Peter Daou, a good friend to this site, and the writer/editor of Salon’s Daou Report (sub.), recommends this new site — Pre$$ You’ll love it. My latest target, the fawning, obseqious Norah O’Donnell at MSNBC, is featured there. The reaction from the right is quite amusing:

“More B.D.S. — That’s Bush Derangement Syndrome, for those not familiar with the term.” —

Update [2005-9-16 10:59:2 by susanhu]: The latest from Pre$$

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Takes A Cheap Shot At President Clinton

Last night, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer took a cheap shot at former president Bill Clinton. Crooks and Liars has the clip:

On the Situation Room today, our liberal media reared it’s head as Jack Cafferty was describing a new program sponsored by Bill Clinton called “The Clinton Global Initiative.” Email Question of the day: “What’s President Bill Clinton up to?”

Blitzer: “And I expect a lot of those responses, this being a family network, you’re not going to be able to read on the air Jack.”

Read the rest.