I am reposting this from and old post I posted at Kos back before the tu diary police went on jihad against antidlc posters and banned me.
DLC Corporate not Moderate!
by NoAlternative [Subscribe]
Fri Nov 19th, 2004 at 13:05:20 PDTThis is also one of the reasons I don’t understand Kos’s enthusiam for Rosenberg after Dean. Rosenberg has duller fangs then the other dlcers, but he is still dlc.
Rosenberg: “”We’re trying to raise money to help them lessen their reliance on traditional interest groups in the Democratic Party.”
SNIP…”At a time when the public thinks big business has too much influence in Washington, the DLC’s mission is to increase the influence of business in the Democratic Party. Or as Simon Rosenberg, head of the DLC’s corporate-funded political action committee, the New Democrat Network, put it, “We’re trying to raise money to help them lessen their reliance on traditional interest groups in the Democratic Party.” But today, two-thirds of the public says big business already has too much influence in Washington. By 50 to 37 percent, Americans say Bush favors the interests of big corporations over ordinary working people. By 49 to 37 percent, they say Democrats favor ordinary working people. That advantage would disappear if the DLC has its way….”
Corporate scandals:
SNIP..” New Dems joined with Republicans in diluting efforts to clean up the current mess. New Dems in the House offered bipartisan support for the Republican accounting reform bill that was certified as harmless by the accountants’ lobby. Before the WorldCom revelations, when it looked like reform was going to be bottled up in the Senate, Lieberman and DLC head Al From launched a PR drive to warn Democrats against being antibusiness and doing too much….”SNIP…”. The DLC champions privatization of Social Security as a centerpiece of its program for the new century. Or in DLC speak, as Will Marshall, one of its founders, puts it, “using choice and competition to advance…the big social insurance programs like Social Security and Medicare.” The DLC provides bipartisan support for a Bush folly that, as Senator Tom Daschle says, would turn Social Security from a guarantee into a gamble….”
I think ndn apparent break with them is just an attempt at cutting the dlc’s losses. I think we should all be concerned at where Kos is headed, because of his support of NDN. I think that is why those of us who really want a break should start investing in booman instead of Kos.
Also look at where the diary police chose to start attacking me. Yep it was on my criticism of the dlc.
Remember Kos has given these people absolute authority to ban us so he must approve of this behavior, or at least not care very much what they do to us.
In retrospect, it should’ve been plenty obvious that kos was DLC when he started backing Gephardt for VP back before the 2004 election.
This situation is too funny.
The Republican voters were the ones all terrified of a one-world shadowy govt, manipulating things and ruling from behind the scenes.
Seems those wingnuts only got two details wrong:
We now have the:
Who’s pulling the strings? “Follow the money…”
Or, “It’s the corporations, stupid”
The corporations have marginalized Americans economically by outsourcing;the DLC, the Republicans and the NDN are marginalizing us politically.