I don’t know why Saturday Night Live sucks so much, do you? Are there no talented comedic actors left in North America? Or is it no talented comedic writers?
My favorite SNL skit is still Phil Hartman’s impersonation of Bill Clinton campaiging in a New Hampshire McDonalds.
What’s your favorite skit?
My favorite skit and take it like I mean it please…..is dubya trying to tell it like it is in his own head or written on the script before him. This just cracks me up…..I am still laughing and crying at the same time about his last one he gave us…even tho he or one of his handlers cant dress him like he should be dressed…I still have that image in my mind…just like dreassing my kids while I am in a hurry or them learing to dress themselves. Oh those old memories….:o)…LMAOROF BTW, I voted other for I would have answered all of the above.
I guess because it sucks so much.
In other news, on Friday I found out a good friend of mine who is in Iraq had his humvee hit by a car bomb. He is OK, he sustained minor injuries, but two of his men suffered major injuries. He’s already had to see one of his men killed by sniper fire since he’s been over there.
He’s not even active army; he’s MI National Guard. He was shipped over there last year just a couple months after his daughter was born (3rd kid).
It’s a fucking travesty. Fucking. Travesty.
I’m very sorry about your friend. I pray he comes home to his family…and friends…soon and safely.
He is due to come back this December. But I’m skeptical if he’ll really be allowed to come back, for more than a little while, anyway.
me too, man. I hope he comes home and his family will be together again. I do understand how he must feel about this incident. How terrible it is for him. well all of them for that matter.
How awful. Glad your friend was not seriously injured.
I am glad too, but it is really scary to think how close it was. Had the truck been struck at a different angle, or had he been in a different spot inside…who knows.
I’m very sorry. The Guard are getting screwed but good over there. So are their families and their communities. We’re all getting screwed but they are getting it sideways. There is more damage than just physical. Your friend most likely will be suffering from his friends injuries more than from his own. I’ve watched my brother-in-law suffer survivors guilt for over 30 years now. It ain’t pretty.
Martin Short’s synchronized swimming. I’m starting to giggle just thinking about it.
Of all the SNL greats (and there were many), I think Hartman was my favorite. However, for my favorite Hartman skit, I’d go with The Sinatra Group, his imitation of Frank Sinatra hosting a version of the McLaughlin Group.
But it’s very hard to pick a single favorite sketch, so here are just a few others not on the poll…
….God, this was once a great show. And now it’s so, so lame.
You didn’t think Toonces was a little cruel and realistic? I always left th e room when they did that one.
I liked Ackroyd as Julia Child.
Do you remember Larraine Newman? She was on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” (coming SOON! ALL NEW.) in the episode where Larry gets roped into attending an “incest survivors” meeting; and he’s the only man there. He feels it necessary to make up his own incest story about having been molested by his uncle, a chiropractor, played by Alan Arbus, and….oh well, he ends up getting in trouble with Newman’s character and his own wife. Typical, but one of the funniest, Larry David shows. “Enthusiasm” provides painfully stressful comedy. Though it must sound pretty awful the way I try to describe it,to those of you who haven’t seen it yet. Next Sunday on HBO is the debut of new season.
Is anyone watching “Rome”? Three episodes so far, but they’ve been spread out over around 60 repeats on HBO, probably for people like me who have forgotten their ancient history. I remember who came to bury Caesar and not to praise him, and Brutus. I’m beginning to like it a little. Sex all the time, everywhere and lots of bare nudity. What else is new? That element has become just a big yawn on HBO. I guess they do it because they can. HBO TV, I mean. Anyway, Caesar with his army is about to return to Rome – having been 8 years in Gaul. Lots of interesting politicking going on during his absence; however, news of his imminent arrival has been enough to drive Pompey out of Rome. The double dealers await him.
I’m such a morning person that I don’t think I’ve ever seen SNL.
I’ve had a great Saturday night. A friend of mine asked me to host a house party for Christine Cegelis. No problem there. I worked my tail off for her last time and am always glad to help.
What I didn’t know is that the invitees were going to be the board members of ADA (Americans for Democratic Action founded by Elanor Roosevelt). What an interesting group of people they were. Congressman Jim McDermott from Washington seemed quite progressive and really working as best he can to undo the Bushco damage. I conversed with a married couple who had met as civil rights workers in Mississippi. I connected with a couple of ex-Dean staffers and we swapped Iowa stories. I talked about art glass with someone who actually recognized the artist who had done a piece that I own.
It was a hopeful group of people. A determined group of people. Many were older than I am, so it was great to see them still convinced in the power of the grassroots. I’ve been quite discouraged lately.
Christine gave a great speech and ADA formally endorsed her candidacy. It was a lovely evening.
