, it won’t be the same.
So I don’t give a shit about FratBoy’s pseudo-biblical references – that fuck head wouldn’t know suffering if it bit him in the nuts.
But if someone says “Bring two nips along when you eat at Toujagues, and tell ’em they’re for Mr. Latter…” well, now, that’s something to think about.
You’ve got quite an intimate knowledge of New Orleans. It’s been on my list of places to go for so long, I’m so sad that when I finally do get to go it will be marred by this catastrophe.
One beef with your post (and it’s minor; I’m not overly sensitive): You’re giving a bad name to frat boys like me by referring to him as FratBoy. I’m sure if we work together we can come up with something much more universally insulting 🙂
Ha! Nice!
He’s FratBoy with a capital B and a capital F.
I didn’t mean to denigrate the fine group of fratboys that you’re such a proud part of. Please accept my apologies.
(My alternative name for his is “waste of skin,” which I believe came from mcjoan at dkos…)
I know that my group is in the vast minority, unfortunately 🙂
I think that ‘waste of skin’, while it may have been coined by mcjoan, is really just an inalienable part of GWB.
It’s kind of analogous to how we have rights that are not enumerated in the constituation. Similarly, the extent of douche-bag-ness that W exhibits is not limited by how we choose to describe it.
No offense intended to any douche-bags.
none taken
Most of the beautiful areas of New Orleans will be preserved, I am hoping, and this includes the older areas. The Lakeview/uppermiddle class area may have to be bulldozed. This is of no historical significance.
I heard a Lakeview resident quoted, “We know we are going to get our homes rebuilt.” Translation: we know our class, and we come first.
I am worried about the lower ninth ward. Many, many very old shotguns there, homes for working class African Americans. Not sure what will happen there.
Because of the historical significance of the neighborhood, I’m hoping every effort will be made to renovate.
The Preacher and the Slave
Music: In the Sweet Bye and Bye
Lyrics: Joe Hill
Long-haired preachers come out every night,
Try to tell you what’s wrong and what’s right;
But when asked how ’bout something to eat
They will answer with voices so sweet:
You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land above the sky;
Work and pray, live on hay,
You’ll get pie in the sky when you die. The starvation army they play,
They sing and they clap and they pray
‘Till they get all your coin on the drum
Then they’ll tell you when you’re on the bum:
Holy Rollers and jumpers come out,
They holler, they jump and they shout.
Give your money to Jesus they say,
He will cure all diseases today.
If you fight hard for children and wife —
Try to get something good in this life —
You’re a sinner and bad man, they tell,
When you die you will sure go to hell.
Workingmen of all countries, unite,
Side by side we for freedom will fight;
When the world and its wealth we have gained
To the grafters we’ll sing this refrain:
You will eat, bye and bye,
When you’ve learned how to cook and to fry.
Chop some wood, ’twill do you good,
And you’ll eat in the sweet bye and bye.
“…to a house not made with hands.- Dubya”
He’s talking about robot built housing…dont’ they have that where you live? Before you can park your jet car on the lawn, the robots have your new house built. We don’t even clean our house any more, we just let the robots build us a new one.
All I want to know is: who is this “grace” and is she taking Michael Chertoff’s job?
And is she cute?
but you guys are much funnier. I think I’ll stick to the froggy version every time.
Bush is saying, ‘don’t worry that you have no home in this world, you will be welcomed into the House of the Lord.’
This kind of talk was used during the days of slavery in the South. It encouraged blacks not to worry about their torment and suffering in this world, “there was room for them in Glory” “when the saints come marching in.”
Bush’s reading of this carefully crafted speech by godknowswho actually made me feel ill. We did not need this indifferent politician to tell us of the enormity of what happened in the Southern Gulf States. We have been watching it unfold since Sunday the 28th of August. Granted that we cannot really know how bad it is until we are actually on the ground down there. But Bush is the last person to edify us on conditions that he observed during staged his photo ops. And the rolled-up shirt-sleeve constume is wearing thin.
We didn’t “look away” like he did.
Not to worry people, he has put Karl Rove in charge of reconstruction, a sure guarantee that he is more worried about the storm that hit his own personal image than the Katrina that devastated the south.
So does this mean that Bush is doing that millennia old shuck and jive; “Don’t worry about your suffering here and now. Your great reward awaits in Heaven”?
This swindle has worked quite well for the lunatic bin Laden, promising his suicide killers all those virgins in Paradise. Is Bush/Rove now trying to trick the poor into willfully remaining in that condition, by linking the scale of their suffering now to even greater rewards after they croak? Is he telling them that now that he’s overturned the law requiring federally funded contractors to pay the prevailing wage to workers, those who earn less here on this mortal coil will have bestowed upon them even greater glories in Heaven?
I have been waiting for someone to make that comparison to OBL. Isn’t that why he can recruit so many suicide bombers? They have such a shitty life here but no worries cause once you get to heaven you will have every wish granted? Please, Bush truly is an evel piece of crap.
This is the same rubric the Roman Catholic Church used, (via the Spanish and the Portugeuse to create the “peon” class all across the Americas in their days of conquest and empire).
“The more you suffer now the greater your reward in heaven” is the cruelist hoax perpetrated by religion. The disgusting fraud MotherTeresa elevated this sickness to the highest level of hypocrisy with her so-called “help” for the poor. All she ever did for the poor was give them a place to suffer while she attempted to get them to embrace her religion.
(The Mother Teresa rant just came out of nowhere, but it fits in with the faslse spirituality propagated by BushCo and the evangelical fascists.)
I understand better what he didn’t say.
Where’s the money coming from?
Hell,NO!! If I understood what he said I would be a sociopath,like him.
I kinda prefer ‘waste of molecules’.
Didn’t you just love that gorgeous picture? The glowing church and the noble horseman statue in the background. Our hard-working dear leader looking so honest and sincere in his down-home work shirt. Frontpage bullshit!
I’ll bet there was quite a fuss from george because the cinematographers wouldn’t let him wear a ‘commander-in-chief’ outfit.
His down-home workshirt that he buttoned up wrong. Seriously, look at the collar of his shirt on his left side. Am I crazy? Oh. My. God. He can’t even dress himself.