That’s right my birthday is September 24th. I was born in 1956 so I’ll be one year shy of a half century. Forty-nine strange and wonderful, terrible and surreal years. Years that when I was younger seemed to last twice as long as they do now. Yet in all that time, even during the depths of the Cold War, Vietnam, Watergate, the Oil Crisis and Stagflation of the 70’s, and the Iran Hostage Crisis, never have I felt that our Nation, and the lives of its citizens, were in greater danger.
Never have I felt that our economic, social and foreign policy problems were greater than they are today. Never have I felt that we were in greater danger of losing our rights, our liberties and our Republic. And never has our Nation’s moral character been so severely challenged by those in our culture who praise avarice, foster hatred and division, and agitate for the stifling of dissent at home and the prosecution of aggressive war abroad.
(More after the break)
This year, I asked my family, for something different for my birthday, something in lieu of the usual presents a middle aged dad and husband tends to receive (in my case books or cds, a new shirt or tie, or the odd little my knick-knack that my kids are so fond of getting for me).
This year, I asked them, instead of presents and family celebrations and birthday cake, to let me attend the Protest March and Rally that will be held at the Mall in Washington D.C. on September 24th. A protest, in essence, against the lies and deceits, the incompetence and the outright cruelty, of those who have usurped the leadership of our Nation, and turned it down a terrible path of war, death and indifference to the suffering of the vast majority of Americans.
It will be a protest against leaders who feel that it is a noble cause to send Cindy Sheehan’s son, and the sons and daughters of so many others off to die in order to perpetuate American hegemony over the oil fields of the Middle East. A protest against those who feel that the wealthiest Americans should bear no sacrifice, and multinational corporations be spared no benefit.
A protest against those who practice the vilest propaganda in the service of maintaining power. A protest against those who preach a morality that would impose government controls on our right to make decisions about our own bodies, and about who we may choose to love and spend our lives with. A protest against those who remain indifferent to the suffering of those who are weakest and poorest among us, even as they hypocritically and sanctimoniously maintain their own moral superiority.
I wasn’t sure my wife would agree to let me go, that my son would agree to forego a Boy Scout bike campout to accompany me or that my daughter would understand why her father wouldn’t be home on his birthday to receive her presents, her hugs and her kisses. But they did. Without question, each of them agreed to let me do this thing.
It won’t be easy. I suffer from an autoimmune condition that affects my gastrointestinal system as well as my joints. To make the trip I will have to forego eating for three days, because food can trigger symptoms (bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and arthritic inflammation) and that would make it impossible to stand and march all day outside. But I’ll have my 16 year old son to help me, and a group of on-line friends that I will meet in person for the first time next Friday. Together with them I know I’ll make it through the day.
Like many others here, I wasn’t engaged in politics much prior to the Bush Presidency. I never attended any campaign events, nor did I contribute any money to any candidates. I registered as an Independent because I didn’t see that much difference between the two parties, frankly. Nor did I imagine that any of that would ever change. I maintained a facade of cynicism toward the political process and felt that those who felt passionately about politics were deluding themselves. But as Republicans are fond of saying, 9/11 changed everything.
Or should I say, George Bush after 9/11 changed everything. In 2004 I became a volunteer for the Kerry campaign, and a volunteer for Election Protection who was in Cleveland on November 2, 2004. I had made a complete turnaround in my thought process towards politics. All as a result of the actions of the Bush administration and its GOP controlled lap dog Congress. Actions which do not bear repeating here. You know too well the atrocities committed by this President and the GOP for which he is now the standard bearer.
The result of the 2004 election was a crushing blow for me and others. Yet who could have imagined how much worse things could get in just a few short months. The worsening situation in Iraq. The fiasco of the Bolton nomination. The disclosures of the Downing Street Memos and the exposure of Karl Rove’s and Scooter Libby’s involvement in the Valerie Plame affair. And finally, and most horrifying of all, the utter failure of Bush and his crony style management system to provide immediate and effective relief to the victims of hurricane Katrina.
Some have said here that protest marches are useless and counterproductive, dinosaur tactics from an earlier era. They would advise you not to join my son and me and others who feel that we must do more than simply send our dollars to the Democratic party and/or other liberal and progressive organizations, or sign on-line petitions, or join boycotts, or email campaigns, or write letters to the editor, ad infinitum. They would tell you that protest marches do not cause anyone to change their policies, and will not bring home our troops from Iraq one day sooner. They would tell you our time and energy would be better spent in pursuing other strategies.
