Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
if I’m a little distracted this morning…the deadline on my project is looming (hence today’s title), but I’ll be checking in and updating the Cafe in a little bit! Till then, help youself to the lovely Hosui Asian pears over there…
…could use some prayers, good thoughts, or whatever out this way.
Had an email yesterday from my sister; while the spouse and I were enjoying ourselves in SoCal, my brother was in the hospital with chest pains. Turns out he had a partially blocked artery; my sister’s at the hospital today with him and his wife (she doesn’t drive due to disability) and to talk to the doctor and see what they’re going to do.
One piece of good news: he quit smoking immediately! He was the only one of the siblings that smoked, didn’t smoke a hell of a lot, but it still upset me considering the family history. Wish he hadn’t needed to get hit over the head with a sledgehammer to quit.
I’m hanging in there, barely…I lost my mom in January, and I’m not ready to lose my brother (or any other family members)…
Good thoughts coming right your way, Cali. I’m sorry to hear that.
Family emergencies whether physical or emotional are a source of great misery. As someone who has been having the latter lately, I empathize deeply. I hope your brother is feeling much better soon. On the heart front, we had two angioplaties in my immediate family about ten years ago. Both patients are doing well now, and one has essentially no current heart problems. He had a stint put in, and it’s worked great.
for your brother and entire family.
We care about family and it adds emotional strain to everything around us. Even those of us with dysfunctional families worry about the other siblings!
Take care of yourself…share the worry here and we’ll send hugs to all of you.
My mom had a four blocked arteries and had a quintuple (something I didn’t even know they did) bypass at age 81. Three years later she’s still doing great (still drives, walks everyday, even does ‘elder’ workouts at a gym). I know this doesn’t necessarily mean anything for your brother but I figure it’s always good to hear success stories.
ahead of a more serious event. Best wishes going forward. We have much of this in our family.
Best of luck. Our friend’s father just had a by-pass this on Monday. He is going home today.
Are you back? How’s little Andrew? Are you loving motherhood?
And of course, do you have pictures for us? π
I’m sorry to hear about brother CaliScribe. Best wishes to your brother and his post-wake-up-call recovery. You know you have us to sound off to, in addition to your “real-life” family. Hugs to you.
Sending out ooey gooshey love your way.
Oh my,
That is very bad news,thoughts with you and your bro,CaliScribe.
for the good thoughts…probably a good thing that the spouse is still off work, as he was around to keep me busy so I wouldn’t stew over stuff out of my control.
Email from my sister with good and bad news; he won’t need a bypass yet, but will probably need one within the next three or so years. He’s also got more blockage than thought — he’ll need another procedure in a couple of weeks, and they’ll add three stents and do some additional angioplasties to try to clear the blockage.
I’m glad my sister was there — my brother and I jokingly refer to her as “the Majordomo”, but after everything we went through with Mom, she knows what questions to ask and she was there to support my sister-in-law.
I offered to make a casserole or something, but my sister didn’t think it was necessary…I’ll go out tomorrow and find a suitably insulting card though. π
Oh, and update on our own health crisis du jour; he’s off for at least another couple of weeks (the post-vacation cold really set things back), but he’s been recommended for the Transitional Work program with his employer; he can’t drive a bus, but he can do other stuff like safety inspections, making maps of the buses out in the yard parking lot, do goodwill ambassador work on the light rail platforms, etc. He’ll get the form filled out by our doctor on Monday, so hopefully sometime next week he’ll be out of the apartment for a few hours and I can get at least a partial sense of normalcy. And he’s bidding on his new schedule tonight, so he’ll have a bus route to drive when he does get back to driving…
Thanks again for the good thoughts…hugs, kisses, and love to all…
To those that marginalize others – my opinion
I am so glad it’s friday….another 11 hour day ahead of me…and then home all weekend.
It is so special to be part of the respectful group that is Boo Tribbers. Thanks for this place…my wandering days to the other place are through.
So…in between auditors, spreadsheets, and crazy faculty (I do like them!) I’ll be checking in for a cup of coffee and the friends I find here.
Love the photo.
My wandering days to the other place aren’t finished, but they sure got cut down to practically nothing in the last few days because of the incredible quantity and quality of the posts at this place. Suddenly I’m not visiting several other blogs, because I can’t do that and have a life and keep up with this place, too. I like this problem very much.
Cali Scribe, I don’t like your problems at ALL, however, and I am wishing and hoping for the best for you and your brother.
I agree, this an amazingly supportive place.What I think is the true human spirit shines through here
So what’s up with the march? You all got it all together?
You mean me, or us as a group? Ready on both counts, I think….sending out the cheat sheet this weekend…
I have straightened out my childcare issues somewhat…everyone gets to meet the CabinBoys on Friday and Saturday! But this means that I’m staying with friends in DC on Saturday night instead of at the HI.
Good job! I think it will be great-to have the crew with a central location to meet. So glad I got on this before all the hotels were full.
Bon Appetit!
I am gone for the foreseeable future- which means 3-4 days.
Burn-out crispy critter,I am.
As a group, I guess. Just wondering if things are working out.
And of course, thanks again for all you’ve done to help!!!
I just got the phone call last night. Our Democratic precinct captain has resigned, and my name was on a list, and will I do it? I’m nervous, because I not an extroverted, running-things kind of person. But I wanted to be more involved and do more, so I said yes.
Anyone done this? Any good advice?
