this was posted as a comment on k/o’s recent diary, but as it ended up being a lot longer than i expected, I am posting it again here as a stand alone diary. More meta navel gazing…
I have not been around here so much, and have provided little original material recently (i.e. not crossposted either on dKos or ET), so I don’t know if k/o’s kind word about me in his diary refers to the European whiff from the European Tribune links, or the occasional text, but it is gratefully acknowledged!
I wanted to add a few words about how I see dKos, as both an “insider” (i.e. a regular with lots of visibility) and an outsider (a foreigner, and French to boot):
First, dKos is really several sites.
- You have the front page dominated by kos and Armando, and you have to admit that they do write some damn good stuff. That’s what the vast majority of people read.
- Then you have the diaries, where the regulars spend most, if not all their time. In fact, i’d say a regular is someone who checks the reclist or the most recent diaries or his/her hotlist before the front page. That’s the hard core community, those that spend almost every waking hour there. A few hundred? A couple thousand? Plus the many occasionals? But it’s a lot harder to know how much of an audience these discussions have beyond the regulars.
- Within the diaries, you have the non-controversial topics, and the more controversial ones. If you write about abortion, or Hillary Clinton, or race, or Lieberman, you have to know that you will generate strong feelings and that the threads can easily degenerate. Some people like being provocative, or tactless, some don’t realise they are, and many of us are susceptible. Thus many misunderstandings… and not everybody has the strength of character of Boo to apologise right away if someone felt insulted by something he wrote. And many of the new members abuse the ratings and just misbehave. And some like Armando and others act very abrasively and even obnoxiously in the diaries. it’s so different from the well reasoned and calm front page pieces that it has to be voluntary. It’s easy to identify, and it’s easy to avoid. Don’t give ratings, don’t comment if you don’t want to get embroiled.
- But within non controversial diaries, like most of my energy and economics stuff, you can have some great threads, many insightful comments, and really interesting stuff. I don’t think there has ever been a flame war in any of my diaries, simply because the discussion remains thoughtful throughout, and I do believe that the diary writer sets the tone. Here at Booman’s, as has been pointed out, Boo and Susan obviously listen to others and respect them, and that does set the tone.
But dKos now is more than about Kos, it is an aggregator. That’s where you go because that’s where everybody is, and everybody is there because that’s where you go. It’s become a big meeting place. and that’s invaluable if you want to get lots of different opinions, if you want to really test your arguments, or if you are looking for depth of information. the counterpart is that it’s become quite rough, very crowded, and somewhat anonymous. And you diary, even if it goes down the chute after half an hour, will have had more readers than you can dream of anywhere else.
But you cannot get both the audience and the coziness, that’s simply not possible. So Booman’s has a part of its success because it is familiar, but less stressful than dkos. it has managed to build on that initial reservoir to become something different enough, and that must be credited to Susan and Boo. And it gets to be big enough that you get some good feedback, enough information and interaction to keep yourself busy. But like I wrote, Kos is THE meeting place of the left, and it will be impossible to cut the link altogether, and to avoid such meta diaries. We should not let us get annoyed by them. I suspect it’s healthy to discuss these things once in a while, as long as it’s not obsessive.
Don’t get annoyed about the dKos “community”, it’s just too big, it’s a crowd, a loose network of communities, some of which find other places to meet on their own and come once in a while to the big market place to know what the others are doing and reading.
As to dKos being centrist, let me say this: I am a centrist economically speaking, and a lot more liberal on social issues. Kos is probably the other way round. As BT cares a lot about social values and probably a bit less about the economic stuff (at least it does not generate the same passions), it’s kos’s more conservative pov on some social issues that pisses people here off. Within the community, you get every kind of opinion, including those that are offensive to you if you have deeply held views on one or several topics, and one of these will inevitably come up and write something that you cannot tolerate. That’s a fact of life in such a big crowd, and it has little to do with kos beyond the obvious fact that he does not restrain such abrasiveness.
An additional point is that dKos is a fascinating site for me for many reasons:
- it has become an amazing aggregator of information on a surprisingly wide range of topics (not just US politics) and it is a really invaluable place to get informed;
- the feedback it provides to each of us (like here on BT, but at lighting speed and from many different angles) can be uncomfortable but if you can take it, it will make you stronger, better informed, and hopefully a better person (it can also hurt you, so you have to be careful)
- the very specific “winner takes all” logic of the site (the same that makes the top players in some sports earn so much more than their nearest competitors) makes it a harsh environment, and makes it hard to leave it.
- for me, it’s also particularly titillating as a foreigner to have a voice. I always try to be careful not to insult my hosts, but it is giddying to be able to be heard like this.
And remember, it is dKos that brought us all here and made it possible for us to find like-minded people all in one place. So that’s worth some grudging respect, isn’t it?
it is worthy of respect, grudging or no.
If there is one thing I would add to your observations it is that the culture of the site is not just a function of its size. It a function of the lack of weeding and fertilizing and nurturing and care that is taken to direct the culture.
Rules go unenforced by the leaders which results in posses that attempt to maintain some order. For long periods an anything goes attitude prevails, and then there is a sudden smackdown of some objectionable behavior.
I love Daily Kos, but it needs more hands-on care on a day-to-day basis. I think this site can grow to the size of Daily Kos and still have a much different culture. Size is not the only determinate of behavior.
I can only hope we’ll get to test that hypothesis!
I fully agree that the example set at the top has a massive influence, and that the differences in that respect between you and kos are pretty stark. I must nevertheless voice some doubts that such discipline could still prevail on such a scale.
Some doubts, mind you. If everybody on board follows the example, newbies have to do the same or they stand out and can easily be targetted for gentle or not so gentle rebuttal or worse. And the good behavior thus spreads and dominates. But if there are outbusts of uncivility, and they are not stamped out, which is possible in a really big site, then it may trigger a chain reaction as others lose their restrain as well in reaction.
same thing in life. we all follow some rules sbecause life is easier if everybody does. If enough people stop following them, and are not set straight, the nthat bad behavior will spread, as it becomes necessary for each to defend themselves. Thus what happened in NO, where the loss of infrastructure, plus the abandonment of unsaid rules by a few generated a general breakdown of these rules. maybe it is inevitable in such devastating circumstances, but we are never far away from such behavior.
And that’s one of the things I hate so much about Bush – he is setting so many uncivil precedents; he is a terrible, terrible example.
This is typical. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense.
You main write about economics… and from and economic point of view you are feted on Dkos as well as Bonddad…
However, if you wrote about the failings of this party to enforce women’t rights for example…you would see a whole other blog entirely… You would see the front pagers and their thugs jump down from their high horses and raid the comments pummulling at will. DHinMI, Armando, RonK, Addison, MikeS and a few female, black and gay assists as well …to make it seem balanced.
Your perception of DailyKos is as stark a difference as the views of those who evacuated before Katrina and those who evacuated after.
That divide was purosely BUILT and encouraged to grow by Kos… and he and his cronies continue to perpetuate this divide just as AL From and his cronies do today.
Not only that but Kos is a liar now I see to what extent he will go to push the DLC agenda.
The Democratic party under the guidance of the DLC wants the party to be non-ideological and issue-less… Kerry barley mentioned Civil rights or African Americans in his campaign… I guess they believe that if they ignore issue they will go away… well Katrina exposed that lie and it exposed the pathetic state of the Democratic party.
So what lessons do we learn in all of this NOTHIN… as Armando has front paged yet another embedded Rebublican Anti-abortion so called Democrat “he is the guy, in my opinion, who should be the face of the Dems”
I am waiting to see how Kos will spin the dems confirming Roberts as “A WIN” like he and his DLC/NDN co-horts spun the filibuster debacle as “A win”.
Sorry I do not share an optimism… it seems that the leadership is even more embolden to become republicans and Kos backed by Rosenbergs DLC/NDN connections and money is just a cog in their 200 million dollar(NDN happily accepted fund from arch conservative Republicans) megaphone pointed at the Dem base to intimidate and cajole Dems into believing this shit…
I’m a big shot now! Kickass/Hooray! Just in time for my departure from the country and the blogosphere! Thanks Parker, you’ve made all my dreams come true and just in the nick of time! Thank goodness my belated infamy finally came in the form of your hallowed hatred of my methods of instituting my ideals.
The sad thing here is that you appear to be entirely unconscious of just having proven your opponent’s point. That’s the dKos spirit: snarky and insulting, but entirely substance-free.
I have not been exactly aloof in my ivory tower while the real fighting went on “below me”. I participated to lorraine’s diaries, which were by no means neutral (btw, is she still around, I have not seen her in a while)
You may remember that I stepped quite explicitly into the pie wars with my diary some statistics about pie (with hard numbers showing discrimination against women) and it triggered a mostly civil discussion on the topic.
