Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Booman, all the ladies do love you. 🙂 Thanks for the new server. It rocks.
I realized what bothered me most about Bush’s speech last night – he was trying to look like he’s “working hard” with his sleeves rolled up and all, but his shirt was too well pressed. Straight from the cleaners. Way too neat. Plus the shirt was misbuttoned, which I think is hilarious!
Also, I just found out I’ll have to pay almost $400 to get my car fixed. Argh… It’s $$$ I didn’t really want to spend right now.
Ugh. My brakes are making a horrible on-and-off grinding noise that I’ve just sort of been pretending not to notice for a while now. It’s hard to shell out the money when I don’t even really need the car, as I live downtown — I really don’t even use it that much. But man, I’m just not good at the regular small grocery trips you have to make when you’re on bicycle. Carrying toilet paper home that way is a bitch.
I missed the Bush speech. Too busy pondering my navel. I can’t even sit through five minutes of the guy anymore.
Sounds like you might just need new brake pads at this point but you shouldn’t drive your car in that condition too long or you’ll need new brakes and that’s a much bigger expense (and it’s dangerous).
That’s what my girlfriend keeps saying, too. And I know it. It’s really easy to get lulled into a “but I’m only driving it a mile to the store” thing, and I know that’s stupid, but keep doing it anyway.
It’s also inconsistent, which is particularly weird. It stopped doing it for a while and worked/sounded fine, and then it started back up again a couple of days ago.
It’s going to the mechanic very soon, I swear. I need to keep repeating to myself: “this is why I have a credit card”.
that is very likely some warning bits built into the brake pads – means you are a hair away from real metal on metal.
Just had to do brakes on both my wife’s van and my truck – the van was grinding intermittently – just took pads. That’s when the mechanic told me about the intermittent grinding as a built in “last chance” warning sign in some pads.
The truck was metal – let’s just say I seriously contemplated another junker truck instead of the brake work…
longer you wait the more expensive the job will be.
In my personal experience, the big dog just attracts more women rather than chasing them away. But maybe it only works that way with lesbians, I’m not sure.
or was it former bass players who read BMT on a dial-up connection (obviously, if you are on broadband, you just need to switch to dial-up to instantly acquire that rich fantasy life).
or was it former bass players who read BMT on a dial-up connection
This is a very random thing to have in common with you, AndiF — especially considering that we could modify it further by adding “former female bass players who…”
um… does that mean I’ve taken up playing bass again??
<<looks around…>>
Ok, I still seem to be here….
maybe I should take up bass again 🙂
In fairness calling myself a former bass player is a bit of a stretch – I owned one, I made noise with it sometimes, but certainly never got to the gig stage (pretty much simple 4 beats and a squeeky or flat attempt at 12 bar blues… the whole “practice” thing never really stuck – the rich fantasy life thing …. but I digress…
Oh – what does it mean to this thread that I know a current bass player who is a former female?
I just noticed last night that DISH network has added a Katrina channel. It plays lovely classical music and displays all of the hotline numbers for every agency + a running list of people, provided by “CNN Safe List,” whatever that is.
Susan, in your “shove your prayers” diary you mentioned a mother and baby. Was it the woman who was saying her curly-haird baby was so hot and she couldn’t wake him up? I’ve been thinking of them a lot.
I couldn’t quite remember what she’d been saying on the video. Some friends e-mailed me about the news they heard on MSNBC TV yesterday afternoon, and it’s really been eating at me … such a beautiful baby 🙁 That mother was so frantic.
I haven’t looked for a news story at Will do it.
I can’t find a print version of that MSNBC story. Maybe one of you is better at searching than i? Surely so — I do have trouble, it seems, often. MSNBC
The Lonestar Iconoclast is reporting that the remaining memorial at Camp Casey, crosses, tent, the boots of Cindy Sheehan’s fallen son, Casey, were stolen on Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning in Crawford, Texas…
CRAWFORD — The Camp Casey Memorial on Prairie Chapel Road was removed by thieves earlier today. Not a single item is left at the memorial site.
Among the items stolen were numerous crosses, Casey Sheehan’s boots, tents, and other items.
There was no evidence that Camp Casey had even existed.
Oh there’s plenty of evidence that Camp Casey existed. Right here in my memory, and in the memories of Tracy, Brinainne, Janet Strange, Alohaleezy, Legadillo, Adastra, Sandia Blanca, and all the others who made it there. Next weekend we will be reminding George and America again.