With all due respect, they are wrong. Because numbers do matter. Large crowds protesting this President and his insane policies will empower others who are sitting on the sideline thinking they are alone in their opposition to this President. It will put the lie to the frequent media canard that Bush is still a popular President, that he still has the trust of the American people.
Bush can stage manage his own appearances before adoring sycophants or soldiers under his command. He can turn the lights on in New Orleans to have a pretty backdrop for another vacuous, meaningless speech. He can exclude those who would disagree with him from getting within shouting distance of his parades and “town hall meetings.” But he will not be able hide the fact that thousands of protestors turned up in Washington DC to demand accountability for his failures. Especially now, so soon after Katrina, when his power to control the media has never been more degraded.
But that’s the catch, and that’s the favor I have to ask. You see, to be successful we need a big turnout on the 24th. Not just in Washington, but all throughout the country in cities and towns where simultaneous protests are planned.
So, if you can swing it, come to DC on the September 24th. If you can’t do that, try to attend one of the many other protests planned for that day like those in St Augustine, FL, Amarillo, TX, San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, Los Angeles, CA, Kansas City, San Diego, CA, and elsewhere in the US and around the world.
I know it’s a big favor to do for someone you’ve never met. So, don’t do it for me. Do yourself a favor. Be there. Because we all need each other, now more than ever.
Wow! A bit speechless… I was a bit worried about the “activities” and all. Flying out to a strange place, trying to hook up with CodePink people… when all I wanted to do was just stay with you guys and gals. But I wasn’t sure how to ask. 🙂
From the emails it appears we all want to stick tight. We can watch out for one another and relive this with one another for years to come when this country is being set back together the way we all need it to be. We will help each other. Laugh and I’m sure cry.
You can count on me and my big strong brother to lean on at anytime.
I am honored that I will be marching with such a fine group of incredible activists and heros. Compassionate citizens of the United States of America and the planet we call Earth.
I can not think of a better way to celebrate your birthday. In a way it’s all of our birth-days. A chance to start over. A chance to let our spirits soar.
this may sound like a stupid beer commercial… but… I love you guys. (I love you, man) 🙂
I know people going … BooMan of course .. and JPol who posts here a lot … and Susan T in Michigan, who I quote here a lot.
JPol lives in Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, and he and SusanT are meeting up …
REPORTS! WE WANT REPORTS! E-mail me, and I’ll give you my phone number, which you may call AT any hour. I’m not the best at taking notes, but will try my darndest.
Was planning on giving you reports. I’ll need your number. 🙂 I have AlohaLeezy’s also.
Booman! He needs to get on the bootrib_DCMarch email thingy (Shirley, someone can explain how here) so he can meet up with the rest of us. GUH! 🙂
If I bring my camera phone, can I send you pics on the fly to post for us? I’m not sure of the wireless capabilities on the mall, otherwise I’d bring my laptop and liveblog from there.
sent you an email with my particulars
Hi Susan! I’m going to DC too…and from outside Philadelphia as well!
I have a feeling you’ll be inundated with reports!
and this one has me tearing up. Your family’s support is beautiful. Your son (is this the same one who went to Japan?) being with you will be amazing for both of you. When you’re there, think of my sons standing behind you both (they are 2 and 6) — thank you for doing this for all of us.
I can’t be there, but I will be here in Austin, on the street and thinking of all of my dear friends in DC. I’ll bet we’ll be able to hear you from here!
(in case I forget later)
Yes same son. I’ll be wearing the shirt he got me at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial to the march.
If ya’ll are so inclined, I would love to hear stories about his journeys. Hiroshima is a powerful place — I was 26 when I was there 13 years ago, it would be such a pleasure to see it through a 16 year old’s eyes.
And, of course, I want to her stories about your birthday!
take good care of yourself — I am honored to know you.
I’m still waiting for some of those stories lol. maybe on this trip I’ll pry them out of him.
Should we arrange to dine at places that are more sensitive to people with food allergies (ie. more organic /healthy)? I would hate for you to not be able to eat. Or is there something I can get for you from the local Whole Foods?