We set the tone by our diaries, whatever the topic.
I was going by what you wrote in this diary… I truly can’t remember what everyone said during the 800 comment pie war diaries…
We set the tone by our diaries, whatever the topic.
Yes and no
I purposely picked a gender non specific name because even though the internet is blind once gender and race are revealed … people really do treat you differently.
I was outed by writing too many abortion diaries… most thought I was a white male … it was funny to get comments from white males chastising me “you are not a women and you are offending women by your comments” I guess I had overstepped the lines of the brotherhood.
I agree that gender does influence how you interpret what’s written. It’s also a pain for me to write correctly in English without triggering any gender bias (French is much “simpler” – it’s all in the masculine gender).
I recommend all the pro choice diaries that I see, and more generally the feminist diaries, to encourage them and to try to give more visibility to the topic; I’ve never felt any adverse consequences for me from that support but I may be protected by my status over there (like Meteor Blades, who also stands on similar positions).
Maybe this gives support to the Trojan horse theory: first get respected and known by uncontroversial but regular (and good enough) diaries and then use you fame to push for more controversial issues…
(Although I don’t know if that’s true – one of first recommende diaries, and still the biggest thread to this date, was entitled “Stupid Fucking Americans”)
You are really French… I thought you were just an American living in Paris… now I have to see you in a completely new light </snark>
You consistently present yourself with a great deal of intelligence and diplomacy (from which I’ve learned). Your presence alone has an impact on the tone of a thread, no matter the topic. And although I’ve sometimes been intimidated by the lofty charts and economic theories presented in your writing, you have a gift of making all feel welcome, despite the fact that some of us may not have the skills to contribute at your level.
I think that falls under the category of using your natural abilities to cultivate a positive environment. You, (and Booman and Susan and many others) have those natural abilities – and you use those skills to create positive outcomes for the people around you. I could sense something very special happening on this site from the first time I arrived, and that special something has kept me from leaving.
I thought Oui hit the nail on the head in his response to KO’s diary. I’m paraphrasing his point, but he indicated that encouragement and appreciation go a very long way in making people blossom. In line with that, you (and many others) are the type of contributor who comes prepared with a watering can, sunshine and fertilizer. (The good kind of fertilizer ;^) You contribute to the personal growth and nurturing of others.
The first time I “met” you, I was touched beyond words. You shared a picture drawn by your child, along with an incredibly moving story about your son’s illness and hospital stay. Since then, each time I see your writing, I instinctively wonder how your family is doing. I’m not saying that your family situation defines who you are, but knowing something about your personal life – particularly something as moving as your story – adds to the feeling of community and civility.
I highly doubt that I’d feel any differently about you had you not shared your story – your excellent writing obviously speaks for itself – but your personal story adds to the blend. (In the same fashion as the many other moving, personal stories shared by BT members.)
I find it quite remarkable that such a large number of BT members (including myself) had previously been fearful of posting diaries or comments on other sites. There is definitely a trickle down effect from the site leaders, along with centuries of maturity from the members. I’m hesitant to say this. . . but. . .there’s also a feeling of. . .(gasp). . . love. I genuinely care about the well-being of the BT members and the people in their lives.
It would be a tremendous accomplishment indeed to maintain this gentle, caring environment among a group of 50,000+ members. On the other hand – if there exists a group of people who can make that happen – I believe you’ll find them at BT/ET.
Um. . .not to go way, way off-topic here, but if the French language is masculine, why did I have such difficulty remembering the appropriate use of “le” and “la”? ;^)
Wow, thanks for the amazing compliments; they really touch me. (And your comment reminds me that we just recieved yesterday some news – good news – about the little girl who was the recipient of that drawing, and that I should put up a diary about it)
As to the feelings within the community, I agree with you. It’s hard not to be authentic on such a site (talking about politics and deeply held convictions consistently if you don’t believe them is pretty much impossible), and indeed the standard has been set that we can be pretty open about our personal stuff, and that there is a bond between all of us. All the people that i have met in real life after meeting them online have been very consistent with their online personalities, so I trust what people write here a lot.
As to French: think of “je lui dit”, which means both “I tell him” and “I tell her”…
to hide ones “personality” behind a facade. “Tone” counts for a lot. One can discover a lot about a proficient writer simply from tone.
If the “tone” of the community allows for it, discourse will follow.
Some people are tone deaf. Some sing.
Music sooths.
dudes abide.
Jerome, I’ve troll-rated a couple of Addison’s comments on this diary. I’ve never troll-rated on BooTrib before and never thought I would have to.
I troll-rated him–with a “1”–because I found his comments insincere, counterproductive, sarcastic, and completely off-topic. In other words, trollish.
Booman only has one rule, Addison: Don’t be a prick. But you really can’t help yourself, can you?
Rules go unenforced by the leaders which results in posses that attempt to maintain some order. For long periods an anything goes attitude prevails, and then there is a sudden smackdown of some objectionable behavior.
My informed opinion and, indeed, experience is that ‘objectionable behavior’ is defined by a small sub-set of posters who do not or are unable to apply these rules to themselves. They have directly targeted demographics within the ‘big’ tent and, also, any number of long time posters, threatened them with banning (or actually banned them) and subjected them to a great deal of verbal abuse and no one, to my knowledge, tries to stop any of this. Sometimes they create ‘objectionable behavior’ retroactively and then ban people. Sometimes they target people and just make shit up. Fairness and actual facts have nothing to do with it. None of the rules are spelled out in the FAQ. Therefore one logs on and finds that a bunch of people have been banned for recommending diaries which weren’t approved by a standard no one is clear about. It’s like living with an alcoholic or bi-polar parent. The normal readers and posters have no notion when that sort of arbitrary smack down is going to be implemented.
I’ve seen ‘leaders’ with administrative privileges threaten people in order to win an argument.
Likewise I’ve seen these same ‘leaders’ give a pass (in petey’s case, many passes) to people they like for whatever reason and apply them unfairly and with the flimsiest reasoning and excuses to people who they dislike or whose politics are too liberal to suit them. I can find many examples if you’re interested but the notion that DKos encourages free speech and tolerance of many views is nonsense. It truly is a realm of petty authoritarian types with vast egos and few social skills and they are allowed free rein. One can have decent conversation in spite of tem, of course, but the problem isn’t that the place goes untended but, rather, the tenders themselves.
My sense is that the culture would improve if much of the leadership was weeded and replaced with a politically more diverse group of people and that selection of that leadership in several cases was a real error on the part of the blog’s owner.
I agree that growth here will not necessarily result in the somewhat brutal and aggressive atmosphere at DKos.
and also wanted to point out that the tone coming from the top of any hierarchy, and whether people like it or no kos has one, has a huge (if insidious) effect on the tone of the overall community.
dKos was always a pretty rough and tumble place. But it’s become overrun with people who are not simply aggressive and opinionated, but just plain rude, pissy, and arrogant — there have always been a few of these, but they dominate now. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that this slow shift has followed a similar one over the past year or so in many of the writings on the front page.
And Jerome, I agree with you that Markos and Armando are sometimes deserving of props for the stuff that they write, but that’s becoming rarer and rarer, and really has been replaced by a lot of outright arrogance and incredible intellectual laziness. Of course, bear in mind that while it takes me longer than many people here to get really pissed off, I tend to get really pissed off once it happens, so I may be more charitable in my opinion of them in a little while when I’m feeling more reasonable again.
While I think size is tricky, I also think there are ways of negotiating growth without similar results.
Hope you don’t mind me hitching on to your comment, but this seemed like a logical place.
To me, a dKos poster of very long standing (3 years next month), most of the problem currently is that dKos is now Mondo Armando, and Armando does not have the temperament to run a blog. Yes, his FP pieces can be well written, thoughtful, interesting, enlightening, etc., but he is extraordinarily abusive and insulting towards anyone who offers anything even remotely critical, including towards his fellow front pagers. He posts many comments that are the very definition of what should be rated into Hidden Comments, but for the most part people are intimidated by his administrative privileges into not rating him, or if they do give him the “1s” and “0s” he deserves, his sycophantic claque rates him up and harasses anyone who criticizes him with abusive comments of their own.
And as for said front pages pieces, they are in many cases cannibalized from the better diary entries – something that’s gone on for a long time in fact, and the people who do the original pieces are seldom credited for their work. Kos in particular is getting remarkably lazy about his pieces, today he actually posted some rant about Garrison Keillor in which he said straight up he had no idea who GK was! That he could have gone a quick Google search and found some information seems either not to have occurred to him or he didn’t think it worth doing.
