I had a thought today that I want to share. There have been many reports in the past few days that the rebuilding of New Orleans and other Gulf coast areas may be the first time we see the Bushist doctrine in full effect. Relax environmental regulations, lower the minimum wage, and basically complete the process of drowning government in the bathtub. The prospect of this grand GOP experiment is scaring a lot of people on the left, as it should. What might New Orleans look like after two or three years of this mockery of social values, and how do we, the minority party, prevent it? I’ll tell you how. The call for help must come from the victims of Katrina. If they get organized and declare as a group that it is not ok to lower minimum wage, the door will be open for Democrats to step in. The Bushist doctrine is – in very obvious ways – counterproductive to helping those people affected. The administration is undercutting their own self-described goals by taking this approach, and they should be called on it by the people whose voice matters most right now.
Right now, the victims of Katrina are busy doing other things, like finding a place to call home and/or their family members and/or just about anything else that we take for granted in our daily lives.
Just as the call to vets to take up issues and speak out when they have already given limb, soul and heart, I do not think this call right now is appropriate or realistic — give them time to get on solid ground, 2 weeks is not enough, and even if, after more time has passed, they choose not to, that should be ok.
I agree Brinnainne but I also believe as time goes on and these people continue to struggle to get jobs, benefits and a real roof over their heads they will see IF the government will deliver on its promises to them. I believe in these victims and I believe after what they have been through and the dust settles we will hear a lot more from them. Time will tell. I also believe it is up to us to support them not just now but down the road when everyone else has “gotten on with my life” forgets them.
Can we be there for them then? Also, are they being represented by people that will tell them exactly what they are entitled to? I don’t know. I am just asking. But that sure would be a place to start.