Here’s a list of vegetarian restaurants in DC. They don’t have a list of organic restaurants, so vegetarian was close enough.
I’ll be glad to meet you and your son next weekend.
No, it really won’t help. Best thing is for me not to eat at all. I’ve done it before when having to travel for special events. Don’t worry about the menu on my account.
I do live near a Whole Foods, so if there is anything I can get you, let me know. It’s the Jewish mother in me, I think everyone is happier when they are eating. 🙂
That made me smile so BIG! I can not wait to be with you and give you a big body hug!
G-d I’m feeling so much lighter now about this journey. (bad nightmares for all here at the house, as well as concerns and such…) Now… and due to some of the dc march emails… I feel “okay” about it. 🙂
Just wish I wasn’t flying alone LOL.
I’m glad I could ease your uneasiness for at least a minute. 🙂
I hate flying too. I always get nervous before trips. But don’t worry about your time in DC. Brother Feldspar and I will make sure you are kept safe and we have a good time.
You can count on me to keep an eye on all of you. Ain’t nobody messin with my fellow frogs! Nope! Nuh uh.
Leap Frog 🙂 Ribbit! You got my back I’ve got yours 🙂
Sensei will show me a few escape moves that could come in handy
I wouldn’t mess with Supersoling- he has THAT look in his eye.
What look? You mean the “where’s the chocolate cake” look?
NO that – I am cuter than you look and where’s my cake?
You are gonna be just fine Janet-cause Momcat is taking care of you.(Momcat is ME btw)
Dear Steven D,
I was struck by this comment of yours;
[ It won’t be easy. I suffer from an autoimmune condition that affects my gastrointestinal system as well as my joints. To make the trip I will have to forego eating for three days, because food can trigger symptoms (bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and arthritic inflammation) ]
Have you ever been tested for celiac disease?
I only ask because many of the symptoms you are suffering from are also caused by an allergy to wheat protein. That includes oats, barley and rye as well. Try excluding all products containing wheat from your diet for a week and see what happens.
BTW even if you did have a test for celiac that came back negative in the past you should have it done again at the DNA level. I suffer from celiac disease and my child was tested soon after birth and came up as negative. However 16 years later she developed clinical depression and our family physician researched celiac disease and discovered a link. My daughter was retested both ways and once again the conventional test was negative but the new DNA test was positive.
After she changed to a wheat free diet her condition improved remarkably. She has lost weight and no longer suffers from bloating and abdominal pain and the depression is gone entirely. She even baked me a wheat free birthday cake this year. That is the first time in over a half a century that I have ever had a cake that I could actually eat without suffering afterwards.
I support you and wish that I was going to be with you on the 24th. This nation needs to take back it’s government now for the sake of our children.
Good luck and have a safe trip.
I believe that Keith Olbermann also suffers from celiac disease and is very active in trying to find treatment/cure.
Yes, I’ve been tested. Negative for celiac I’m afraid.
Messed with 3 decades in the middle of my life.
But these autoimmune problems are maddeningly creative. Absolutely everything that’s beautiful about life is able to go wrong–molecule by molecule. Our problem isn’t necessarily someone else’s.
Boy, 3 days without food. I’m tempted to ask if there are any preparations, any kind of neutral energy source to tide someone over. My toto dog has a neutral formula for avoiding pancreatitis flareups.
It just seems to me that people could somehow band together and come up with some kind of systems for taking care of one another. Especially the weak ones.
…”nostalgic,” if that’s an acceptable word, for those days 38 years ago next month when 70,000 of us went to DC to “levitate” the Pentagon. I can still conjure up the smell of tear gas and the feel of the handcuffs. All I can say is, watch out for the nightsticks, your bones are more brittle than they used to be.
Sadly, I won’t be in DC next week. Family obligations prevent me from going. But I will be in the Los Angeles demonstration.
And I hope that next time we have a protest day – and, unfortunately, we will have more because this Administration is deaf and, well, face it, the opposition party is half-neutered – the next time, I hope we have protests in hundreds of cities across the country to let Cheney-Bush & Cronies Inc. and the foot-draggers in the Democratic Party know that “we are everywhere.”
Do you think we’ll be able to see you on Fox News, Steven D.
I’m just hoping for CSpan. ;0)
I was a bit too young for the levitation– but it was goddamm funny.