But to get back to the main problem, the place has had a serious troll infestation lately, but that has happened before and they’ve never threatened the site’s credibility. Armando’s remarkably obnoxious behavior is a far greater threat. Kos had better finish his book quick, while he still has a site and a community left.
Yeah, Hurricane Katrina was pretty stupid.
I agree, and I think that for all that he does sometimes do really interesting work, Armando was an incredibly poor choice for the kind of authority he has been given. His initial arguments in his posts are often very good, but his defense of them is… let’s just say lacking, and more than abrasive. He gets away with it by cultivating his “I’m just a really opinionated asshole” thing, but having argued with plenty an opinionated asshole that could still argue well, I have to say that it’s a poor defense for his behavior. My problem with him isn’t that he’s abrasive, I’m okay with that, it’s that his arguments in comments often consist of “I’m right, you’re wrong”, usually also a display of his ironically very thin skin at any perceived offense, and often also a mischaracterization or reduction to the point of absurdity of anybody else’s arguments.
But I don’t just want to pick on Armando, both because I think there are plenty of other problems and because it tends to just feed his ego.
I think that from the early days of the blog, Markos could’ve helped himself a lot by choosing a set of front pagers that was more diverse both demographically and in their views, or by making it more common to front page interesting diaries rather than just cherrypick facts from them. I also think you’re absolutely right that right now, a lot can probably be boiled down to a lack of attention on his part. The blog needed more attention as it grew, not less, and he’s become incredibly unresponsive even in his own posts, which means that while many a bad situation could probably be diffused if he’d just give a well thought out response to criticism. Instead it just festers, grows, and involves a piling on by the clannish folks who perpetually try to defend him without thinking about it, or who think that “just being honest” makes it acceptable to call people names and generally be an asshole.
As for the Garrison Keillor thing, that was just incredibly stupid on his part. It was pointed out in the comments over there that his “who is Garrison Keillor…” thing was probably a literary device, and that’s possible, but the foundation of his entire argument in that post was still just poorly researched and dumb. If you’re going to criticize well loved figures, it would be wise to at least get your facts right and present an argument beyond “he’s an idiot”. Instead, markos spent more time talking about his law experience (guffaw) in an arrogant tone than he did backing up his opinion. Even that wouldn’t bug me if it weren’t part of a larger pattern right now.
I was hoping that “who is GK?” was a rhetorical device myself, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized he might not know. Kos is still quite young, and Keillor first became famous in the early 1980s, when Kos was just a kid and living in what I assume was a predominantly Spanish-speaking environment, moving back and forth between the US and El Salvador. So he might not have ever encountered Keillor in his heyday, and not had occasion to find out who he is afterwards. Anyway, his post gave no indication that he did understand who Keillor is, and as far as I know he didn’t post anything further that suggested he did.
Pretty hard to say. I’m about the same age as markos, and I know who GK is, but then I also grew up in this country and hang out with a significant number of NPR listening hippies. So I’m still not sure either, and he sure didn’t do anything to clarify.
At the core, IMO, it is always the writer’s job to make their point understandable to their audience, as much as reasonably possible. So if he was misunderstood and didn’t clarify, I have no sympathy.
I also grew up in this country and hang out with a significant number of NPR listening hippies
Kos was a Republican until recently ( some might argue he never left)… so he probably hung out with College Republicans…
you know what I would enjoy?
Not to give you homework, but…
You keep saying that the NDN and the DLC are indistinguishable. But I am interested in this topic because I have to make decisions on who to work with, and who not to work with. And I see Rosenberg was a former DLC guy. But I don’t see any other evidence that he is pushing a DLC agenda.
So, maybe you could do a diary about why you see them as the same.
Give me a few days to collect all of my info in one place…
Just note that DailyKos just frontpaged Clinton’s DLC frontman Carville… nuf said…
Here is an old diary… for now
Was Kos really a Republican until recently? How recently?
I’m a total outsider at DKos. I have no vested interest in who wins any of the pie fights there. I’m not at all sure who is on what side, how many sides there are or each of them stands for. But I have been involved in many bulletin boards and blogs as a poster and I’ve seen it time and time again that as the site grows, it becomes increasingly more difficult to manage, until a point is reached where the character of the site changes dramatically, and never for the better. It always turns out that one person alone, even working full time, cannot keep the site in check once it reaches that critical mass.
This means that even if Kos chooses to stay heavily involved in running his site, he will need other administrators to help him. As far as Armando goes, my view of him (as a total outsider) is that he is most definitely out of control in his comments. He engages in very little other than insults and invective, much of it leading me to wonder about his health or to suspect that its sole purpose is to piss people off and drive them away. Either Kos is somehow oblivious or indifferent to the problem (which will only harm his site, imho), or he supports it, in which case I must conclude that he truly does want to drive certain types of thinking from his site and Armando is his main pitbull.
As I said I can’t really tell who all the players are on the various teams as that would require a time-consuming reading of past archives. But I have noticed that if you take the time to look at who is giving out what ratings in the pie-fight threads you can get an idea pretty quickly of some of the players involved. It becomes painfully obvious that ratings in those threads are given out for who you are far more than for what you say.
I’ve been lurking this site for a while but recent events at DKos have encouraged me to sign up. I am far more left than Kos on pretty well every issue and his dislike of hippies in particular didn’t sit well with me.
I like the spellcheck feature, btw. I don’t make a lot of typos but when I do they tend to be doozies.
Hi Warren and welcome to the site…head on over to the Froggy Bottom Cafe a daily diary where we hang out and chat, go on over and “Tell Us About You.”
Some of us have moved on from the DK issues, months ago but at times it’s a touchy issue here, a lot of us just stay out of these dk discussions.
But today there is yet another bloodbath going on over at dKos, and you know who is both the instigator and chief manure-slinger.
God, stuff like this is depressing.
When you put people in charge ie. the front pagers, who tend to jump into the middle of the rumble instead of breaking it up, there’s bound to be chaos. (Sorry to stray from the gardening metaphor).
personally my respect of dkos and kos too is fully ungrudged, but it is not uncritical, that’s all.
I think Dkos is just too big for people to really appreciate the time and effort you put into your diaries.
I would love a site where I could go to catch up on the newest tech. or the latest energy prices, or how to diaries on different ways that people can create energy. I am trying to set up a plan for a micro-hydro generator on my property. I have the perfect set-up, but I need a site where I can go and talk to people about the process. Dkos is not the place, nor have I found any other place. I think that you can pull at least a 100 people from Dkos and from various other blogs and just discuss energy, no Bush, Hillary, or pie-fights and other noise that gets annoying at Dkos.
As prices rise more and more people will get fed up with high energy costs and will be searching out websites that promote energy independence.
Jerome’s site can be accessed by clicking on the European Tribune link at the top of the page or the top of the blogroll.
Since the day Bootrib opened I have not gone back to Kos unless for some specific links from here and usually don’t even do that…unless it’s the dog writing(see can’t even remember whose there). That means I’ve maybe been to Kos about 6 times since Bootrib opened for business and I don’t feel like I’m missing one dam thing.
Any site that continues to grow will always attract it’s share of people who are more loud/divisive/obnoxious or just someone looking for a fight. As always how that is handled starts at the top and sets the tone for the community here to follow. I think that will carry through even as the site continues to grow. I’ve said it before and will say it again. I think Boo’s rule about ‘don’t be a prick’ was/is brilliant. It’s to the point, everyone gets it right away and it’s funny which can deflect a lot of indignation because it makes you laugh.
I only know what Kos is up to from what I read here and that’s not very impressive and I don’t hold to the notion that his site is some great internet hope for the left..that’s just bullshit. If I had any doubts that I was missing anything it was completely and utterly, irrevocably killed off during the Pie Wars period. As long as women or any group is marginalized I don’t have to give my grudging respect or any respect to someone who doesn’t respect us. If that’s sounds harsh…well I doubt Kos gives a rats ass I haven’t been there since Booman started up the Frogpond.
‘don’t be a prick’
The pie fights… Sad.
I remember a girl (I think It was ?mary s connor?) apologizing for complaining so much about the sexism in the pie ads with these words…
“sometimes I can be such a dickhead”
(Not the words exactly, but somthing like that)
I couldn’t help but respond about the irony. It kindof belittled her entire stance on the fights.
But I was really only trying to be funny when I said that she might consider using female anatomy to describe her position on the subject.
Needless to say I got zeroed out the ying yang for it, and I never even used the word itself… lol (not zeroed by her, but by others)
Oh well. Some people have no sense of humour.
