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Froggy Bottom Cafe

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself

Come on in!

Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of bread and cheese on every table

Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
FBC Bulletin Board

The Froggy Bottom Photography Fair organizing committee will be meeting intermittently throughout the next couple of weeks
(primarily through email and the yahoo group) to develop standards for submissions, templates for the Fair Diaries and other

If you are interested in participating and haven’t joined the yahoo group please email me at for more information.

I will be going through the past Fair Diaries to compile suggestions from the comments as a starting point for our discussions.

Anyone going to the march in DC on Sept 24th should give a holler! A few of us
attending are planning on getting together over the weekend, as well as
marching together. Those who can’t come to DC should keep an eye or ear
open for corresponding local events that day.

And news from kansas (see the comments below):

BooTrib/Powell’s Book Club is reading BAYOU FAREWELL by Mike Tidwell. Meeting date TB determined soon.