Followed by “Kill my landlord, break hi’ neck”…
“Kill my landlord”
I have to say anytime Christopher Walken shows up on SNL it’s normally pretty hillarious.
Especially the video prank show where he played a prank on a guy by murdering him with a tire iron and the Blue Öyster Cult spoof.
Dude you’ve got jedi status in my book for that =)
or… the Rovco Bass-o-matic!
The Bass-o-matic. That was unforgettable and horrible. I was traumatized.
What was the other one about? Sounds familiar but I can’t remember.
having her blood drawn by a medieval doctor.
There’s a lady I know
If I didn’t know her
She’d be the lady I didn’t know.
And my lady, she went downtown
She bought some broccoli
She brought it home.
She’s chopping broccoli
Chopping broccoli
Chopping broccoli
Chopping broccoli
She’s chopping broccoli
She’s chopping broccoli
She’s chop.. ooh!
She’s chopping broccola-ah-ie!
lol – my daughter and I used to sing that all the time…now it’ll be stuck in my head again…
“In Holland they smoke hash on the street.
I wanna smoke hash on the street.
Why do they get to smoke hash on the street?
Because they vote…”
going out for a pass from Joe Montana was pretty funny too.
Subliminal Man
Little Johnny gets VD
That breakfast cereal made from rocks
Frankenstein, the Wolfman, and Dracula christmas special
Baby carriers and the way they are supposed to affect child devlopment (remember the twins attached to daddy’s shoes?)
The anal retentive chef
Belushi as Captain Kirk
And there are so many others lost to the mists of time. I have not watched that show in many years, such a shame what happened to it.
There are so many:
Eddie Murphy as Gumby (I love Gumby!)
The Church Lady
Martin Short as Ed Grimley (“I must say!” – was that SNL or Second City?)
“Jane, you ignorant slut.”
Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat(OMG – that is just hilarious!)
Oh and, of course, Al Franken as Stuart Smiley
And whoever that actress was who did Martha Stewart drunk…
Nice selections. I don’t know the Martin Short one but the rest are hilarious.
Catnip: We enjoyed the same SNL generation.
I tried watching the show a couple of times this year and last, and was just plain embarrassed for them.
To be fair, it’s hard for a show so topical to keep up with the absurdities of a world it strains to parody.
With very little talent stretched to the limit among the players and writers, SNL succeeds only in reminding us how highly mediocrity and tepid repetition are regarded and rewarded in our culture when threatened by excellence. It’s enough to scare anybody.
“Lost in Translation” was on Encore tonight. I couldn’t help being reminded of what a genius Bill Murray still is. Remember his “lounge lizard” act?
Martin Short should be more successful than he is. Eddie Murphy was hilarious; Gilda Radner was brilliant; Chevy Chase was there only one year (right?) but he was good. Steve Martin, of course. And their musicians were excellent. Well, except for Milli Vanilli, maybe.
I guess Lorne Michaels is too rich to care anymore. But SNL’s deterioration is more the fault of its audience than of any other single factor. It doesn’t demand better.
Got this one in my email tonight and just had to share it with all the gals out there that might need a laugh…I laughed till I cried and ribs hurt…..
One Woman’s Tale
>>All hair removal methods have
>>tricked women with their promises of easy,
>>painless removal – The epilady,
>>scissors, razors, Nair and now… (dum-dum,
>>dum-dum, dum-dum)
>the wax
>My night began as any other normal
>>weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, play with the kids. I then
>>had the thought
>>that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few
>>hours: “Maybe I should
>>pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet.”
>So I headed to
>>the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those “cold wax”
>>No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your
>>hand, they get warm and you peel them
>>apart and press them to your leg
>>(or wherever else) and you pull the hair right
>>off. No muss, no fuss. How
>>hard can it be? I
>>mean, I’m
>>not a genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure
>>this out.
>So I pull one of the thin
>>strips out. It’s two strips facing
>>each other stuck together. Instead of
>>rubbing them together, my genius kicks in
>>so I get out the hair dryer and
>>heat it to 1000 degrees. (“Cold wax,”
>>yeah…right!) I lay the strip across
>>my thigh. Hold the skin around it tight
>>and pull.
>It works! OK, so it
>>wasn’t the best feeling,
>>but it wasn’t too bad. I can do this! Hair removal
>>no longer eludes me! I am
>fighter of all wayward
>>body hair and
>>maker of smooth skin
>>extraordinaire. With my
>>wax strip I move north. After checking on the kids, I sneak back into the
>>bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my
>>and place one foot on the toilet. Using the same procedure, I apply the
>>strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of
>>my “area” and stretching down to the inside of my butt cheek (Yes, it was a
>>strip) I inhale deeply and brace
>I’m blind!!!