Thank you!
Good readers (or listeners?!) are a necessary condition to have a hope to write well.
This looks like an excellent place to say thanks, Jerome. I never comment in your posts because I never feel like i have much to add on the topic, but I always read them, either here or at dkos, and always find them to be informative and helpful — not dumbed down, yet understandable even to laypeople like me. I consider the ability to do that the mark of somebody who really knows what they’re talking about.
So thanks for the effort you put in to all your writings.
The open question is whether blogs, including dKos, are actually effective political tools or just ATMs. I don’t see much in the way of real political analysis, mostly just wild hysteria.
For example, after a couple of years of argument, is the liberal blog community any closer to having a supportable platform? Nope, we’re still arguing about how and why the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen, rehashing some old British meeting notes, congratulating a small anti-war protest crowd in Texas, and crowing over a bunch of normal governmental incompetence in New Orleans.
None of which has anything to do with electing senators and representatives in 2006.
Although there have been some small “victories” for blogs to hang their hat on on both sides (or bust up in the trophy room really)… Most glaringly ousting Gannon…
Although at the same time it makes me glad my stature won’t incite a great multitude of online communities into chasing me down the dark alleys of the internet to plaster everywhere all of my dirty unmentionables.
I was no Gannon fan… And i’m no male-dominatrix…
But I can’t help feel sorry for the guy. He fell harder than any knuckleheaded pawn I’ve ever seen…
I don’t feel sorry for the guy. He was an undercover political operative.
Feel no sorry for the ass…he’s been picked up by some gay publications of all places…as if we needed further proof that much of the gay press is worthless
The coverage of Katrina on Dailykos has been tremendous, and personally speaking, this has meant a lot to me. That said, the man in the frying pan has to learn to take the heat.
Well said Jerome.
More than a few times I have been sligthed on the Daily Kos, but it does not stop me from posting and it has made me a stronger person because of it. Some of the comments are mean but most are witty and constructive.
Today’s post about Garrison Keilor upset me to the point that I wanted to leave (again). I like Garrison and do not think he is an idiot, but also we had so much happening in the world with respect to Iraq, Supreme Court nominee Roberts, Katrina, race relations, etc.. that it was not worth our energy to be distracted by a trivial matter of Kos calling Keillor an idiot. Granted, I did not like it, but there are more important things.
Booman Tribune is a better size for me because I tend to read and contemplate things for awhile. Kos is way to big now to read a good portion of the diaries. Here I can walk away for awhile and still find what it is I wanted to read. B/T is a kind, respectful place and just the right size.
I actually started blogging at Howard Dean’s website, Blog for America, and while I do read Kos, I mostly show up for the one-stop headlines shopping. You know how it is; there for a while, I would actually get excited about knowing the inside scoop a week before my parents read it in the NYT… I am hardpressed to pass up a heated political debate or snarkfestorama, but the scene at Kos and a similar phenomenon over at BFA eventually lead me … uhm, not to Booman exactly, but to European Tribune. I don’t know. I guess I needed to hear new voices and try to see a bigger picture. Remind myself that sanity does exist in the world…
I have always thought the brilliance of blogs, the reason we NEED them, is twofold: for a period in this country most liberal/progressive/free thinking folks were ghettoized. The mainstream media did not acknowledge them. And person-to-person, many people who were longtime liberals were suddenly hesitant to express their views, to rock the boat. Between 9-11 and the war in Iraq, something odd happened where most progressive types in the US actually wondered if THEY were insane… So the internet provided a safe, anonymous forum for people to gather to criticize our country’s policies.
Frankly, I don’t personally feel as indebted to Markos Moulitsas as I do to Howard Dean & staff. And I continue to admire what they did more than I do Kos. The gave us a megaphone, not a rule book.
The more prescient purpose of the blogs we frequent, IMO, is to provide, no, to create an alternative to the mass media in America. What Kos CAN do, and does well, is compete with the Networks and CNN for the watercooler. Important stories can no longer be ignored. We are no longer at the mercy of CNN for our information. We no longer have to take ABC’s word for what America “is thinking”. There can be no more cover-ups. The State propaganda has viable competition. Truth has a home.
I am not as concerned with who is running the website as I am with what views are being expressed.
I mean, if I can get online anytime day or night and discuss alternative energy sources with a Frenchman, well, then, that is that much LESS power George W. Bush has over me.
Kos… Well, now he’s going after freaking Garrison Keilor! I mean, really… There are a lot of bad fucking people in this country. There are dangerous agendas, and my friends, Prairie Home Companion is NOT one of them. I think he is cracking up. It’s the hate. Hate will be the undoing of the wingnuts and if we let it it will be the undoing of us too. I mean, I watched the coverage of Katrina. There is enough negativity in our psyches. If Kos really wants to be part of the solution, he needs to stop going after the very people and ideas the Christian Right is out to crucify. His priorities are all messed up. And now the site is not about creating a viable alternative to the Powers That Be, but it is about Markos …
Thing is, I have always felt that had I been there and then, I would have supported Lenin whole-heartedly. Power corrupts… We are all human. We should help, not worship & marginalize, each other…
The gave us a megaphone, not a rule book.
DailyKos now restricts and limits who gets to use the megaphone… the silent bannings have been phenominal and now people are even afraid to “recommend” certain diaries lest their names be put on the “Ideological, Issue-oriented, Fraud, Impeachment List” then have their ability to rate froozen, then comments….etc.
I think of blogs in terms of complex adaptive systems that have basins of attraction. Let me try to clarify what I mean. There are three “types” of attractors that can be thought of to represent the field of equilibrium in a blog.
First of all, imagine a basin of attraction to be something akin to a drain at the bottom of the sink. Then we can discuss the species of drains, as it were. Here they are:
Like BooMan suggests, if one can set a tone at the outset (initial conditions), perhaps the equilibrium state of the system will maintain that tone. Of course, also like he acknowledges, it’s no guarantee.
Dr. Murray Gell-Mann at the Santa Fe Institute, which devotes itself to the study of complex adaptive systems (and consequently, basins of attraction in their many forms) across a broad spectrum of disciplines, is a neat site to visit. The study of Chaos undertaken in a cross- and inter-disciplinary intent and manner is a rather revolutionary approach to scientific research, which tends to the isolationist specialist approach.
Bingo, but you are revealing my secrets. I’m heavily influenced by Kauffman’s work.
Good way to put it.
But then I’m a sucker for Complexity Theory!
Seriously though, I couldn’t give a crap about what goes in at dKos anymore. It just isn’t the be all and end all of the blogosphere for me. I never liked having to seperate the wheat from the chaff. It was a waste of my time. It’s a great resource but I can and have been able to find everything I need about politics elsewhere on the web. I rarely even check out what’s going on there. That’s how much I trust all of the other sources to keep me informed. What do I need from dKos? Absolutely nothing.
I have great respect for BT because everyone here (except me, sometimes) is respectful, intelligent, willing to agree without being disagreeable and cares genuinely about the site as a community. It’s a genuine case of “size doesn’t matter”.
I appreciate your kind words about dKos because I know that you and others value its purpose. I’m not attempting to denigrate that at all. When it came to asking myself where it fit in my life when I decided to leave, I just couldn’t find a space for it anymore. That’s all.
what!? you don’t miss me!!?
so this is where I can find you. Ok.
Well, since I acted like your stalker for a while there, I thought I’d better back off before I got arrested. 🙂
Can I lend you a match?
While splitting my time between here and dKos, I thought I could had some perspective. My anger had built pre-pie. So….more groups have been dismissed, marginalized, and/or flamed.
Comments over there….history…never again…unless someone here asks for support…like Jerome or Booman or….
It may take 10 or 20 years to gain back this country. If so it’s because I would rather do it with integrity and respect for all people – not dismissing those that get in the way of a trip to the top of the power game.
Thanks to Booman and all the others that show us daily the alternative between inclusion and exclusion.
there was, among the fellow incarnates, an expression used to denote those who were attracted to the latest, high-profile, had-to-be-a-part-of piece of action.
The expression was “pissing on the tree.”
dkos is an average Scoop site that provides a crawl of the high points of the “news” of the moment. However, as an op-ed environment, none of the front pagers are anywhere close to Josh Marshall, Wolcott or Billmon, among others.
A number of the dkos Diarists (regulars such as Jerome here 🙂 are thoughtful, informative and timely. They make the site worth visiting. However none of this has anything to do with Markos, Armando, Page, Hunter or any of the other regular frontpagers.
