Hmmm…is he or isn’t he?
From Aljazeera:
Sheikh Jawad al-Kalesi, the imam of the al-Kadhimiyah mosque in Baghdad, told France’s Le Monde newspaper on Friday: “I don’t think that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi exists as such. He’s simply an invention by the occupiers to divide the people.”
Al-Kalesi claimed that al-Zarqawi was killed in the Kurdish northern region of Iraq at the beginning of the US-led war on the country as he was meeting with members of the Ansar Al-Islam group affiliated to al-Qaida.
But, wait a minute. Haven’t we recently heard statements from al-Zarqawi?
“If the occupation continues, the situation will only get worse and the Iraqi will increasingly join the resistance”
He said an audio message posted on the Internet on Wednesday and attributed to al-Zarqawi, was meant to push Shia “to find refuge with the Americans rather than join the resistance.”
Frankly, when it comes to the illegal war in Iraq, I don’t know who to believe anymore. I wouldn’t put it past Bushco to use propaganda to keep this bogeyman alive, but it’s also in the interest of al-Zarqawi supporters to claim that he is dead so he is no longer a target.
The Times Online reports a different story:
Regardless of whether or not he’s alive, the fact remains that this war is far from being over with thousands of Iraqis dying in the name of “freedom” as dictated by the US government. As we’ve all been distracted by the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe, the situation on the ground in Iraq has remained equally catastrophic with no end in site.
US troop deaths are nearing 1900 and recruiters are still aggressively trying to round up more volunteers. More coalition members are pulling out and there is no exit strategy. So, whether or not one resistance leader is dead really doesn’t matter. There are thousands more waiting to fill his shoes to make sure this conflict goes on for years. And, there is no doubt that it will.
Is al-Zarqawi dead or alive?
Is Bin Ladin dead or alive?
Is Jesus dead or alive?
We are learning the same lesson as the Romans, the hard way; the lesson identified so long ago by the ancient Greeks:
Every act of hubris calls forth its own nemesis from the universe. It is the way of nature. The yin and yang at work.
How could we be so dumb?
Perhaps it was our destiny – not that the fault lies in our stars, but in ourselves: The principles we take as central organizing principles and key tenants of our nation determine the arc our history will take in the world as it plays out. As much for a nation as for a person.
The only hope is a massive cultural change of heart.
It can happen, but will it, and in time?
Hell if I know.
“Don’t you dare hang this on me! I’m a good liberal part of the blognorati, I write my congresscritter weekly, work on campaigns, give till it hurts, and never shop at Wal-Mart.”
I didn’t say you were personally guilt of anything. I said you bought a ticket on the Titanic, and it has a fatal design flaw in its watertight barriers. Human error may lead to that flaw costing the lives of most everyone on board, or human wisdom might avoid the problem, perhaps for a long time. But the fatal flaw in the design remains, and every passenger, saint or sinner, assumes that risk, consciously or not.
you can sign in on your old account, and it will be cool now. I added an ‘s’ your name on this account and changed the name of your old account.
That is too cool! Thanks, Boo! 😀
Al Zarqawi is very real and used as propaganda by both sides!
His success breeds more volunteers – the occupier’s poor performance adds to the misery of Iraqis and unemployment. When you invade and occupy a nation, you own it – Colin Powell.
Today it is the richest, best organized, best armed and most powerful insurgent force in Iraq, with thousands of volunteers, including some from around the Middle East and beyond, prepared to fight and die for their cause. His slick propaganda department can record a suicide attack, release it within an hour on the internet and relay it into the homes of Muslim sympathizers around the world.
Two days before series of bombings … an audio tape from
newly named leader of Al Qaeda – the Syrier Al Zarqawi :
“He who has warned is excused.”
Day of Vengeance
for U.S. | Iraqi attacks on Tal Afar?
US and Iraqi soldiers patrol Tal Afar, and carried out a house-to-house search for insurgents in the northern town after rebels melted away in the face of a large-scale operation. AFP/Ali Khalil
The Islamic Army in Iraq, which has previously claimed responsibility for kidnappings and killings of foreigners, made a bounty offer for the assassination of key Iraqi officials.
The group called in a website posting for its “holy fighters to strike the infidels with an iron fist.” It offered $100,000 to the killer of al-Jaafari, $50,000 for the interior minister and $30,000 for the defence minister.
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This can’t all get lost in the shuffle. I know that we on the left are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time – unlike the Republicans.
He is not dead.
His name is “Goldberg” and he is serving an important purpose in Fascmerica.
Meant “Goldstein.” Faulty 1984 reference — I haven’t read it in two years. And, I am growing senile.
Beat me to it. al-Zarqawi is arabic for Emmanuel Goldstein.
Meant “Goldstein.” Faulty 1984 reference. I haven’t read it in a couple of years and, as I said above, and growing senile.
Oh dear- you mean Emmanuel Goldstein is alive? Damm- the universal enemy lives!