However,I was there for Nixon’s second inauguration,and that was quite a scene.
Also hoping Mrs. Meteor Blades is doing well.Boy,is she lucky!
…back to work, and cracking her whip on the honey-do list.
Steven your willingness to endure personal hardship to be in DC says all I need to know about you and your commitment. You have inspired me to make doubly sure that I yell doubly loud. If there is anything, anything at all that you need, that I can provide, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll all take care of each other. I’ve got your back, and your son’s back and I know you all have mine.
What an inspiration to anyone who has not yet decided to join the protest on Sept. 24th! I hope you’ll have some identifying sign, just saying “I’m Steven D” so we can try to find you and shake your hand…
I’ll be there with Jesse, the editor of
If anyone sees our CORPORATE MEDIA: #1 ENEMY! T shirts… please come over and say hello.
My Mother’s birthday is Sept. 24- and alot that I am doing is in her memory– she would be appalled at what is going on now.Sometimes it is a mercy to be dead.
I often think the same thing about my grandfather — he died in 95. My mother often says I am channeling him, that she hears his voice through me when we talk on the phone.
He was a right bastard much of the time, a lawyer, a Greek patriarch and a ruthless sonofabitch (but that’s how he got to be one of the top lawyers in NYC after arriving on a boat from Greece when he was 6) who often confused monetary gifts with affection, but he loved college football (and was always surpirsed that I did too), could put on a rant better than anyone I have ever met (sorry, MSOC, even better than you), and was incredibly globally and politically asutue, oh, and he loved to have snowball fights, until his arthritis got the better of him.
I think his head would’ve exploded several years back….
Sounds like my kinda guy. 🙂
And as you all march keep in mind -Nancy Manning Bradshaw- and my father’s sister and brother ,who helped make it possible.
I owe them a debt I can never repay.
Thank you so much for so many reasons.
I had your number on caller ID, but my son likes to push buttons and it was deleted at some point this week (scratches head in wonder). I will be home all day today (painting the deck – ARGH) I would love to be able just… well hell I don’t know… take a break from painting and chatter with a friend 🙂
K-I will call you at7:00 my time- is that good?4 yours
You people make me so happy- I am so glad I could help.
What a wonderful birthday present that your family is helping to give you. I have been wondering about your son(since your diary about him) also and am glad to hear he is doing well and will be with you.
My birthday is this month also and have thought that the march on the 24th is somehow a present to me by everyone who is going to be there and especially all the people from here-I do hope you all get to meet up and have a great time and stay safe.
Hi Steven! I’m looking forward to celebrating your birthday with you in DC!
Great entry, Steven. Your strong motivation and your supportive family is an inspiration. BTW, we’re born in the same year, though I have a few more weeks to go.
I almost envy you and everyone else going to DC. Meeting fellow tribbers in the flesh and getting to march with thousands of like minded. Alas, I cannot – on the 24th I will be on a plane destined for the Sudan and will be gone for a couple of weeks.
Steven, I admire your determination. I wish now to say happy birthday to you. God speed and do take great care. Give a big hug to your son for being your support system and to your family for understaing your desire/wishes.
I wished I could be with you all then. Someday I will be able to attend some of the things that you all go to. I can not wait.
Please tell blades I am thinking of him and his family, hoping all is going well for them all.
To all of you going, God love ya, just know that I am with you in spirit…hugs to ya all…
Live blogging the whole weekend for My Left Wing.
Hubby’s a professional photographer and he’s coming, too — so the photo part of this gonzo photojournalistic endeavour should be marvelous.
Can’t make any guarantees about the “journalism,” though.
I know I spaek for all of us Maryscott, it will be some of the best coming out of DC with you and hubby there and the gang from Booman contributing here. At least we know someone will be covering it and telling the truth instead of the crap that MSM will try to hand us. March on Warrior Sister maiden!
You rock, MSOC — can’t wait for all of the unique takes on the experience, I know Adam will provide the most AWESOME pix too…
I am excited even from here!!
looking forward to your blogging. thank you lots.
First of all, Happy Birthday! My birthday was yesterday (Sep. 17th) and I asked for the same thing. I hope to see you there!
A group of us are going to meet up there. Email me and I’ll give you the link to the Yahoo group that was established for this purpose. Unless you’re already a member.
Check my profile for email addy.