None of the frontpagers there talk to the community, they spend most of their time talking to each other and the other bloggers they consider to be a part of their coterie. Markos fancies himself to be on the same level as Howie Kurtz, David Brooks, Jeff Gannon and whatever else passes as opinion in the world of punditry. That isn’t a very high level to aspire to… It’s just pissing on the tree.
If Booman Tribune here grows and expands, it will be the Diarists that do it. Not the frontpagers.
If the frontpagers here talk to and listen to the community… who knows.
Just consider, Markos doesn’t skim let alone read what’s on his own site and he is the publisher. It’s a little like the editorial board on the WSJ which is just another bunch of tree pissers really, when you think about it.
Sanctimonous prick (1.28 / 7)
Insutling jerk.
Don;t ever cpomplain about inciviloity agains you asshile.
The SCOTUS is Extraordinary.
by Armando on Wed Sep 14th, 2005 at 17:26:40 EDT
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See? They talk to the community all the time! I’ll note his Mojo score for that particular outburst puts the lie to some recent claims regarding the untouchability of dkos frontpagers.
He really sputters when he’s mad. I’ve gotten a few choice emails with the same spelling errors.
I love Armando, BTW. I do. But he’s a fucking pain half the time. He jacked up my thread yesterday, and wound up sending us a bunch of new users as a result. Then people accuse ME of posting it to get users. Well, what the fuck is his motivation for jacking me up then?
Heh, well I had bunches of special things to say in that thread too, (though nothing to you that I remember since your points were on solid ground). But in my defense my lowest mojo score was 2.62, and that’s cause I was being an ass in that diary.
But yeah, you weren’t fishing for new users and you were open to most criticism, and Armando went into attack mode against you for God knows what reason. And then kept at it. For a while. On into weird levels of aggression and illogic. Which makes me think you and Armando are in cahoots and are going to pull an “only Armando can go to BoomanTribune” con here in a few weeks.
Anyway, my point was merely that frontpage posters — excepting Kos — have always been exceptionally approachable in my experience. I don’t mind fair criticisms of any site (Daily Kos is drifting toward being a bigger Democratic Underground and isn’t living up to it’s capabilities as an organizing tool for Liberals outside of elections, for instance), but incorrect ones I don’t like so much.
it’s just that neither of us realizes it.
Oh, I love this.
One of the online TonTon Macoutes–Addison, a ratings bully from DKos–trundles over to BooTrib to defend DKos.
Could we please have a moratorium on “Let’s talk about DKos” threads? I do agree with something that one of Kos’ machete crew wrote recently, wondering why there seems to be a fixation on that site amongst folk at BooTrib.
No, I have no objection to people discussing DKos, as I am free to abstain from the discussion, as always–it’s only that such disussions invariably attract Addison and company over here.
Ratings bully? I rated that one guy down because I thought it was funny and proved a point about “real” “oppression” on Scoop sites (which he was complaining about). Besides that I’m a pretty 4-centric rater. And I haven’t agreed with Armando about anything in months. My userid over here is what, only 100 higher than yours? Please. I want BT to succeed, I want LSF to succeed, I read them both, plus Eurotrib and many more, every day. But I want them all to succeed the right way and their structure lets me at least pretend like I can guide that. Anyway, you should know that comments like this just make me want to comment much much more during my visits.
Ah, here we may observe, Dear Reader, the classic signs of a disease I call “Kossackism”.
Some salient symptoms:
No effective treatment has yet been identified for this disease, as it is considered a deeply ingrained personality trait caused by membership in a national cult run by a man whose centre of operations appears to be in Berkeley, California. However, if left untreated, this disease can progress to a far more serious stage, known as “Armandoism”.
Do you honestly think this sort of thing is applauded or appreciated over here? I’ve gotta know.
7 ratings, all of them “4”.
Appreciated? Most definitely, my trollish Kossack.
This isn’t DailyKos and your bully boy pack isn’t here to lay into me–although as I recall I was more than a match for the lot of them on the “pie fight” ad.
You’re all alone, and that which serves you so well on DailyKos–your swaggering false machismo, your bully boy attitude, your sneering contempt for reasoned argument, your penchant for personal insults–is killing your here.
Actually it’s now 9 ratings, all of them “4”.
You like me! You really like me!
Great Zeus, this sarcasm stuff is great fun. No wonder the Kossacks do it.
Here’s something that really bothers me about the dynamics between BooTrib and DKos: reputations follow users. I understand some people are highly opinionated, but it’s frustrating when it is assumed that everyone knows about their perceived reputation. Is it too much to ask for people to give each other a clean slate if they post here?
It’s not a popular position to defend the DKos website, especially on threads like this, but geez! I may not agree with Addison, or maybe I do, but to lay out a diagnosis of “Armandoism”? What context does that have for someone who doesn’t read at DKos at all… just throwing that little fireball out there. 🙂
yesterday….something about the tiny inbred world of politically dedicated blogs. Up until blogs I had never seen my name in lights…..and I still haven’t, but I have seen my handle in green and felt a little overly important to myself.
that’s because you went to Crawford and stood up for your personal Truth, which resonates with so many of us. I’m always amused at the ‘celebrity status’ that is conferred on people. The way I see it, everyone’s voice is equal and I give myself no more clout than the next person. If they choose to consider me, or someone else, more ‘elevated’, then that is their perception to hold and I can’t do anything about it. I’m just happy to be here and have the ability to give my opinion when I feel suited to share. As a person who has been on this blog since the first day, I feel compelled to foster new members’ contributions, whatever they may be.
That being said, thanx for being here, and thank you for being you. Paz
That’s why I chose a new nom de blog when I made the jump, and asked people to keep quiet about it if they worked out who I was, because I was trying to make a break with my old identity and behaviour.
Of course, catnip (?) promptly outed me as Armando, and then it was all over. (j/k, poster is not really Armando, nor would he want to be.)
I have always tried very hard, even just in interactions on a single blog, to react to the post rather than the user (unless, I suppose, they’re somebody I’m particularly fond of).
That’s not always easy, but once you start trying, the flame wars over nothing but reputation become really obvious:
Guy 1: So the other day I was eating peaches and it made me think of how I think liberalism relates to farmwork bla bla bla…
Guy 2: You’re an asshole! I can’t believe you would link peaches to farm laborers as though the two things are connected! Are you calling farm laborers fuzzy? And the other day you said bla bla bla…
Now, of course, there are people whose reputations build in my head anyway, and it’s impossible not to react to them angrily. But I avoid a lot of really stupid arguments by just remembering to address the argument at hand, even if I think that overall the poster is a dumbass.
Could we please have a moratorium on “Let’s talk about DKos” threads? I do agree with something that one of Kos’ machete crew wrote recently, wondering why there seems to be a fixation on that site amongst folk at BooTrib.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. And then I remembered when I first came over here after the Pie Wars, and I needed to read every diary and comment about DKos. It is like a breakup. At first you need to bitch to everyone you know about your ex. And then, after you have processed, you wonder why you were ever so distraught.
So people who are just now going through the “break up” may need that same space to process. If those of us who switched a long time ago still need to bitchall the time we might consider getting over it, though . . .
I personally have both the need to vent a little bit and something else that I think is more important, and will be easier once I’m feeling a little less angry.
I really want to sit down and analyze what I think have been the major mistakes over there, because I think there is a lot more to it than sheer size. And the more I think about those mistakes, the more I think a lot of the problems could’ve been avoided, though of course any blog will experience tensions as it grows. Though the medium is new, there are also IMO a lot of standard leftwing unity problems reflected over there, and on a level it’s fascinating to watch the factions form as they have in every leftwing movement for ages, but with a new internet twist.
Which makes me think you and Armando are in cahoots and are going to pull an “only Armando can go to BoomanTribune” con here in a few weeks.
Huh? That’s what I get for not reading through the latest dkos battle, although I don’t think that comment would have made any more sense even if I had.
…it was a joke. Nixon. China. Etc. I think/hope Booman got it, and that’s enough for me.
you know…no I won’t even go there…
Well, I have no idea what you mean.
That’s okay because I’m focusing on happy thoughts.
Ok. Look, I respect you, did on DK, do on BT. I didn’t mean any sarcasm or disrespect towards you in my previous response. I honestly don’t know what you meant by it.
Armando is hot-tempered, foul-mouthed, abusive, and angrily dismissive of anyone who disagrees with him in the slightest. Armando hurls invective, insult, abuse, and slurs on character–including yours, Booman–with wild abandon.
And yet you “love” him? May I ask why?
Can we respect and love those we disagree with, and those we yell at, that’s the defining question of America, both religiously and politically?
The more we can answer in the affirmative for most of our American/World compatriots, the better off we are.
