Started to write a comment intended for diary ::
Reminder on DHS (and Chertoff) ◊ by ask
As usual, the computer archives were filled with some more links and information – for all interested to share or use as reference.

  • complete 911 timeline
  • fox news video carl cameron
  • carl cameron report mossad
  • pbs – why the towers fell

    More to follow below the fold »»

    nvfc and paulison appointee fema

    WASHINGTON, DC Sept. 12, 2005 -- The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) today applauded the decision to appoint R. David Paulison as the Acting Director of FEMA. On photo with chairman Phil Stittleburg   right.  

    phil c. stittleburg wisconsin ●  kirk risinger & burtonsville vfd  ●  citizensunited.org & david bossie  ●  tort act vfd equipment ●  nvfc link to “buckhead”  ●  “buckhead”  ●  


      «« click on pic for diary link

    Biological and Chemical Weapons (BCW)
    Remarks of National Intelligence Council Chairman
    John C. Gannon
    November 16, 1998

    Be sure to look at the timeline of ANSER Homeland Security coming into existence:
    | ANSER | ANSER Homeland Security | John C. GANNON | INTELLIBRIDGE CORP. |  

    Relationships between federal government, grants and religious groups ::

    David Bohigian :: Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives [pdf files] at the US Department of Commerce.

    Partner ::
    Richard Cruze Powell, Jr. – see Dina Habib Powell

    Ed Gillespie¹