>>Blinded from pain!!!!….OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Vision returning, I notice
>>I’ve only managed to pull off half the
>>strip. CRAP!!!
>Another deep
>>breath and RRIIPP!! Everything is swirly and spotted. I think I may pass
>>out…must stay conscious…Do I hear crashing drums??? Breathe,
>>back to normal. I want to
>>see my trophy – a wax covered strip,
>>the one that has caused me so much
>>pain, with my unwanted hair sticking to it. I
>>want to revel in the glory that
>>is my triumph over body hair.
>I hold up
>>the strip! There’s no hair on it.Where is the
>>hair??? WHERE IS
>>WAX??? Slowly I ease my head down, foot
>>still perched on the
>>toilet. I see the hair. The hair that should be on the
>>strip. I touch. I am
>>touching wax. CRAP! I run
>>my fingers over the most sensitive part of
>>my body, which is now covered in
>>cold wax and matted hair.Then
>>I make
>>the next BIG mistake…remember my foot is still propped up on the
>>I know I need to do something. So I put my foot
>>I hear the slamming of a cell >>door. Vagina? Sealed shut! Butt?? Sealed
>>shut! I penguin walk around the bathroom
>>trying to figure out
>>what to do and think to myself “Please don’t let me
>>get the urge to poop. My
>>head may pop off!”
>What can I do to
>>melt the wax? Hot
>Hot water melts wax!! I’ll run the hottest water
>>I can stand into the bathtub,
>>get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax
>>should melt and I
>>gently wipe it off, right???
>>I get in the tub – the water is
>>slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or
>>surgical equipment – I sit.
>Now, the only thing worse than having your nether regions glued together,
>is having the
>>glued together and then glued to the bottom of the tub…in scalding hot
>>– which, by the way, doesn’t melt cold wax.
>So, now I’m
>>stuck to the bottom of t he tub as though I had cement-epoxied myself to
>>porcelain!! God bless the man who had convinced me a few months ago to
>>phone put in the bathroom!!!!!
>I call my friend, thinking surely
>>she has waxed before and has some secret of how
>>to get me undone. It’s a very
>>good conversation starter -“So, my
>>butt and who-ha are glued together to
>>the bottom of the
>>tub!”There is a
>>slight pause. She
>>doesn’t know any secret tricks for removal
>>but she
>>does try to hide her laughter from me. She wants to know exactly where
>>wax is located, “Are we talking cheeks or hole or
>>laughing out loud by now…I
>>can hear her. I give her the rundown and she
>>suggests I call the number on
>>the side of the box.
>>Right!! I should be the joke of someone
>>night. While we go through various solutions. I
>>resort to
>>scraping the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better then to
>>have your
>>girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub
>>in super hot
>>water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off!!
>By now the
>>brain is not working, my dignity has taken a major hike and I’m pretty
>>I’m going to need Post-Traumatic Stress counseling for this
>>event.My friend is still talking with
>>me when I finally see my
>>saving grace….the lotion they give you to remove
>>the excess wax. What do I
>>really have to lose at this point? I
>>rub some
>>on and OH MY
The scream probably woke th e kids and
>>the dickens out of my friend. It’s sooo painful, l but I really
>>don’t care. “IT
>>WORKS!! It works!!” I get a hearty congratulation from my
>>friend and she hangs
>>up I successfully
>>remove the remainder of the wax and then
>>notice to my grief and
>>IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ON
>>ME!!!!! So I
>>recklessly shave it
>>off. Heck, I’m numb by now. Nothing hurts. I could have
>>amputated my own leg at
>>this point.Next
>>week I’m going to try hair
Oh, Brenda – that’s insane. I’m not a gal, but I guess most of us guys are somewhat aware of the ‘chore’ you refer to.
That was just hilarious, the imagery – penguin walk.
God, if you only knew the shit I have tried in my day. This just put it all into perspective….thanks…
Ever since the first few years, the show has struck me as older actors and much older producers attempting to pass themselves off as hip 20-somethings.
…when she did a Patti Smith character. OMG when she brushed her armpits I almost keeled over. Also the skit where Gilda Radner and Steve Martin are ballroom dancing — no words, but it’s hilarious.
Just about any Gilda sketch.
What happened to SNL was Ronald Reagan, it never quite recovered. It’s had several hot periods. It’s lame now because that show is producer and senior writer driven and they haven’t any. The stuff they did in 1999 and 2000 started to be first rate -that died.
lest we forget The Cone Heads, Lisa Lubner & Todd,
Belushi’s “Cheeseburger,Chesseburger” and Pat…
boo looks great w/ minor rendering problems! txt entry w/out a keybrd a bitch though. 🙂 very cool toy!