“May I ask why?” you say. If you can’t answer your own question, well, every man is an island except for those who build bridges.
The question wasn’t addressed to you, it was addressed to BooMan. Or have you staged a coup and taken over his blog whilst he slept?
Please don’t answer questions posed directly to another person. It’s bad form and just plain rude.
Yes, I have taken over his blog. It’s now the Addison Tribune. Boogadieboogadieboo! Hahahhaha! Soon there will be a fuschia/mauve theme and a policy of ALL CAPS that NONE will protest without banning! NONE!
Don’t be ridiculous. This is a blog. You asked something. I answered. Let’s not get silly in our attempts at demonization. I even answered nicely.
[Damn, Booman, this server is fast. Share your provider with Kos please!]
You responded as a troll–to disrupt and inflame.
So I rated you as one.
This made me smile because I could just imagine how Armando would reply to it.
I’ll note his Mojo score for that particular outburst puts the lie to some recent claims regarding the untouchability of dkos frontpagers.
His score is irrelevant because the usual consequences don’t affect those with administrative privileges. The claims aren’t about ‘untouchability’ but, rather, abuse of power of which refusal to listen or treat others with respect is but one symptom. If you wish to question that I’m certain that many people here will provide examples.
Well, except that mojo means nothing to armando. He can get rated all we want. It’s still generally not going to lead to many hidden comments, and it certainly isn’t going to affect his status in any real way. Many people who probably would downrate him were he actually Just Some Guy won’t because he’s a well-known front pager, and many people buy into the “oh, he’s just being armando, he likes to spar” thing — which is true, except that he’s also often being a prick and shouting people down while leaving their actual arguments unaddressed.
I’ll defend Hunter and Page, though. They both try, at least most of the time, to stick around and respond to comments on the things they post. And for the most part, they’re both quite reasonable even when I disagree with them, though of course everybody can get flustered here and there.
But they really don’t post that often, and the front page is dominated by clipped and bitchy posts from markos, or long and sometimes intelligent posts from armando, in which he then makes a huge ass of himself in the comments.
I actually had former front-pagers on kos tell me that downrating them for trolling was ratings abuse… Because they were former front-pagers.
As usual, the real progressives get blamed by the centre/right for everything that goes wrong. The “infighting” blame is a particularly creative smear, since the ones throwing it around are invariably the ones doing the attacking.
I am a dKos baby. I never had my own blog. And once I did…my eyes were opened.
I think that there are things that BMT should experiment with, either now, or when they become technically feasible:
More democracy is better. In my view, scoop blogs are really, on some level….collections of like-minded mini blogs. There are downsides to this. Diarists are always writing for the LARGER community, which means we don’t throw down the kind of flavor that you can when you write small.
But the point is, the more individual writers here can see themselves as bloggers, with their own “votes” and “information”…the more vital the democracy of group blogs will be.
And the more we are citizen-journalists and net-activists….the more we will realize long held dreams of the potential, not yet fully realized, in the democracy of the internet.
That’s transparency.
Sorry, nothing more worthwhile to say – too late, too much vino…but, as usual, I think KO’s got something here.
Excellent! Thank you k/o for your democratic vision. I hope our fearless Boo-leaders can implement these ideas in some fashion.
I don’t have my own blog yet, but I call myself a blogger because I post here – on a blog. That makes me happy. 🙂
I fully support this. It would indeed be great improvements on the site.
Don’t know how easy it is to do technically speaking.
At ET, the blogroll has been built via a call for suggestions, and I intend to update it again soon – and to do it regularly. So much to do, so little time…
suggestions within the current structure:
(a) there are lots of free sitemeter type services available on the internet.
(b) blogrolls can be simulated in the “bio” section or in the “sig line.”
(c) the last bit i’m not sure i understand. a democratically elected blogroll? how would that work?
I used to like the site. But the tone has changed. Maybe it’s the massive growth of late. Maybe it’s an overall drop in maturity of the posters there. Whatever it is, the atmosphere is a bit too testosterone-laden, aggressive, juvenile in attitude and mojo-obsessed for my mood on most days.
And the misogyny expressed by several posters there doesn’t help.
And then there’s Markos himself, who every day, it seems, works to make sure everyone knows he stands for nothing, and is proud of it. It doesn’t make sense to me, really. How this proudly unprincipled agenda is any different from the DLC, I don’t know. And thus I have no idea why he thinks his NDN power move is going to meet with any more success than the DLC has.
I’d say more, but I already said it yesterday.
Sorry to go off topic Media Girl… What media are you in? I’m guessing TV from the SMPTE (that are sorta’ on crack… =)
Are you in TV?
Kos is a DLC hack…
Hmmm…. notice how he slipped in environment. Has anyone ever accuse Kos of being agains the environment? Kos has been banging away at the DLC’s Axis of Evil: Women, Gays and Anti-War Kos could not bring himself to say he was not against the DLC’s sacred cow the Iraq war… I guess that is what War Pragmatists do…
All cows are sacred except Kos’s cows like “blogging” in which he will embarrass himself and have a cow on his front page… damn those single issue folks…
Kos the Holy Partisan who is not so partisan when it comes to debasing a staunch Democrat on his front page … for the good of “himself and his blogging career”.
I think what get’s most people is that Kos is the biggest hypocrit on earth. Who the fuck dug through the muck to find incriminating info on HRC??? Why has not Kos front paged SEIU and their generous donation of 575,000 to the Republican Governors Association?
Service Employees International Union, broke ranks last year to give the Republican Governors Association $575,000, the RGA’s single largest contribution.
Why? Because he would get his scrawny butt kicked.
and in general… maybe slashdot… no! usenet brought me here.
no wait… thinking thinking, it was Fido Net… no! Actually, it was a 300 baud Bulletin Board in Boulder Colorado called Twilight Zone.
These kinds of threads, especially by someone as thoughtful as Jerome, are interesting to me because I otherwise don’t pay much attention to the ins and outs of these blogs. I try to monitor my own feelings about putting in a lot of time on a diary that I see no evidence anyone has read, and on the patterns in reaction to my work. (For example, I often get one or two comments, and they are highly complimentary. That says a lot about my work, even for publication.)
And I’ve felt savaged, and not only as kos, especially when I revealed something about myself (jeez, just like I’m doing now).
So I use these blogs for information in what others write, for some sense of comradeship (though so far it’s been as illusory as feeling you know the star of a TV show you watch); and I try to figure out where I fit. I do try things out at kos, because diaries are more likely to get comments there. I’ve found that my comments on this site get more apparent attention than my diaries. My diaries get thoughtful attention at the Euro Trib, when they are appropriate for that site.
Yes, I see a lot of arrogance, which I sometimes attribute to high spirits and other substances and body chemistries. There are certain easy obscenities in post titles that get attention, but I do like the direct expressions of emotion, especially when the emotions aren’t always anger and scorn.
So what? I probably should just delete this, but—well, we return you to your regularly scheduled program, which is already in progress…
I’ve been thinking a bit on this lately, and it’s hard to put into words exactly what’s been bothering me about the DLC/DKos approach, but I’ll try.
What irks me the most is the supposition othat you’re somehow an idiot if you’re a woman/gay/minority and not a Democrat. Does a Republican woman/gay/minority not have the right to believe in their political philosophy of choice?
NARAL doesn’t just represent Democratic women, etc…they represent women from any ideology, and they reward their endorsement to politicians who are in line with their beliefs. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, if the Dems really want the votes and support of all of these “annoying” special interests groups, they’d better think about what they can do to win them over versus alienating them by trying to put them “in their place”. NARAL isn’t out to sabotage the democratic party by endorsing Chafee…if anything, the failure is with the party for not presenting them with a viable candidate to endorse, and for not winning their good faith. They owe the party NOTHING, and if the party wants their votes, it owes them EVERYTHING.
What this is more than anything is partisan laziness. The leaders don’t want to do the work (that the GOP has been doing and doing very well) of reconciling and enabling cooperation between their different factions. The party has to decide on a core platform, stick to it, reward those politicians who follow it, and either get rid of or put a check on politicians who do not. So for example, a Harry Reid-type could still be supported by the party with the explicit understanding that though his views may personally be Anti-Choice, the party’s platform is Pro-Choice and he will not under any circumstances deviate from that.
While I do tend to think that women/gays/minorities who are republicans are shooting themselves in the foot, they absolutely do exist, and have every right to their opinions. What I see more of in my environment are (particularly) lesbians who are so absolutely sick of their concerns being unrepresented and ignored that they go Green… because if you’re going to have your rights ignored by the people in power, you might as well give your vote to the person/party who actually recognizes your existence and pays attention to your issues.
