I need some feedback. As most of you know, I like live blogging – instant coverage of live political events. I started out over at dKos and have continued that tradition here. I believe it’s important to keep our cubicle dwellers and others informed when they don’t have live access to those events.
Most of you also know that I’m a very bad typist who makes lots of spelling mistakes as I pound away on my keyboard as fast as possible while transcribing testimony without ever having had any typing lessons. I never thought I’d need them much since I’ve worked in fields that didn’t require typing. You’ve all been forgiving about that. Thank you.
Now, here’s where I need your feedback…
This week, I’ve been live blogging the Roberts hearings and it’s been a tough one – not just because they’ve involved a lot of legalese, but because I haven’t been able to turn over the transcription duty to anyone else. These have been the quietest hearings I’ve ever live blogged in terms of participation in the form of commentary from my fellow bloggers.
I understand that many people feel Roberts is a shoe in and that that has affected interest in the hearings. I felt the same way, but I have found the hearings interesting nonetheless. I like the law and I love learning, so I’ve endured.
I also know, from some comments that I have received, that there are some fellow BTers out there who are using my transcriptions to follow the hearings. Thank you for letting me know you’re there.
What I need to know is why so many of you have not participated. I won’t judge your reasons. I’d just like to know what they are.
I stopped my transcriptions to write this diary after I went for a walk around the neighbourhood. I’m in physical pain – most of you know that history. I had to ask myself honestly how much more I could do. Could I finish transcribing today’s hearings? My body says no and that’s frustrating because I sincerely want to. I’m tired. I need a break. I also need to know whether, in the future when I live blog events, I’ll have some help. It’s too much for one person to do day after day.
I’m going back to the live Roberts hearing diary now to follow the witness testimony and may make some short comments about any significant remarks. Other than that, I’m pretty much done. These hearings end today and the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote next Thursday on the confirmation. I don’t know if it’s necessary to live blog that vote. You’ll have to let me know.
P.S. I’m not looking for heaps of praise here. I just want your feedback. Thanks!
Hi there, I was wondering when I’d see this diary. 🙂 I’m one of those people who have been following the hearings via your live-blogging. I’m at work so I can’t help out with the transcription, but perhaps a plea for help will get you some more rattling keyboards? I hope you get some assistance, the commentary is vital.
Recommended so more people will see this and hopefully pitch in!
but how can i be a pusher when i’m consuming all the product myself?
cheesecake eating bastard! 🙂
I don’t post much anyhow, but this week I’ve been terribly hampered by a glacially slow network at the office. I have tried to keep up with your live blogging of the hearings (every 1/2 hour or so), and it’s been worth it despite the long wait for pages to load. I really, really appreciate your willingness to do this.
Take care, catnip.
There have also been glacially slow server problems at BT this week that have since been fixed. That made me pull some hair out. Thanks for your feedback.
I love your live-blogging Catnip, and I’ve been scanning the hearings this week, but (whispers) I just don’t get a lot of that legalese…which has nothing to do with your blogging capabilities!
I have made a mess of some of that legalese – I know that. 🙂 You’re just being nice. (thanks)
makes me feel like Ginger:
OMG! That’s one of my all time favourite Far Side cartoons! Thank you! lol
My brother and I love it too. When he starts rambling about computer stuff that’s way over my head, I just look at him and go “It’s all blah, blah, blah Ginger to me…”
Hi Catnip, I know you have had a big burden with this hearing. I haven’t helped for several reasons,
Suggestion, this is replayed on cspan later on in the day and no doubt on the weekend as well, so maybe some could catch it then.
Also maybe rather than trying to catch the exact words, your comments are better and then people can read transcripts later.
Whatever, I hope you won’t feel obligated to do this especially when you have your own health concerns and please don’t allow this to add more stress to your life. Pay attention to what your body tells you. Your health is more important than anything.
I have live blogged a few hearings myself and at the end of the day I am just exhausted not to mention filled with high anxiety and none were as technical as this, so I can well imagine how you are feeling.
One of the cable stations, maybe oberman did a piece on a yawning and sleeping ‘Mrs. Roberts’, who was caught on tape doing such. That’s pretty much how I would be I fear, sitting there hour after hour.
I have to say this is the most difficult of all hearings to live blog, that I have seen in recent times and I have lost a lot of respect for some Senators with their constant bloviating. That is a word isn’t it, well if not?
So big hugs to you and do what is best for you, please!
This has been a very technical mess for those unfamiliar with many of the cases cited (like me). That’s why I tried to provide as many links as I could to case details.
Bloviating? I thought the Republicans did a good job of that. 🙂
As for the C-SPAN videos, it seems they’ve been making them available much more quickly than before, so that’s great.
It’s been hard to just provide commentary (I’ve tried) without outlining some of the details involved, but I’ll definitely consider changing the way I cover these types of events.
I took my political break earlier this summer, so I sure appreciate anyone else who feels the need to do that. It’s just too much sometimes. Thanks for your encouraging words and rest well. 🙂
Hey, are you in BC? I had a lovely time in Vancouver last week.
I participated in one of the live Roberts threads, and I thought you did a great job and I enjoyed hitting refresh a passel of times.
I didn’t participate in the other ones simply because I am increasingly fatigued by politics and recognize I need to take a step back purely for mental health. So I swear off blogging at least a few days a week.
So for me, it had nothing to do with the content or conduct of the thread; jumping in occasionally is all you can expect of me. Keep up the great work, please!
