I believe our system of government has become corrupt and no longer represents its constituents.
There, I said it, I’ll put on my tin foil hat and keep an eye out for the black helicopters.
I believe the vast majority of our elected representatives no longer represent us. They may represent the companies we work for, the organizations we belong to or groups we contribute to, but the Congresspeople, Senators and the President, no longer represent us.
We may be able to influence their decisions though large national organizations, but how much do they actually listen to the people they represent? There are of course exceptions, but by and large, they are isolated from the public they ostensibly serve.
Yes, there are times when our representative must make decisions we may not like, yet in the current environment it seems like the citizen is no longer the prime concern of the elected.
To a large extent, I lay the blame on us, the American Citizens. We have become lazy, paying groups to represent our desires, uninformed, failing to understand the consequences of our actions, and power hungry, local influence is not good enough. We have allowed, even encouraged, our voices to be taken from us for it seems today that you have no voice in the government of our nation unless you have a team of paid lobbyists purchasing access in the halls of power. This is the definition of a corrupt system of government.
I propose the following reforms:
1- No Candidate for Congress may accept funds from any source other than individual human citizens in the district hope to represent.
2- No Candidate for Senate may accept funds from any source other than individual human citizens in the state they hope to represent.
3- No Candidate for President may accept funds from any source other than individual human US Citizens.
4- The limit on any individual `s contribution to one candidate shall be no more than $100
5- No office holder may accept any type of compensation from any source except salary and expenses from the US Treasury.
Done, that’s it , the end.
What do you think?
P.S. At this point I am fully aware of the fantasy of my proposals, but we can still dream.
P.P.S. Dogs & Frogs
A very important discussion, though I doubt you will get much traction.
I do not know enough about this topic in the American context (being an alien), but seem to recall that the argument against curtailing campaign contributions is that it violates the First Amendment.
Which leaves me to think – WTF; is corruption protected and codified in the Constitution?
The corporations are destroying the fabric of society, the Dems are just as keen – though, maybe not as successful – as the Repubs in taking the money that ensures politics as usual. There are all sorts of loopholes, ‘soft’ money poring into the system with little oversight. Too many politicians, whether D or R are dependent and beholden to this corrupt system – my hopes are low.
As are mine, however, if it just gets ignored then it’ll never change.
The first amendment argument is really just a rationalization, money is not speech.
Just found this (via a link at kos):
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
Speech delivered at the Sierra Summit 2005
San Francisco, California
September 10, 2005
Read it all if you have the opportunity. What a speech!
Awesome, This is after Eisenhowers Military Industrial Complex push. Its amazing how it goes round and round.
I like the principles behind it, but reality will no doubt demand some compromises.
I’ve often said that companies should be no more powerful than unions — the more members (employees), the more power.
How about:
I’m not sure if I’d want such a plan, but it would be damn funny to see the Republicans fight against that first part — a system that lets a person spend “their own money” (aka tax dollars) to support the politics of their choice. It’d be worth bringing out alone when/if they start their insane Social Security push.
But definitely get back to the notion of govt for the people, by eliminating graft and bribery from our corporations. Maybe the way to do that is to make such items big and bold on the SEC filings, then penalize the hell out of them. After all, unless they are bribes, they don’t help the shareholder.
Oh, and make violations of this akin to bribery/treason, and threaten to yank the charter and dissolve any corporation found guilty of intentionally subverting the “Clean Government” act.
Great Ideas
Nice contribution stages, I was thinking of keeping the limits relatively low. I really like the corporate punishment angle.