I’m a loyal dem voter, but I understand the temptation completely.
For some reason, “big tent” has come to mean — try really hard to convince the people to your right to vote our way, but instead of convincing the people to your left, just berate them instead. That has not worked and will not work.
“NARAL isn’t out to sabotage the democratic party by endorsing Chafee…if anything, the failure is with the party for not presenting them with a viable candidate to endorse, and for not winning their good faith. They owe the party NOTHING, and if the party wants their votes, it owes them EVERYTHING.
Just wanted to repeat that. Well said.
Just this morning Kos posted an entry celebrating a ballot initiative in Ohio that will “strip the Republican control of redistricting.”
Note to Kos: Gerrymandering is a DEMOCRATIC party tool, used to implement special districts so that blacks and hispanics can get into office. Putting redistricting into the hands of a non-partisan committee is, first, impossible (everybody is partisan), and, second, damaging in those many places where cooperation between the GOP and various minority groups allowed the definition of minority-majority districts. I guess we don’t care about losing those districts?
It’s interesting to see who the sponsors of this are: Labor Unions (and “watchdog groups”). I wonder what the Congressional Black Caucus, League of United Latin American Citizens, and the NAACP think about this?
It looks to me like the trend is to a Democratic party without the hysterical women’s studies faction, without the aging hippie faction, without the pro-choice faction, and, now, without the minority faction.
Markos less so, he doesn’t stick around on threads long enough to make it interesting.
It can be fun, but then I’ve also been known to enjoy slamming myself into walls…
Seriously, I used to enjoy it. But I think he used to actually make valid points, and has more and more come to rely on the ever-popular “nuh-uh!”.
It’s still a good way to take out some verbal aggression, though. Keeps me from yelling so much at the cats, who after all can’t help that they’re not very good at critical thinking.
I was just struck by how many (though not all) Kos defenders sound like freeper defenders of Bush. “Pity Bush! Poor Bush!” “Pity Kos! Poor Kos!”
Well, Kos is a big boy. He’s dishing out attacks on progressives on a regular basis, but when he receives in kind, people complain.
If people don’t like to see all this “squabbling” within the left, then take it up with Markos, who seems to get off on attacking core liberal and progressive constituents.
play the “victim” card too.
I noticed it at some point and the similarity made me wonder if they were actually a bunch of freepers posing as progressives. Sometimes it’s like reading a Jeff Gannon, Howie Kurtz or Brooksie rant…
Since then I’ve kinda just written them off as mostly High School Junior pencil dick suck-ups.
the feedback it provides to each of us (like here on BT, but at lighting speed and from many different angles) can be uncomfortable but if you can take it, it will make you stronger, better informed, and hopefully a better person (it can also hurt you, so you have to be careful)
This is true, and yet . . . I wonder if you would feel differently if it were a group you were a member of who was purged? I am a quiet sort, who was never banned or even harassed, because I didn’t comment much. But it hurt me personally when the Women’s Studies Types were picked on – because I am a Women’s Studies Type. It went from being the rough-and-tumble, have-a-thick-skin feeling to the personally-disliked feeling right then and there.
And though I am not a fraudster or a peacenik hippy, I feel the same way when those groups are picked on because I can relate. So . . . what if it were foreigners? Or people who thought Peak Oil was an issue (I think that is you – sorry if I’m mixing you up with Bonddad or someone)? Can you see how that is different from people disagreeing with you personally, or your position? Now you are one of them.
Fair point, but you know, being French on US blogs has sometimes led me to read somewhat unkind comments about my country… So bring one of “them” has a familiar ring to it…
Also being an evil banker and a centrist on lefty blogs…
I have never been banned, because I always remain very polite and try to not provide any easy justification for anger or other aggressive behavior.
bankers all the time 🙂
But it’s not personal, it’s just that in America the financial services industries have done serious damage to our country. Especially in media consolidation (why I am here). And bundling of campaign contributions from the FS sector is a fact of life in American elections.
Fair point, but you know, being French on US blogs has sometimes led me to read somewhat unkind comments about my country… So bring one of “them” has a familiar ring to it…
Ouch, I bet.
I speak French.
I love French food.
I adore French culture.
If I’m very, very good in this life, I may just get to go to Paris when I die (although I don’t really believe in an afterlife, if there is one…)
Why do Americans and Brits bash the French so often?
Simple answer: jealousy.
I don’t know if it is jealousy so much as ignorance combined with arrogance. Which is funny, when you think about it, because people in the UK and the states always accuse the French of being arrogant.
Oh well, if you ask me, any country that can produce Burgundy and the souffle can’t be all bad. (But explain to me why the French are so bad when it comes to rock and roll? Oh well, at least they love jazz and classical music.)
Bad at rock ‘n roll? There’s great stuff around. i’m just not sure how much goes out of France, though.
Maybe it’s because Rock n Roll originated and still remains predominantly an Anglo-American art form. And heck it’s not like the French don’t excel in plenty of areas of art and culture.
as defined by you because I always check the diaries both recommended and the current entries on both Dkos and Booman. I like the variety of viewpoints coming from the diarists.
I don’t like the posses. I don’t like the policing. And I know darn well it is inescapable especially when you are looking at the disk drive demands and bandwidth demands that the burgeoning population requires. Some of the vigilantes feel altogether too holier than thou. And I feel less relevant as the population increases because the overwhelming viewpoint is becoming yuppieville to some extent. It was always predominately male, but now it is more so with that peculiar tonedeaf and edgy thing testosterone brings. But there are some good female writers in that community. But progressive viewpoints are mentioned only as a gloss or a polish not as substantive ideas. And Dkos has said that his is a democrat’s blog and while I vote dem almost 98% of the time, if I had good choices from a third party I might go that way since I find that most of institutionalized dems to be timid, conventional and just as lacking in vision and integrity as the repubs. I don’t see a point in giving either of them any boosts. But I do like the individual races and I have supported some financially (tiny) and I like learning about the individual dems. I appreciate Conyers, Boxer and Slaughter for embracing that community and reaching out to us and I would definitely like to see more of that.
Like Jules Winnfield in “Pulp Fiction”, I’m tryin’, I’m tryin’ real hard…
I go to dKos daily to check out the diaries because there’s usually something great in there. Occasionally, I’ll read an Armando or Kos post that I think is good.
But TODAY I saw – again – the thing that makes me want to just sabotage their servers (not that I would). In a diary about a Diebold worker stepping forward with information about how unsecure their systems are (from BradBlog), the diary police come into the diary WITHIN MINUTES to shut down real dialogue and start a flame fest. DHinMI has earned my utter contempt for this continued behavior and I think he/she/it is much more of a problem than Armando or Kos. But they obviously condone this behavior by not stopping it or saying anything about it. This pattern also supports the theories (or are they more than that at this point) that the front pagers are paid to keep things in line with certain “acceptable” discussion. And in this particular case, all I see is the classic agent provacateur as employed by COINTELPRO and numerous other shady government operations. I wish I didn’t see it that way, but it’s hard to see it any other way.
I thank Kos for showing us A way, but it is time for us to move on and to create our own greener pastures. We’ve seen how it can be done and how it should not be done, all thanks to Markos. Now it’s time to do our own thing and put that site behind us.
“he/she/it” can be simply abbreviated to: “s/h/it”
Kinda makes you wonder why DHinMI goes batshit over the mere mention of fraud
It felt to me as if somewhere along the line DHinMI posted a diary in which he felt he had thoroughly and resoundingly debunked all notions of actual or possible voter fraud in US elections. It was his magnum opus. So any subsequent attempt to revive the idea of electronic voter fraud sticks in his craw as a direct personal insult that he can’t refrain from attacking in the worst way.
Ok I haven’t read any such diary by DHinMI, but it just felt that way.
Not quite… He’s been posting comments all along “refuting” fraud, and every single time he’s almost immediately been shown to be totally full of shit. When I left, it was to the point where he’d either troll-and-run, or simply post flames instead of rational arguments, because it was the only chance he had not to look totally out of his depth.
DHinMI has earned my utter contempt for this continued behavior and I think he/she/it is much more of a problem than Armando or Kos. But they obviously condone this behavior by not stopping it or saying anything about it.
The problem with DHinMI is that he’s a genuinely abusive personality with sociopathic tendencies. I quite like Armando, he’s passionate, unreasonable when he’s on a roll and swears like a sailor and while I don’t regard him as a leader I don’t dslike him a a person or fear him. But DH is reptilian in his coldness, manipulative and deliberately sets out to bring out the very worst in people. He is a man with no honor and no sense of basic decency. Of course this quailifies him for a successful career in politics but I sincerely wish he had chosen to become a republican; He shares so many of their values.