They show themselves for the weak minded and hollow spirited animals they are, but for every cross they steal we will replace it with a living body on the streets of Washington, and we will all be carrying Casey Sheehans boots with us in our hearts for, though he no longer needs them, rest his soul, we will honor the path that he walked in his short time here on earth, and walk on, and march on until we march these motherfuckers out of our Whitehouse.
Thank you for putting into words a response that I cannot seem to muster. May they rot in a hell of likeminded assholes is about the best I can come up with right now.
(I hesitate to use their names ’cause I didn’t ask them if I could and I don’t think I will any time soon…maybe later), and we made a plan to go out and buy them a bed this afternoon, so they can get out of the convention center and into their apartment, such as it is, I have never seen so small an apratment in my entire life, but it is $375 all bills paid, so that’s ok for the time being….
He said that he and his wife have both gotten IDs today, so that’s another step — he was out walking the baby and waiting for her to get back from getting hers…
ANYway — shycat, I’m spending your money today and will let you know how it goes!
I am excitd to see them again, ‘specially that little ‘un, 4 1/2 months old, biggest brown eyes you’ve ever seen — he took a nap on me while his parents were shopping…bliss.
Answers the question about what’s more important…rebuilding the gulf coast or propping up bubble boy…the blatant politicization of this is hard to stomach.
Clearly, in your case, we need to restore the service.
P.S. Darcy is a fan of Angelina Jolie’s humanitarian activities and sent me this fun story:
Pitt & Jolie have nuptials in site
Brad Pitt hasn’t quite wrapped up his first marriage, but he’s already said to be planning his second. Italian papers are bruiting that Pitt has asked George Clooney if he and Angelina Jolie can wed at his “Ocean’s Eleven” co-star’s villa on Lake Como.
Pitt’s divorce from Jennifer Aniston is due to become final next month. His rep was unavailable, but it’s unlikely that a wedding could happen before next year. Brad is now in Canada filming “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.”
Ladies be advised: Pitt is due to show even more of his buff bod in that Western than he did in “Troy.” The script calls for him to bathe – fully nude – while standing in a tub, a source tells Us Weekly.
Meanwhile, Jolie will be getting paid to garb herself in St. John. The luxury label lured the UN Goodwill Ambassador to be its “face” by also making her the voice of its new children’s charity.
and exploded children? Why is everyone wasting so much time sweeping up bits of exploded children when there are so many living people still in need of…
New York, Sep 16 2005 2:00PM
An Afghan woman and her four children who had been living in Tajikistan since 1992 were suddenly deported Wednesday to their home country, even though three of them had recently been accepted for resettlement in Canada, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesman Ron Redmond said today.
“UNHCR strongly deplores a decision by the government of Tajikistan to deport five members of an Afghan refugee family,” he told a news briefing in Geneva.
Fox News, which, along with CNN/Gallup, always made Bush come out smelling like a rose, just issued these results:
Today, 41 percent of voters approve and 51 percent disapprove of President Bush’s performance, which is the lowest job rating he has received in a FOX News poll. The president’s approval rating is down 4 percentage points from two weeks ago (45 percent, August 30-31), around the time the magnitude of Katrina’s damage was becoming clear. Before the hurricane, 47 percent approved and 44 percent disapproved (July 26-27).
They blame it all on Katrina, but the downward trend in all the polls goes way back before the storm.
Right now on Unbossed, Colorado candidate Angie Paccione is live-blogging for the next half-hour. She’s a good candidate running against the dreaded Marilyn Musgrave.
CNN is covering his live speech. He’s announced he’s running again for governor. He asks the audience what has changed since the last election. He answers that the only thing that has changed is that he is the governor. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that he’s just admitted he’s failed as a governor since he believes he’s done nothing to change the system.
Well, California, if you vote for him again – you’ll get what you deserve.
Maybe I should have a nap. I’ve been calling people names (no, not BTers – politicians and public people who deserve it) and just generally not being nice…
Any luck?
In 2002, I chased Benicio Del Toro down Highway 101 onto Highway 112, then lost him. I felt silly, and Darcy, in the car with me, was embarrassed … why, I’m not sure since no one else on earth knew what we were doing at the moment.
