Peter Daou, a good friend to this site, and the writer/editor of Salon’s Daou Report (sub.), recommends this new site — Pre$$ You’ll love it. My latest target, the fawning, obseqious Norah O’Donnell at MSNBC, is featured there. The reaction from the right is quite amusing:
“More B.D.S. — That’s Bush Derangement Syndrome, for those not familiar with the term.” —
Update [2005-9-16 10:59:2 by susanhu]: The latest from Pre$$
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Takes A Cheap Shot At President Clinton
Last night, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer took a cheap shot at former president Bill Clinton. Crooks and Liars has the clip:
On the Situation Room today, our liberal media reared it’s head as Jack Cafferty was describing a new program sponsored by Bill Clinton called “The Clinton Global Initiative.” Email Question of the day: “What’s President Bill Clinton up to?”
Blitzer: “And I expect a lot of those responses, this being a family network, you’re not going to be able to read on the air Jack.”
In my circles B.D.S. stands for ‘brutal dry sodomy’.
But it works for ‘Bush (a) deranged simian’ too.
Actually, they are pretty much synonymous.
It’s a nice new site with a message we all like, i think … shall i add it to our blogroll? So long now, our blogroll … 🙂
It is a good site, and more than promises to fill the void left by “MediaWhores.” Remember them?
These people seem to have their sights trained on the right people; lots of wisdom about the familiar flunkies some of us despise. I look forward to more incisive reporting and maybe a bit more malice – if necessary – to tide us through all the difficult days when the nation and our Dems and even Brian Williams return to their habitual passive, uncritical, and even fawning acceptance of the nightmare that is this administration. I’d like to think of Wolf,Mathews, Russert, et al reading about themselves in “Presstitutes.” They are all overdue for some painful introspection.
Glad you discovered it. Do put it on the blog roll.