On the lighter side…
A Story of interest to both Jerome and Dr. Frist:
Reuters today has a story with the headline “German Inventor: I Never Used Dead Cats for Fuel.”
Apparently Christian Koch, the German inventor and head of the firm “Alphakat GmbH,” has developed a process which he claims can convert “paper, plastics, textiles, and rubbish” into biodiesel fuel. In fact, he claims to have driven his own vehicle over 100,000 miles on this fuel with no ill effects.
“It’s an alternative fuel that is friendly for the environment. But it’s complete nonsense to suggest dead cats. I’ve never used cats and would never think of that. At most the odd toad may have jumped in.”
Small comfort to the amphibia at Booman Tribune…
Koch said there was no truth to the stories published on Tuesday and Wednesday in the German newspaper Bild that he used cats as part of his secret recipe.
Bild on Tuesday wrote a headline: “German inventor can turn cats into fuel — for a tank he needs 20 cats.” The paper on Wednesday followed up with a story entitled: “Can you really make fuel out of cats?”
A spokesman for Bild told Reuters the story was meant to show that cat remains could “in theory” be used to make fuel with Koch’s patented method.
The author of the story said Koch had never told him directly that he had used dead cats as the story implied.
Dr. Frist expressed disappointment at this turn of events: “Cats are a renewable resource, and after their use in medical education they can be a vital part of our nation’s energy policy. I intend to insert language directing the DOE to investigate cats as a fuel source into the upcoming bill opening the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. That should make those environmentalists happy.”
BMT regular SallyCat is organizing a protest march on congress when the date of the hearings is announced. Catnip and other BMT regulars plan to blog the hearings live.
A spokesman for Bild told ePluribus Media that this same reporter is now investigating the use of endangered large cat species in the production of Puma sneakers.
Glad to be of service.
I thought we needed something light after the flame wars yesterday (and continuing today?)…
BTW, you mentioned in a diary that you’re working on remediation in connection with Katrina. What kind of work are you doing?
I have been blocked out by the powers that be in NOLA for my service at present time.
Seems they only want their team players there for the moment.
I am continually working on access, and it will probably be through a back door so to speak before I can actually be there.
I spoke with my partner yesterday, and we are working on the lock of the back door at present time. We have a service that remediates organics and hydro-carbons on contact.
Right now though, things are being kept very hush hush, but I feel that will subside in a few weeks.
Once the coverup is complete ; )
I will try to keep you posted, although it will not be personally, and will have to do it through another member here.
Thanks for the light spirit this day friend….
peace be with you always.
Is he gone yet???

Whew! :{)
I LOVE it!!
I wonder if “Alphakat GmbH” is anything like “Top Cat?”
Aso special dispensation to be given to all humans with the name ‘Kat, Cat, Catherine, Kitty etc in their first last or middle names and including nicknames, ie-Kitten.
This dispensation is simply called the ‘Just Because Kitty-Kat Claws’. (does not apply of course in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico-just because).
While this dispensation has met with overwhelming disinterest there has been some disgruntled caterwalling by people with vaguely sounding dog names, ie-Doggie Hawser(?spelling)who feel they’ve been discriminated against by not getting there own dogspensation.(Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico are simply outraged well just because and plan to dog the Special Dispensaters paw I mean footprints.)
Breaking news-The Supreme Cat has just passed judgement on his first case by opining that Kit-Kat candy bars may only be eaten by people with the afore mentioned Kat names. Doggie is already marshalling a protest. This is Kitty Doggeral reporting live from the steps of the Supreme Cat House.
hate proof reading, so first words should be A special
Proofreading?!? That’s soooo 20th century. We have a button (“run spellcheck”) to do that now, thank god… I love living “La Vida Jetson.”
Hilarious! Although, catnip may need some help with the live-blogging. 😛
Pussy Power!