At least I think it was he. They were filming the ending of “The Hunted” west of town on the cliffs of the Elwha Dam — which they festooned with lots of artificial trees to make it look more like the Oregon forest where they’d originally filmed other sections of the film until they were forced to find a new site.
Benicio and Tommy Lee Jones hung around town for weeks. Tommy Lee stayed at the Red Lion, and Benicio, we were told, stayed at the Lake Crescent Lodge, which was closed for the season to tourists…. a stunning lodge and lake (marvelous vacation stay, by the way).
I think it was Benicio. I knew from the man at the gas station who’d sold Benicio some gasoline that he was driving a black Cadillac SUV, and that’s what I was following.
It was too bad it wasn’t a very good film. A lot of people in town went to see the movie because it was partly filmed here, but of course they couldn’t tell it was here any more than it was in Oregon … were those Douglas firs in Oregon or above the Elwha Dam? How could one tell.
On Wednesday, one of our Disaster Animal Response Teams in New Orleans rescued a St. Bernard from a rooftop – a dog they described as the most emaciated animal they had ever seen in all their years of handling animals. The veterinarian who treated the dog was shocked that the animal, who weighed just 40 pounds, was still alive.
Who helped us rescue this animal? It was several National Guardsmen, who heeded our rescuers’ pleas to take them through the water on a tank so they could get up on the roof to save the dog.
But the troops’ actions were not ordered by the National Guard – nor by the White House, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, or the state of Louisiana. In fact, despite our repeated requests, none of these entities has formally agreed to marshal their ground forces to help rescue the pets and other animals slowly starving to death in the affected areas.
At a press conference just a few hours ago, I implored the federal government to come up with the nation’s first animal rescue plan. Now, I am writing to ask you to give them the same message: Please call or email President Bush and other officials today and urge them to help us before it’s too late.
Time is running out for these animals. Every hour that passes means more pets, locked behind closed doors in the disaster zone, will die of starvation. Our teams are working as hard as they can to reach as many pets as they can – and as we reported to you on Wednesday, we’ve rescued thousands. But there are thousands more.
At this 11th hour, when so many lives are at stake, we are asking you to help. I urge you to contact these government officials today and ask them to help rescue animals before it is too late. Please click here to call or send an email to President Bush and other federal and state officials who have the power to order National Guardsmen and other responders to assist with food drops, help supply our own operations, and do whatever else it takes to save animals.
One of our rescuers said it best: “We should not have to rely on the compassionate instincts of individual Guardsmen to rescue these animals. We need the full commitment of the government.”
Members of Congress have also been calling on President Bush and the federal agencies to actively assist with direct animal rescue. With most of the human victims of the catastrophe removed from the city, it’s not too late to save animals’ lives. It’s time for the government to recognize the incredible bond between people and their pets, and step in to help.
On behalf of the animals and our disaster teams, thank you.
Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States
P.S. Do you have a question about our disaster response for animals? Then please read our frequently asked questions. If you don’t find your answer there, then call us at 1-800-HUMANE-1 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern time, or reply to this email ( with the topic of your question identified in the subject line. Thank you!
I was just thinking that I love 20year olds who can run really fast and jump really high. What a coincidence.
Booman, all the ladies do love you. 🙂 Thanks for the new server. It rocks.
I realized what bothered me most about Bush’s speech last night – he was trying to look like he’s “working hard” with his sleeves rolled up and all, but his shirt was too well pressed. Straight from the cleaners. Way too neat. Plus the shirt was misbuttoned, which I think is hilarious!
Also, I just found out I’ll have to pay almost $400 to get my car fixed. Argh… It’s $$$ I didn’t really want to spend right now.
You have my sympathies … we just spent about $700 on ours … sigh. What a pain.
Ugh. My brakes are making a horrible on-and-off grinding noise that I’ve just sort of been pretending not to notice for a while now. It’s hard to shell out the money when I don’t even really need the car, as I live downtown — I really don’t even use it that much. But man, I’m just not good at the regular small grocery trips you have to make when you’re on bicycle. Carrying toilet paper home that way is a bitch.
I missed the Bush speech. Too busy pondering my navel. I can’t even sit through five minutes of the guy anymore.
Sounds like you might just need new brake pads at this point but you shouldn’t drive your car in that condition too long or you’ll need new brakes and that’s a much bigger expense (and it’s dangerous).
If it’s a metal-on-metal kinda sound, don’t drive another mile without getting to the mechanic.
