In the ‘old boo trib days’, Chocolate Ink and I used to do these chain stories, where each member who cares to contribute the next version of the story.  I was thinking some of you might like to work on such a story tonight.  If you want to, jump right in and add the next part.  Chocolate if you are around I am counting on you!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a Cold and Windy Day:

The wind was howling and the temperatures were dropping fast outside of the White House as I, the President’s Valet,  prepared the clothes, he  would wear  for this, the first day of the ‘Inpeachment Hearings’.  
Down the hall the President was ‘consulting’ with his close friend and advisor Rove and the conversation  seemed to be very animated if not loud, as I could hear the rumblings from the room I was in!  
Damn, It was time to tell him the clothes were ready, so I made my way down the thickly carpeted hallway. Growing closer I could begin to make out a few words…………Oh they were agitated all right,  now Rove was shouting!
“Those bastards”, the Pres. chimed in with a snarl in his voice, (oh dear Lord save me from his wrath this day, I thought to myself) .  Hanging back a little, out of the line of site, I strained my ears to hear….

Ok, it’s your turn!