I have nothing to add to your assessment of this chap, except to say that your description of him is dead-on. He attacked me on my third posting (my third posting EVER!) on DKos because I said there was a “possibility” of “some vote fraud”…and then as I defended myself, he contradicted himself and just plain old lied.
I don’t mind if people disagree with me, but at least argue honestly and be a decent person about it.
I wrote this in response to Markos’ post on being a guy with a blog. I vacillate between being angry, disgusted, neutral and grateful about the blog that is Kos. My belief is that women have become single issue Democrats because we have been forced to. As a result women’s rights are my number one concern, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about others, the racism that has become obvious once again is certainly one, torture and the war in Iraq are others. I’m extremely grateful other bloggers take on issues like the economy and the environment, issues I know too little about and/or issues that haven’t captured my passion as women’s rights have. It doesn’t mean they’re any less important, it does mean we all can’t do it all. Frankly, it’s discouraging to me that there is so much time and energy taken up with the venomous talk against one another. The Republican Rapture Wrong are vile, contempuous people but they are vile against the Democrats not against their own. They are in power, we are not. They are losing power because of their values and principles, we have yet to find ours. The transition of power would be so much smoother if this party learned to, at the very least, tolerate each other.
This was posted on Kos, it is why I chose to stay. So far I’m just not willing to cut off my nose to spite my face. I don’t mean to be contrary or disrespectful, I hope this doesn’t come off that way.
Markos states what he states, once it’s out there he doesn’t take it back, he’s not one to apologize, it’s his blog so, in my mind, know thy captor.
I’m, to a certain extent, a captive of Kos. I come here to get information, to be a part of ongoing discussions on issues that matter to me and, more recently, to speak loudly on the one or two issues that are so important to me I refuse to be shut up.
During and after the ‘women’s studies’ ‘special interest group’ ‘let’s all hate NARAL’ ‘get the fuck out if you don’t like it’ ‘I’m not going to change’ ‘if this is the abortion party then I’ll pick up my marbles and go elsewhere’, to my mind, crap, women had choices to make. Many, many took Markos invitation to leave. I understand why, there’s something to be said about conserving your energy to fight for what you believe in and during that time our fight got muddied enough to say adios.
I decided to stay but instead of being here because of Markos I now come here, largely, in spite of him. I don’t tend to read his posts nearly as much as I used to, I certainly am not in awe of him, he’s, just like we all are, a wo/man with a vision and a man who stays true to who he is in HIS eyes, not ours. There’s a certain freedom and sense of liberation when you stop giving a fuck what someone thinks and, frankly, I don’t care what Markos thinks of me or what I write. The only person I have to satisfy and be true to is me.
This site gets millions of visits a month. In my mind it would be foolish not to use it as a forum to get the word out that women’s rights are 50% of what is important in this party, indeed in this country. Call us the ‘womens studies’ crowd, call us ‘menstruating she-devils’, call us a ‘special interest group’ it doesn’t faze me in the least. What women are, what I am does not hang on what Markos thinks of women’s rights or of me. I, like him, simply do not care.
I don’t usually get into slamfests but I will make an exception here. I was very disappointed with the ugliness of the pie-fights,which I did not participate in, but did pay some attention to.
Some of you probably remember the SYFPH battles ,out of which Theoria,one of my faves, got sick of it and left.
I am very,very glad to have discovered dkos in the fall of 2002, when things certainly seemed to be going to shit,and at that time, the front page was worth reading. I never said anything, because there was such good commentary. Finally made an account,I suppose, in Jan. 2003, or thereabouts.
It seems to me that since the 2004 election,the site became ‘trendy’, which is the kiss of death for any real progressive site.After all,once something becomes known as ‘cool’,it immediately stops BEING cool.
But, the offshoots that have grown out of that community are immensely valuable- so many!
Also,it seems to me,that with 50k+ members- well that is a very unwieldy amount of people, and illustrates how difficult it must be to actually govern Anything.
My 02.$
Ive been a member here for a long time, but I pretty much only post on dkos. What can I say, Im a creature of habit and I like the multitude of opinions/attitudes (even the annoying ones)and the very HUGENESS of that site. I do enjoy reading the diarists here and on other member sites who arent crossposted, too.
I must say that the fascination that so many have with Markos’ site in turn fascinates me. Its like a gigantic anonymous high school, with cliques and factions that are probably mostly of our own invention. Markos is, like it or not, the most popular boy at school. Many of us (me) are wired to loathe that boy, and invent reasons to explain the loathing one feels. Many of us are wired to be that boy’s toady and defend him no matter what, even if it means overlooking certain flaws.
I dont think any of us ever leave this crap behind. Even while I am generally amused by this phenomenon I find myself re-living my high school persona as the girl who thought they were ALL stupid (I had/have a wee bit of a superiority complex).
At any rate, this anonymous online community makes me chuckle. Its almost as if we cant function in large groups without some sort of pecking order, even if that group is essentially INVISIBLE. How do I really know if ANY of you exist? 🙂
Markos is, like it or not, the most popular boy at school.
That’s it! Markos is Ferris Bueller of the progressive blogosphere!
Its almost as if we cant function in large groups without some sort of pecking order …
Maybe this is hard-wired into the human psyche. It would explain a lot.
Has occured at dKos IMHO — Ferris was too cool for school!
I forgot to mention that Dkos is the lousy sequel.
“dkos is the lousy sequel”. I spit on dKos! Bah! Now please excuse my while I turn up my collar and align myself with the cool kids over by the lockers in the math wing.
I’m just joking about Dkos. I still plan to read and post there. I’m not a cool kid anywhere I go 🙁
Aww. Well you can go sit at the nerd table in the cafeteria. I’ll be mean to you when I walk by with my girlfriends but nice to you when no one else is around as long as you know not to talk to me when Im hanging with the cool kids. I may even sign your yearbook as long as nobody sees me do it.
Damn, now I’m having flash backs.
Aw, so what? dKos is what it is: the front page of the lib blogs only run by gonzos. Nice? Huh, it hasn’t been nice, it ain’t gonna be nice neither. In the division of “person types” among “politicals” into hacks and wonks, dKos is the premier hack site. It is spawning hack and wonk sites at some speed. Good.
To understand, examine Jerome a’ Paris, a wonk par excellance in process of inserting himself into a higher plane through use of hackery.
Hacks need wonks to tell them what to do, and wonks need hacks to get it done. DKos is the premier hack site. It attracts newcomers who are domesticated as to netuse and (mostly) learn to debate. dKos also weeds (shock, horror). From the resulting nearly statistical group arrive people who join sites like this one.
On the roughness of dKos: so where were you election week? Hmm. Which place led in roughly punching out of the wimp bag the Dems were in in 2003? It’s a rough place. It yelled AFTER the election too. “Get up off your face!”
So What? dKos is what it is. Make this place the way you like.
“through use of hackery”
I thought BT was a nice place and we were not supposed to say nasty things about each other here?!
I was confused by the statment in rolfy’s comment. I wonder if he visits ET? I understand calling you a wonk vs. just some guy with an opinion. That’s basically a compliment and acknowledgement of your expertise in economics. But I don’t think everyone who isn’t a wonk should be classified as a hack. There is no positive connotation to that word in its normal usage. Yet, perhaps Rolfy is not intending to be insulting, but is using the word in a novel way. I hope so.
Sure, let’s use the “perjorative” connotative labels ‘hack’ and ‘wonk’ only, that allows the hard look at what people do in politics. That why Bruce Reed’s prescient and brilliant analysis of the failure of the Bush administration “Bush’s War Against Wonks” in the Washington Monthly remains big, despite the abyssmal record of that magazine at seeing into the future.
The central problem of the Bush administration is it’s failure to have any policy ideas -wonk work- and its reliance on the Neo-Cons to supply ideas to the White House Uber Hacks who control all agendas and have little thought of any future beyond the next election. From the little I can tell, a similar, though less deadly, situation pertains in France around Chirac.
Hacks win elections and then have nothing to institute, wonks have policy and moral balancing of competing interests, but have no systemic handiness with the machinery of politics and shaping and gathering public opinion. Each have their central failures.
Yup, it’s actually more mixed than that. Think about it. It’s before dawn where I am and I need some coffee.
If my view of politics is unsentimental, it’s because my view of politics is unsentimental, I’ve voted in every election since 1968 (you had to be 21 to vote in those days) and seen the ruling elites rise and fall. We are in the process of perhaps raising a new one–which will either fall of it’s own failures in time, or like the Chinese Communist Party, entrench and ossify.