That’s what my girlfriend keeps saying, too. And I know it. It’s really easy to get lulled into a “but I’m only driving it a mile to the store” thing, and I know that’s stupid, but keep doing it anyway.
It’s also inconsistent, which is particularly weird. It stopped doing it for a while and worked/sounded fine, and then it started back up again a couple of days ago.
It’s going to the mechanic very soon, I swear. I need to keep repeating to myself: “this is why I have a credit card”.
that is very likely some warning bits built into the brake pads – means you are a hair away from real metal on metal.
Just had to do brakes on both my wife’s van and my truck – the van was grinding intermittently – just took pads. That’s when the mechanic told me about the intermittent grinding as a built in “last chance” warning sign in some pads.
The truck was metal – let’s just say I seriously contemplated another junker truck instead of the brake work…
longer you wait the more expensive the job will be.
Hay, given my, umm, < whispering > age, I could be 2 twenty year olds with a toddler thrown in.
(does math quickly … 20 + 20 + …)
Ah, I could have been your mother if I had been a child bride!
(BOO, how could women NOT love YOU!? You probably have to beat them off with a stick, or a big dog.)
In my personal experience, the big dog just attracts more women rather than chasing them away. But maybe it only works that way with lesbians, I’m not sure.
Even worse is if you have a leash-trained cat.
Yep, stick with the stick.
Oh BooMan, thanks for the server. Things are really flying along!
Now I can stop spending money on all of that anti-aging crap. Just invest in a new server? Who knew?
it does wonders. Plus, I’m not wearing out my fingertips drumming them on the table waiting for the pages to open.
those of us on dial-up have such thick callouses on our fingertips that you’d think we were bass players.
OTOH, we have plenty of time to develop a rich fantasy life.
were you talking about the dial uppers , or the bass players
/former bass player…
or was it former bass players who read BMT on a dial-up connection (obviously, if you are on broadband, you just need to switch to dial-up to instantly acquire that rich fantasy life).
or was it former bass players who read BMT on a dial-up connection
This is a very random thing to have in common with you, AndiF — especially considering that we could modify it further by adding “former female bass players who…”
but “its simple …” who was the former bass player.
Though I do know two female bass players but neither of them are ‘formers’.
WAS the former bass player??
um… does that mean I’ve taken up playing bass again??
<<looks around…>>
Ok, I still seem to be here….
maybe I should take up bass again 🙂
In fairness calling myself a former bass player is a bit of a stretch – I owned one, I made noise with it sometimes, but certainly never got to the gig stage (pretty much simple 4 beats and a squeeky or flat attempt at 12 bar blues… the whole “practice” thing never really stuck – the rich fantasy life thing …. but I digress…
Oh – what does it mean to this thread that I know a current bass player who is a former female?
Oh – what does it mean to this thread that I know a current bass player who is a former female?
It makes my reading comprehension mistake totally worth it.
Oh – what does it mean to this thread that I know a current bass player who is a former female?
If he reads BMT on a dial-up, it means we have a winner in the rich fantasy life sweepstakes (especially if the callouses are really good).
IndyLib gets to write on the chalkboard about reading comprehension after class.
I know the feeling well!
on my viewer. IE 6.0.2900 and XP home sp2 up to date. I can see them now as I post but I can’t see them from the front page.
is streteched to approach full width. If I shrink it to 90% or 80% of the screen width, the ad pops back into position.
…instead of just sitting in a church and praying.
I just noticed last night that DISH network has added a Katrina channel. It plays lovely classical music and displays all of the hotline numbers for every agency + a running list of people, provided by “CNN Safe List,” whatever that is.
Susan, in your “shove your prayers” diary you mentioned a mother and baby. Was it the woman who was saying her curly-haird baby was so hot and she couldn’t wake him up? I’ve been thinking of them a lot.
I’m quite sure it is 🙁
I couldn’t quite remember what she’d been saying on the video. Some friends e-mailed me about the news they heard on MSNBC TV yesterday afternoon, and it’s really been eating at me … such a beautiful baby 🙁 That mother was so frantic.
I haven’t looked for a news story at Will do it.
You and I aren’t the only ones wondering; I’ve seen her listed on the Katrina lists (people are looking for her; don’t know if she’s been found).
I can’t find a print version of that MSNBC story. Maybe one of you is better at searching than i? Surely so — I do have trouble, it seems, often. MSNBC
Oh crap, I just read your diary beneath this one…I feel sick for that poor girl. I’ll try finding the story.
