You are probably aware that Bush is going to speak on television tonight. More details in this article on CNN:
Rather than speak before a live audience, Bush is planning to stand alone and broadcast his message directly into the camera from the evacuated city’s historic Jackson Square, according to a White House official speaking on condition of anonymity since the site had not been announced.
The square and its most famed landmark, the St. Louis Cathedral, were on high enough ground to avoid flooding but did not escape damage from Katrina’s 145-mph winds. Two massive oak trees outside the 278-year-old cathedral came out by the roots, ripping out a 30-foot section of ornamental iron fence and snapping off the thumb and forefinger of the outstretched hand on a marble statue of Jesus.
Remember the famous Bush administration stagecraft we were talking about the other day? Today’s CNN article touches on that…
The format of the speech — Bush speaking alone to a national audience from a famous urban site — is reminiscent of his address from the front of the Statue of Liberty three years ago on the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Quick reminder about that one…
The White House efforts have been ambitious — and costly. For the prime-time television address that Mr. Bush delivered to the nation on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the White House rented three barges of giant Musco lights, the kind used to illuminate sports stadiums and rock concerts, sent them across New York Harbor, tethered them in the water around the base of the Statue of Liberty and then blasted them upward to illuminate all 305 feet of America’s symbol of freedom. It was the ultimate patriotic backdrop for Mr. Bush, who spoke from Ellis Island.
I’ve been told that in the hour before Bush’s performance, Howard Dean will be giving the Democratic “presponse” on Paula Zahn Now. I think all of us should be presponding today, as well as responding this evening and in the days to come. There are a lot of good comments and suggestions here–please check them out. And let’s talk about what else we need to be doing.
This is from a diary by Sam Loomis, written on Tuesday. He tells us that word has it, Bush will use the following tactics:
And then he moves on to the rapid response portion of the diary:
Read the rest of the diary here
“Can you believe that? He’s not even a good actor. No wonder nobody trusts him. I wonder how much all the trucks and lights and makeup artists cost?”
“He said we’re going to rebuild New Orleans, but they’ve already given the big contracts to Halliburton and Bechtel. I can’t believe the profiteers got rewarded for stealing money from the troops. I wonder where the money will really go with these crooks handing it out?”
Number of times he’ll say:
hard work 6
liberty 3
freedom 5
progress 22
responsibility 1
investigation 0
what went right 7
what went wrong 1
blame game 7
compassion 52
pray 78
deficit 6
God 10
I’m an incompetent and insenstive ass who deserves to be impeached 0
Ummm. . . . 6?
And “changed (or changes) everything”; 3 times?
Stay the course- 4 times?
I was just going to post that. lol
I forgot terra-ists too!
halliburton 0
racism 0
kickbacks 0
michael brown 0
cronyism 0
patronage 0
We have seen the enemy and it is Mother Nature. I have decided to use my executive authority to declare War on Mother Nature – no matter where she may appear across the globe. We will track her down and bring her to justice. So, I have this to say to Mother Nature: Bring It On!
Heh — hurricane season is just getting started, and Mother Nature’s resources are extremely renewable….
…and she’s hiding them somewhere in the nuclear reactors of Iran. Attack! Attack!
…cue well-timed and well-aimed lightning bolt!