Good for you! If it was me I would have come up with some lame excuse for why I couldn’t do it.
Speaking of not being an extroverted, running-things kind of person…I have been basically a stay at home mother since I was 21, with a few years of odd jobs thrown in for much needed money, but nothing you’d call a career. Now, with my last two kids in high school, I am trying to force myself out of this rather agoraphobic state I have gotten myself into and outinto the real world doing some meaningful kind of work.
I made an inquiry into the Guardian ad Litem program here in my county and they jumped all over me and before I knew it I was interviewing with the director and she was telling me that she heard something in my voice over the phone (terror?) that told her that even though the training classes started last week, I could join them in progress. Then she sent me downstairs to sit in on a juvenile court proceeding involving child sexual abuse and disputed paternity. At the time when I am usually doing breakfast dishes or watching the talking heads blather on on CNN, here I was in this alternate reality, plucked out of my safe little life and right into the middle of the real world.
Last night I attended my first training session and it really put my mind at ease. Maybe it was the 25 year old in the Pink Panther pajama bottoms and braless under her white wife-beater undershirt that told me that maybe I really WASN’T out of my league. I was petrified that I would look like a dithering idiot trying to talk to attorneys and social workers and judges. I’m still afraid but I’m still going to the classes…so far I haven’t pooped out on them in a fit of insecurity and fear of commitment.
Earlier this summer when we had a conversation about your getting out and doing things you suggested you might need ‘shove out the door’ so here I am with that supporting shove: “Good for you for talking yourself into taking that step and for picking such a worthwhile but difficult program!!”
BTW, My husband, who is a teacher, thinks this is one of the best programs (it’s called CASA here) for helping kids he’s seen.
Thanks! I figured if I told enough people, I would feel really ashamed to drop out. Let’s hope it works.
BTW…we use the CASA training materials.
That is really great, Laura!
OK I’m obviously way out of the loop, what the heck is Median IELT?
Premature ejaculation project I’ve been working on…and which I finally finished and emailed out a few minutes ago!!!!
Time to change my title, huh?
I’m disappointed that the google ads didn’t seem to pick up on it — I guess the algorithm isn’t as nifty as we thought.
really pretty ironic that it took you so long to finish a project on premature ejaculation. I’m just sayin…
Performance anxiety…sucks. π
Whew! Now it’s all over I feel so… relieved.
Holy cow! I go away for 2 weeks to become a mom and I don’t even recognize the place when I come back!!!
Andrew is napping, which means I should be straightening something, but slacker that I am, I am posting instead.
Hey, that dust bunny just taunted me! I guess I will go clean, but it’s good to be back. I’ll work on posting a photo of the happy family later this weekend.
that the dust bunnies aren’t going anywhere, and will be happy to wiat patiently for you to get to them. Unlike your BT friends, who want to hear all about your trip!
What was the second best part (I already know Andrew is the first)?
Besides that what did those poor little bunnies ever do to deserve such a brutal demise. They should be as entitled to environmental protection as any other critter — it’s not their fault they aren’t cute and hide under beds.
I went and chased the dust bunny. My mom is here from Florida and I didn’t want her to see me on the computer while she’s been doing laundry.
The best part (after Andrew) was the Hutong tour on a rickshaw. That is in the old part of Beijing. Very cool and laid back. Also amazing was an embrodiary institute in Nanjing. Everything was hand made on large looms.
Oh, way, we made amazing friends with some of the other couples!
I cannot WAIT to see the little guy!
Welcome back Toni! And welcome to parenthood, ain’t it grand?
to march and continue hoping and working for a change.
An older photo of what they do every day here. They have more drawers for Acting Out-Dress Up than they do for socks and stuff.
I’m kinda on the “quiet” side today because this will be my last weekend before I leave.
I look forward to meeting CabinGirl, BrotherFeldspar, Military Tracy, Mana Eegee. MLK – and who else???
A big hug to ShyCat! Thank you so much! We shall raise a toast to you Friday and at Breakfast.
And Supersoling!!!
Anyone else thinking of going and needs a room or wants to march in a group? Let us know.
And Salunga will be there too!!! Whoooot!!!!
Have a safe trip…and Sharks individual game tickets go on sale tomorrow; might want to think about when you want to make a trip down to the Tank before you head up north…
(Mentioned your upcoming move to the spouse; he thinks the Sharks games are streamed over the Internet on the Sharks home station, KUFX 98.5FM, so you’ll still be able to follow the boys…)
we’re having a short post-lunch nap break as Mrs. Gooserock is helping in the workshop for a 2nd day. She got her first machinists’ boo-boo–her pliers slipped and bruise/cut a finger tip–and hence her first superglue skin repair. I probably glue half a dozen or more paper cuts & similar insults every week.
Puget Sound has begun its annual 7 month Buyer’s Remorse Season:

I actually don’t mind the fog/clouds, at least not in small doses…but the spouse is a definite sun lover, probably one of the few things that’s kept us here.
Back in 1993, when I got laid off from my first fulltime job, and he only had 12 years with his job, I tried to talk him into moving up to the Puget Sound area, but he wasn’t sure we could handle the grey. (He was only 6 mo. old when his folks moved down to California, so he never had time to get used to it…)
Is it cocktail time yet?
What a week! Almost I am regretting the 2-week vacation I took late August. I have waaay too much to do to catch up.
But tonight… rest. Shabbat shalom, everybody. A day of rest… wasn’t that a great invention? Peace be on you this evening.