My Faves:
-Janet Reno’s dance party
-Goat boy
-Point/Counterpoint (“Jane, you ignorant slut!)
What’s really funny (or sad) is that I remember this perfectly, but for the life of me can’t remember the names of the commentators on 60 minutes that this was a take-off of. 🙁
My problem too!
Wikipedia is your friend!
Shana Alexander and James J. Kilpatrick
James J Kilpatrick and (Shana Alexander?)
She died just a few months ago…
Ooops! Must read all new comments before posting replies (above). Thanks, Larry!
I loved the anti-Muppets from the Land Of Gorch with Skrid and The Great Phasad. It was so great in the early days when Michael O’Donahue was there. Everything seemed so much funnier then, but the details are just a bit fuzzy for some silly reason…
I have been watching football all day. I just read Booman’s diary on Dkos. Everyone here is probably sick of the topic, I know. I have to say though that DHinMi is the by far the worst poster in the entire liberal blogosphere (and maybe the right blogosphere as well). He works so hard to convince everyone that he is so superior, despite the fact that his insecurities are so incredibly obvious.
You handled the situation as well as you could Booman. That guy is abosolutely impossible to deal with in the best of circumstances. He is a classic bully.
Again, this post is just to get that off my chest. Thanx for providing a open thread where I can take the opportunity to vent…
He is a sociopath.
Boo has a conscious and feels bad about hurting people’s feeling. DHinMI just jerks off.
Somebody just blasted me for giving Carl Nyberg a 3.
OK – this is the first and I’m sure the last 3 I’ll ever give anyone at BooTrib. But it’s a Nyberg 3.
Where? Over at DKos? From the way Carl describes his predicament, he just might be wishing he’d been more generous with handing out 4’s. The Judicious and Notorious 3’s of Carl Nyberg.
I hope he’s found a good lawyer to help him with this thing.
And Weekend Update, especially Chevy Chase’s “Generalisimo Franco is…still dead.”
Bass-O-Matic (boy I am really aging myself)
Belushi’s Samurai Master Baker
Eddie Murpghy Jesse Jackson’s “Don’t let me down Hymie Town”
Never Mind.
was the nickname a coworker gave me at my first ever full-time job; I would start talking about something, realize I was totally full of shit, and say, “Never mind…”
Never really got into SNL; I’m either in bed by that time, or if I’m up I’m busy doing other things instead of watching TV…
I’ve only watched a few times in recent years and been very disappointed each time. It basically sucks the big wazoo these days. The show used to be incredibly creative and original. The original cast was the best… but Dana Carvey rates in their company. I tend to be a nightowl so in the day I watched it all the time (while doing two or three other things).
about the ‘missing and exploded children’ theme that keeps popping up on cable news.
Richard Benjamin/Larriane Newman:
Richard Benjamin as a businessman having an hour in a hotel with prostitute, played by Larraine Newman. He’s getting ready to leave and becomes consumed with shame and guilt. He showers, but worries that his wife will know anyway. Then he starts doing exercise, push-ups to, as he says, “hide the scent.” Larraine Newman, teasing him, tries to get him back in bed, but then there is a knock at the door.
R. Benjamin runs to hide in the bathroom and when the girl opens the door, Garrett Morris is there bringing room service. She, shushes him and pulls him into the room, then shouting, calls out : “Betty? Jim’s wife? Is that you? Well, sure, of course, Jim is here, he’s in the bathroom! But, How the hell did you FIND us? You’re kidding? You smelled us!!! Well, isn’t that amazing… Like bloodhound.”
Without the brilliant delivery, probably not funny at all. But that was a classic sketch with real comic acting.
SNL season #1 included Don Pardo the Jeopardy announcer and of all things a twisted adult version of the Muppets! –in addition to the comedy cast.
King Ploobis : King of the Land of Gorch (Jim Henson)
The Mighty Favog : Ploobis’s talking statue (Frank Oz)
Queen Peuta : Ploobis’s wife; looks like Mildred (Alice Tweedy)
Scred : Ploobis’s servent; sounds like Crazy Harry (Jerry Nelson)
Vazh : Janice Lookalike (Fran Brill)
Wisss : Ploobi’s son (Richard Hunt)
From here.
The “Jackie Rogers, Jr., $100,000 Jackpot Wad” sketch. One of the funniest things I have ever seen, anywhere.
My favorite was Lucy Lawless as Stevie Nicks, the owner of a Mexican restaurant. OMG, she sang about the different meals, all while a wind machine blew the scarves she was wearing.