CNN has encouraged those who are safe to contact them via e-mail and they’ve posted the list on their site so their friends & family can check it out.
Oh, thanks! The running feed thingie didn’t explain that but probably most people know. It was nice to see that channel. Every bit helps.
Camp Casey Memorial, Crosses, Casey Sheehan Boots Stolen…
The Lonestar Iconoclast is reporting that the remaining memorial at Camp Casey, crosses, tent, the boots of Cindy Sheehan’s fallen son, Casey, were stolen on Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning in Crawford, Texas…
CRAWFORD — The Camp Casey Memorial on Prairie Chapel Road was removed by thieves earlier today. Not a single item is left at the memorial site.
Among the items stolen were numerous crosses, Casey Sheehan’s boots, tents, and other items.
There was no evidence that Camp Casey had even existed.
MORE: BradBlog
Oh there’s plenty of evidence that Camp Casey existed. Right here in my memory, and in the memories of Tracy, Brinainne, Janet Strange, Alohaleezy, Legadillo, Adastra, Sandia Blanca, and all the others who made it there. Next weekend we will be reminding George and America again.
They show themselves for the weak minded and hollow spirited animals they are, but for every cross they steal we will replace it with a living body on the streets of Washington, and we will all be carrying Casey Sheehans boots with us in our hearts for, though he no longer needs them, rest his soul, we will honor the path that he walked in his short time here on earth, and walk on, and march on until we march these motherfuckers out of our Whitehouse.
with you and you know I will be in spirit.
The baseness, the fucking SMALLNESS …..
Thank you for putting into words a response that I cannot seem to muster. May they rot in a hell of likeminded assholes is about the best I can come up with right now.
Did Bush mess up buttoning his shirt last night?
Ha! I was just reading Deviltower’s diary in the rec list at DK and someone posted this photo:
somehow that will only enhance his “regular guy” image for some people. As if regular guys mess up buttoning their shirts….what?…they do?…nevermind.
Maybe next time he should wear a torn undershirt and carry an open can of Bud. 😉
that Ductape is at large and prowling again. The era without Ductape was lacking in moral seriousness or something.
I second, third and fourth that!!
(I hesitate to use their names ’cause I didn’t ask them if I could and I don’t think I will any time soon…maybe later), and we made a plan to go out and buy them a bed this afternoon, so they can get out of the convention center and into their apartment, such as it is, I have never seen so small an apratment in my entire life, but it is $375 all bills paid, so that’s ok for the time being….
He said that he and his wife have both gotten IDs today, so that’s another step — he was out walking the baby and waiting for her to get back from getting hers…
ANYway — shycat, I’m spending your money today and will let you know how it goes!
I am excitd to see them again, ‘specially that little ‘un, 4 1/2 months old, biggest brown eyes you’ve ever seen — he took a nap on me while his parents were shopping…bliss.
Please, spare me…This can’t be real.
Answers the question about what’s more important…rebuilding the gulf coast or propping up bubble boy…the blatant politicization of this is hard to stomach.
This just ain’t right! You can’t get me down and I didn’t even sleep that much. Go figure
Did somethign bad hsappen to the spwellcheck button in goingh to the new server?
Clearly, in your case, we need to restore the service.
P.S. Darcy is a fan of Angelina Jolie’s humanitarian activities and sent me this fun story:
Be still my heart. I’d like him to hook up with Jolie. I like her. My daughter thinks he should have stayed with Aniston – ewww…
and exploded children? Why is everyone wasting so much time sweeping up bits of exploded children when there are so many living people still in need of…
Exploited children?
–Never mind!
Shall I tell you my sad story about the Center for Missing and Still Missing Children?
New York, Sep 16 2005 2:00PM
An Afghan woman and her four children who had been living in Tajikistan since 1992 were suddenly deported Wednesday to their home country, even though three of them had recently been accepted for resettlement in Canada, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesman Ron Redmond said today.
“UNHCR strongly deplores a decision by the government of Tajikistan to deport five members of an Afghan refugee family,” he told a news briefing in Geneva.
Fox News, which, along with CNN/Gallup, always made Bush come out smelling like a rose, just issued these results:
They blame it all on Katrina, but the downward trend in all the polls goes way back before the storm.
