[cross-posted from media girl]
There’s been a lot of calling for real accountability when it comes to Bush and his administration’s neglect of essential government programs related to our national security and civil infrastructure, leading to the failures so bloody apparent in the aftermath of Katrina.
And I agree, Bush should be held accountable.
The Republicans are now trying to mount a big coverup campaign, by maintaining control over any investigation of what really happened. Why are they doing this? What do they have to hide? What are they afraid of?
The truth?
But I think it’s important for progressives to understand that this disaster is not just about Bush, and it’s not just about the Republicans who collaborated with Bush to dismantle our government — all the while increasing spending and feeding at the taxpayer trough.
The more important thing that happened in the past few weeks is the exposure of the utter bankruptcy of conservative ideology, which since Ronald Reagan (at least) has tried to claim that government is the enemy, that government must be destroyed.
What is obvious to most Americans is that we could have used effective government to not only respond to the Katrina disaster better, but also prevented much of the death and destruction. This is a case where the private sector just does not fit the bill. This is a case where government planning is not only helpful, it’s essential.
Bush knows it. His speech was all about government programs. He didn’t talk about how he freed the government contractors like Halliburton to take advantage of the desperation of the people suffering there by paying minimum wage for skilled construction jobs. He didn’t talk about policies to allow more pollution to contaminate the air and water. No, he was doing his best to sound like a Democrat.
Funny, that. And very revealing. Because this also reveals that Karl Rove knows that Republicans have to sound like progressives now.
Think about that. The entire American political landscape has changed. Metaphorically, we now see we need trees and all the Republicans have axes in their hands. They are not equipped to respond. We the People demand results, and the only way they can deliver is by embracing progressive values.
There’s a long battle ahead. The GOP controls the entire government, from White House to Congress to the court system. But I think the people — We the People of the United States of America — have had a wake-up call, thanks to Katrina. What happens now will take place in the context of a revived political culture — a political culture that sees government not as an obstacle but as our tool, not as the enemy but as our servant, not as a problem but as a problem solver.
And those who screech the conservative ideology are finding themselves with zero political capital. You don’t want an Amish auto mechanic. You don’t want a vegan BBQ chef. And you don’t want a conservative running government.
It just doesn’t work.
Will it last? I don’t know. But I do know that whether we hold Bush accountable or not, he’s not going to be standing for election any time soon. We need to focus on the future, and create it proactively, instead of simply reacting to what the Republicans do.
with the caveat that I would hire an Amish auto mechanic in a New York minute.
Hmmm…. I guess you wouldn’t have to worry about his taking your car out for a joy ride.
So here’s a question for the pragmatists in the audience. We’ve already confirmed that conservatives do more harm than good when they’re allowed power. So why are you calling on us to help give them more power in the Democratic party by electing conservative candidates?
Good question.
This is akin to something I came across at MyDD in the days following Katrina.
I emailed this out to all my Repub family members because I thought it represented exactly why our country is going in the wrong direction.
As you say, the inexcusable tragedy of Katrina presents an opportunity for this stark contrast between the conservative and liberal ideologies to be laid in front of the American people, and in a way that can really hit home with people who would normally not be paying attention to politics.
Hammer, hammer, hammer this! Drive it into the American consciousness!
I think there are 2 very importantpoints to be made in adition to those articulated here by media girl and other commenters.
First is that what we’ve come to regard as “conservative” in terms of ideology is really a misnomer. True conservatism, (I hasten to add I’m not a proponent of even a true conservative agenda),recognizes the benefits of government and actually argures for a government rersponsive to the needs of the people while not becoming intrusive on individual liberties.
But what we refer to as conservatism these days is something wholly different. Grover Norquist is not a conservative. He’s an extremist, along with all the other gasbag blowhards in government advancing the Bush regimes policies of looting the economy and destroying every social program.
Secondly, these extremist zealots masquerading as conservatives have totally lost sight of the simple fact that the only legitimate reason for government to exist is to protect, sustain and improve the lives of the citizenry. These self-posessed and delusional maniacs believe government exists to support itself, and the people are there to help it do so. It’s reverse logic, inverted cause and effect; and because of this deeply flawed perspective, their idiotic ideology cannot possiby be successful in providing positive results. Such an ideology can only bring ultimate disaster. Throughout history this same selfish approach to governance has brought about the fall of empire, just like it’s doing now.
…but about what people think of when they hear “conservative.”
After all, what does Liberal mean these days, thanks to the Republicans? Nothing like what it meant 50 years ago.
Otherwise, I agree with your points completely. Thanks.
That’s the key. A lot of people in America self-identify as conservative because the Republicans have spent the past few decades turning “liberal” into a dirty word. But most of these people still hold liberal positions.
Just another example of why polls are stupid.
I agree with what you say about the perception of the term “conservative”.
I failed to articulate in my post that the reason
i think it’s important to make the distinction betwen the extremists and the (actual) conservatives is that we need to be able to split off the extremists from those conservatives, to isolate them politically. In doing so we can reduce their effectiveness, and by helping the real conservatives realize how the extremists are undermining the essence of true conservative principles, we can help motivate their opposition to them.
beautifully said,media girl, concise and to the point