Thanks for your reply. I saw in another post that you had decided to take a break and, like I said to Diane, I totally understand that need. I think a lot of us are tired. Maybe we’re in the depression phase of grief following last year’s election loss – who knows?? Anyway, thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think and take care of yourself and your family.
Hi Catnip!
I don’t think folks are tired of live blogging, I think it’s just hard to get much enthusiasm up when it’s nearly universally accepted that this is a done deal. If it were something that was breaking news (like when the power failure hit LA the other day) or something that we felt we could make a difference about, then I think you’d be getting more input.
In any case those of us tied to cubicles very much appreciate the effort. But not to the extent that we want you to do anything that would worsen your health situation!
Off Topic – so you won’t get alarmed – Did you see that I’m changing my nom de blog as of tomorrow?
I did see that you posted a diary about changing your name. What was the decision?
You have to wait until the Jazz Jam goes up tomorrow night, like everyone else. Bwahahahahaha! ;-D
Actually, it’s become a subject of discontent in the household here: Mrs. DemInKnoxville does not like the choice that was leading in the poll. :-O
uh oh…are you stuck with the top poll choice or do you have veto power?
Here, Kos, everywhere, – since 9/1; until a short break just this past hour. I’ve been full time plus on Katrina relief efforts in Dallas.
Good to see you and kudos for your relief efforts! hug
for the love of God, tell everyone you know to keep their shirts on. Nobody needs the shirt off their back. “Closet cleaning” charity is doing indescribable harm to essential short term and longer term efforts.
I saw a clip about that on CNN this evening. I think it was in Miss and they said a lot of those clothes will just end up in the landfill. 🙁
Catnip if you are up to it, your blogging the vote next week will be very much appreciated. If I am able I will help though as you know I’ve had to work and rely on your blogging this week. Many thanks and hugs.
I’ll live blog it then – barring anything unforeseen happening.
While I greatly appreciate your live blogging (being one of the many at a desk at work), I don’t need a word for word transcript. What I really like is just a short summary of Idiot A asked really dumb question and Mr. I can’t respond dithered about and never really answered the question, kind of stuff. In other words, what your opinion of each round of questions or what you saw as highlights is good enough for me.
Thanmks a million for doing it, but please don’t feel compelled to continue!
Thanks for that input. So many idiots…so many comments to make. 🙂
I agree. Especially in cases like this where they go on and on. The juicy quotes are enough. Catnip, pretend you’re reporting for “As It Happens.” Actually, you should apply for a job with the CBC covering American politics, after all your practice!
I might if they weren’t still on strike!
I have been one to try to help out as much as possible, but I too am getting burnt out — the Roberts hearing especially made me just want to throw things….couldn’t SOMEone just ask a direct question?!
I totally just turned off to the whole thing. I had to just turn my TV off (except for non-news shows (brainless veggie ones, ya know?) and Jon Stewart) the other day — I am keeping to this for at least a week. The thing that did it was watching the fucking governor of NC on my TV BEGGING people to “just go, get out” and YET EVEN IN THE FACE OF KATRINA offering NO options for those people who couldn’t do it themselves — he had no info. on buses or trains or anything and NOT ONE FUCKING REPORTER IN THE ROOM ASKED HIM ABOUT IT!
Sorry for yelling.
I just can’t fucking take any more right now. I love your live blogging, and I will be back to help later, I just need a break.
big hugs for you, brinnainne
I really value your live-blogging, and in the past have inserted myself into some of your live diaries (from before your break).
This time I haven’t had a chance to even peek at one! I don’t have access to the internet (for leisure time stuff) during the day. It’s been a couple weeks of this now, and it’s killing me. (I said in the Cafe the other day that it was postive for my psyche, but … fuck my mental health! I miss this place. All the interaction. It’s not as fun to only read, to not comment. And reading? I can’t keep up with the diaries here – all the good stuff happens between 9 and 5!)
Anyways… rambling here. What I want to say is that even though I haven’t been able to participate in the latest ones, I appreciate the work they entail and the effort you put into them. Definitely appreciated.
Thanks. I haven’t had the time to read all of the great diaries here either. That sucks.
Three things kept me away:
I have guests from Toronto, showing them my town etc. Tomorrow, Victoria, the big city!
On top of that, I have not slept well since Katrina hit. It has made me cut down on commenting even before my guests arrived. (They are out now.)
So, I appreciate what you are doing, just can’t get time to participate.
I hate John Roberts.
I love your live blogging.
I can’t help out because when all this stuff is going on, I’m at work, and our network team blocks all of our streaming audio/video 🙁
But my being up-to-the minute informed isn’t as important as your health and sanity; I can just go read MSM transcripts / summaries a few hours later, even though I would dearly miss your witty commentary.
That’s what keeps me sane during those events. Good thing I’m not a court reporter.
Since I live without TV (something I’m quite happy about) the live blogging of hearings and such is something I very much appreciate. Thank you.
I guess I haven’t been paying as much attention to the Roberts hearings as I might to some others and so haven’t been commenting. But isn’t because I think he’s a foregone conclusion so much as that I decided against him some time ago, and have done pretty much everything that I can at the moment as far opposing his confirmation.
I’m glad I asked for feedback. It’s all been very helpful!
And I only manage about 30 words per minute…
But I have been following your diaries as best I can, and thank you for your efforts!
I don’t know how many wpm I type. I’ve been too chicken to find out. 🙂