Right now on Unbossed, Colorado candidate Angie Paccione is live-blogging for the next half-hour. She’s a good candidate running against the dreaded Marilyn Musgrave.
Come on over! Here’s the link:
Oops — I gave you the link to the announcement. The Q & A link is here:
“The Dirty Secret: Racism in the Democratic Party”
Armando at Kos threw a bomb!
CNN is covering his live speech. He’s announced he’s running again for governor. He asks the audience what has changed since the last election. He answers that the only thing that has changed is that he is the governor. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that he’s just admitted he’s failed as a governor since he believes he’s done nothing to change the system.
Well, California, if you vote for him again – you’ll get what you deserve.
What a dolt.
Maybe I should have a nap. I’ve been calling people names (no, not BTers – politicians and public people who deserve it) and just generally not being nice…
I can do nice again tomorrow.
I bet you’ve been out stalking Brad Pitt again, haven’t you. … and you know how that makes you tired and cranky.
Any luck?
In 2002, I chased Benicio Del Toro down Highway 101 onto Highway 112, then lost him. I felt silly, and Darcy, in the car with me, was embarrassed … why, I’m not sure since no one else on earth knew what we were doing at the moment.
At least I think it was he. They were filming the ending of “The Hunted” west of town on the cliffs of the Elwha Dam — which they festooned with lots of artificial trees to make it look more like the Oregon forest where they’d originally filmed other sections of the film until they were forced to find a new site.
Benicio and Tommy Lee Jones hung around town for weeks. Tommy Lee stayed at the Red Lion, and Benicio, we were told, stayed at the Lake Crescent Lodge, which was closed for the season to tourists…. a stunning lodge and lake (marvelous vacation stay, by the way).
I think it was Benicio. I knew from the man at the gas station who’d sold Benicio some gasoline that he was driving a black Cadillac SUV, and that’s what I was following.
It was too bad it wasn’t a very good film. A lot of people in town went to see the movie because it was partly filmed here, but of course they couldn’t tell it was here any more than it was in Oregon … were those Douglas firs in Oregon or above the Elwha Dam? How could one tell.
I need to hire you and Darcy! 🙂
No, I haven’t been out looking for him. I just feel warm and fuzzy knowing he’s in town.
Dear Susan,
On Wednesday, one of our Disaster Animal Response Teams in New Orleans rescued a St. Bernard from a rooftop – a dog they described as the most emaciated animal they had ever seen in all their years of handling animals. The veterinarian who treated the dog was shocked that the animal, who weighed just 40 pounds, was still alive.
Who helped us rescue this animal? It was several National Guardsmen, who heeded our rescuers’ pleas to take them through the water on a tank so they could get up on the roof to save the dog.
But the troops’ actions were not ordered by the National Guard – nor by the White House, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, or the state of Louisiana. In fact, despite our repeated requests, none of these entities has formally agreed to marshal their ground forces to help rescue the pets and other animals slowly starving to death in the affected areas.
At a press conference just a few hours ago, I implored the federal government to come up with the nation’s first animal rescue plan. Now, I am writing to ask you to give them the same message: Please call or email President Bush and other officials today and urge them to help us before it’s too late.
Time is running out for these animals. Every hour that passes means more pets, locked behind closed doors in the disaster zone, will die of starvation. Our teams are working as hard as they can to reach as many pets as they can – and as we reported to you on Wednesday, we’ve rescued thousands. But there are thousands more.
At this 11th hour, when so many lives are at stake, we are asking you to help. I urge you to contact these government officials today and ask them to help rescue animals before it is too late. Please click here to call or send an email to President Bush and other federal and state officials who have the power to order National Guardsmen and other responders to assist with food drops, help supply our own operations, and do whatever else it takes to save animals.
One of our rescuers said it best: “We should not have to rely on the compassionate instincts of individual Guardsmen to rescue these animals. We need the full commitment of the government.”
Members of Congress have also been calling on President Bush and the federal agencies to actively assist with direct animal rescue. With most of the human victims of the catastrophe removed from the city, it’s not too late to save animals’ lives. It’s time for the government to recognize the incredible bond between people and their pets, and step in to help.
On behalf of the animals and our disaster teams, thank you.
Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States
P.S. Do you have a question about our disaster response for animals? Then please read our frequently asked questions. If you don’t find your answer there, then call us at 1-800-HUMANE-1 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern time, or reply to this email ( with the topic of your question identified in the subject line. Thank you!